Glissa Sunslayer

Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Zombie Elf

First strike, deathtouch

Whenever Glissa Sunslayer deals combat damage to a player, choose one —

  • You draw a card and you lose 1 life.
  • Destroy target enchantment.
  • Remove up to three counters from target permanent.

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Krosan Adaptation (Playtest)
Faunsbane Troll
Redtooth Vanguard
Taken by Nightmares
Skyscythe Engulfer
Oil-Gorger Troll

zapyourtumor on B/R Deathtouch Destruction

1 month ago

Sudden Spoiling and Hero's Downfall are not playable modern cards, the removal has to be more efficient than that. Staple BR removal options would be 3-4 Lightning Bolt 2-4 Fatal Push 1-2 Molten Collapse 0-1 Angrath's Rampage. I'd also cut the Blightning.

Vampire of the Dire Moon kinda boring generic 1 drop. I assume Tinybones, the Pickpocket is way out of your budget, the cards not super great in here anyways.

Hooded Blightfang is honestly not the best card but I mean if you're playing deathtouch tribal then you should probably play it. Also interesting you chose BR because most deathtouch decks I see are BG and use Fynn, the Fangbearer. Green also gives you some better 1 drop deathtouchers like Gnarlwood Dryad and Narnam Renegade, and also a 2 drop Chevill, Bane of Monsters. Also 3 drop Glissa Sunslayer.

Zoyowa Lava-Tongue 2 drop deathtoucher. Nighthawk Scavenger 3 drop.

UltimateRoxas40 on Petrified by the Gorgussy [Primer]

2 months ago

Take an upvote on the name alone lol.

I see you've got one of the Glissa's here. You could add in Viridian Longbow, which, when equipped to a Deathtouch/First Striker like Glissa Sunslayer, turns into , Destroy target creature.

Or for flavor/lore points, add in Vraska Joins Up, to capitalize on the Deathtouch.

Kootaroo on Glissa the Traitor: A Touch of Death

4 months ago

personally i would replace Vampire Nighthawk with Glissa Sunslayer if the theme here is deathtouch. plus having two glissa's is kinda fun.

Flying Deathtouch is nice. i wont deny that. Sunslayer has 3 abilities that are all nice tho.

solid deck. love the theme!

ThassaUpYo@ssa on Chasm and Depths Protection

4 months ago


Solid option in Reality Scramble, and it makes me think of Chaos Warp as being another option you could use, if necessary, for The One Ring or you could use it on an opponent's particularly troublesome permanent.

Good point on Glissa Sunslayer & Vampire Hexmage, though it would be a tragedy if you had to use the Hexmage to deal with The Precious.

I would definitely be sure run all the Jund shocks and just proxy the fetches/OG dual lands to further bolster your mana base. As I mentioned before, Ignoble Hierarch would be a great play for your mana pool, too.

You picked an awesome color combo and general! Are you planning on keeping this deck for the foreseeable future and fine-tuning it over time?

rwn1971 on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

Personally i just do not like having my opponent drawing extra card. You still got 8 deathtouch creatures plus insects from Hornet Nest and you got Spark Double Majestic Myriarch Nashi, Moon's Legacy Odric, Lunarch Marshal Eater of Virtue Agent's Toolkit . And being a Monarch for that extra draw you do not need when you got Damia, Sage of Stone Staff of Compleation Garruk's Uprising Glissa Sunslayer Jhoira, Weatherlight Captain Kenrith, the Returned King Leinore, Autumn Sovereign Reki, the History of Kamigawa and Shanid, Sleepers' Scourge . But you also have Kaya, Geist Hunter in your maybe board if you really want deathtouch .

WhiteEagle_12 on Fight me! (3-0 at Pioneer night!)

8 months ago

Edit to my previous comment: I just realized that this deck does not have Glissa Sunslayer. It seems to me like a perfect fit for the list given that it has deathtouch and incentivizes hitting a player. Cheers!

K4nkato on Tomb of Annihilation (Venture into the Dungeon)

9 months ago

I did some due diligence and looked into the dungeon mechanic & some lines to set it up. I think your best three cards are Varis, Silverymoon Ranger, Acererak the Archlich and Intrepid Outlander. Varis and Outlander push you in a creature-heavy direction whereas Acererak wants long games to accumulate value. I think it's important to focus on cards that let you grind and get those cast triggers & creatures. You can stay Black / Green for a solid two-color manabase with Castles and Eye Tyrants, or you could consider splashing white for some incredible creature cards like Wedding Announcement  Flip. I think 2 colors is the way to go but an Abzan build opens a lot of great doors. It's worth a test.

For one-drops, I think 4 Thoughtseize and 4 Fatal Push is a good standard for a reason. It fights combo decks, aggro decks & control decks well. You can always swap out the Pushes and Thoughtseizes for matchups where they're irrelevant.

For two-drops, I think 4 Mosswood Dreadknight and 4 Intrepid Outlander are solid, along with 2 Reckoner Bankbuster. Maybe there's another 2 drop creature worth considering?

For three drops I think you want 4 Varis, Silverymoon Ranger for sure. It's important to remember a lot of "Venture Into The Dungeon" creatures are a bit too expensive for Pioneer & need to stick around to accrue that value. Varis gives you venture triggers for playing spell you already want to be playing so moving him up to four seems like an easy inclusion. Idk if you need 4 Murderous Rider for this deck if you include all the removal I suggested, but 2 or 3 is understandable. I honestly wonder if Acererak should be limited to 2 copies. He doesn't impact the board when you play him for several turns in a row but he's a 5/5 that attacks for 7 in the late game after you've completed Tomb of Annihilation.

A note on Glissa Sunslayer: She's amazing on boards where combat matters but awful against any opponent who doesn't care about getting attacked. Putting her in a shell where people have to fight her gets you the most value. If you disrupt your opponent's hand and force them to get into the red zone she'll take you far.

As weird as it sounds I don't think the Tomb of Annihilation -> Acererak should be the only focus of the deck. It's nice to set him up but it might be worth it to play a curve-out game into Lost Mine or Mad Mage. Something to think about perhaps.

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