Glen Elendra Liege

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glen Elendra Liege

Creature — Faerie Knight


Other blue creatures you control get +1/+1.

Other black creatures you control get +1/+1.

Tsukimi on Fae Deck Help

6 months ago

Who is your commander? What's the general strategy for the deck? Often precons need some love and care to play like homebrew decks.

Here's my Alela deck Alela's Huge Goads. If Alela isn't your commander, I'd definitely recommend her over Tegwyll. With Alela, you have the option of playing a lot of instants and stuff with flash on other players turns that will generate faeries as long as Alela is out. She's very strong and a lot of fun. Since she can generate so many faerie tokens, she's great if you're aiming for a Kindred theme which it sounds like you might be- so cards like Glen Elendra Liege, Scion of Oona, and Tegwyll, Duke of Splendor all work great.

Do you have a decklist?

Tsukimi on *RETIRED* Alela These Nuts

9 months ago

humanbean Gotcha, I don't play in combo metas either, so I'm eyeing Mind's Dilation for my maybelist.

Favorable Winds is a good add, I would also recommend Glen Elendra Liege for that purpose. I also like Metallic Mimic and Oona's Blackguard to pump our fairy tokens. All of these are cheaper than Shadow Puppeteers and for that reason I think they're gonna accomplish a lot more.

I've found Mari to be great because all of our 1/1 tokens have deathtouch so even if I don't get to exile creatures she really deters people from attacking me.

Tsukimi on Alela draw-go faerie fun!

9 months ago

charizardude7050 At the end of the day it's all about your own preference for gameplay, but I would say there's much better options available. I noticed you don't have anything to pump your faeries, cards like Favorable Winds, Glen Elendra Liege, Oona's Blackguard, or even cards like Metallic Mimic are going to so a long way with how many fliers you can produce.

I would say if you feel you have mana lying around, it's better to spend on instants or flash spells to support your gameplan, because with Alela each one of these cards will make a faerie. One mana for Brainstorm? Faerie. Cantrips are very strong here. Cards like the two you mentioned are too expensive for what Alela wants to do- I generally try to cast as little on my turn as possible. More card draw will also help you accomplish this.

If you have any other questions or want suggestions let me know! I have like a dozen EDH decks and Alela quickly became one of my favorites!

ClockworkSwordfish on Mind Over Matter

11 months ago

Sen Triplets is a lot of fun, and it's always good to see the gals still kicking in a world where some might argue better alternatives might exist to fit the same niche.

The control shell definitely fits the Triplets well, but I feel like a good chunk of your deck is gummed up with giant creatures who maybe don't play too well with your strategy! Sure, a number of them can bring home the bacon, but... what's Nemesis of Reason doing? You'll never mill your opponent out, and a number of decks would actually benefit from having ten cards placed in the bin more often than not. Thistledown Liege and Glen Elendra Liege are best in an aggressive deck with lots of cheap multicoloured creatures, not a slower control deck that aims to take its time. Archon of the Triumvirate and Drogskol Reaver have fine abilities, but how often will they be stuck in your hand while you're struggling to hit seven mana? I think cheaper cards that support your main strategy might be wiser in their place.

One thing that's easy to miss about the Triplets is that they stop your opponent from activating any abilities - even mana abilities, so that means your chosen patsy is prevented from tapping lands on your turn! An easy way to capitalize on that is with cheap taxing effects on your own turn, such as Crystal Shard or Erratic Portal - your foe won't be able to resist your cheap bounce effects, and hey presto, the Triplets mean you can play whatever creature you returned to his hand. Nice! Fade Away can be another real killer, ensuring your opponent is ditching a ton of permanents if he has a sizable number of creatures.

Some more classic pairings I think you left out are Exotic Orchard/Fellwar Stone - it's easy to forget that you need to actually be able to pay for the cards you steal from your opponent, including off-colour mana. Taking his lands is definitely a possibility, but the Orchard/Stone guarantees you'll have your opponent's colours on hand (and will more often than not give you a colour you can use anyway since you're running three colours!)

The last wicked piece of tech I had success with was Jester's Mask/Head Games. You can hand-pick a custom shopping list of whatever you like from your opponent's deck to play - or at the very least, pick out some stuff that won't come back to haunt you when their turn rolls around.

Good luck and hope this helps!

wallisface on Lots of exile

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

ObIviom on

2 years ago

Welcome to Magic bud! Magic is a super expensive hobby, and I highly suggest checking out as many budget brews online as you can before delving into a deck and sinking your money into it. As for your deck, it seems solid for your first deck, though I have a few suggestions. You can always look on to find ideas for your decks! Archaeomancer's Map Sephara, Sky's Blade Empyrean Eagle Scion of Oona Anointed Procession Glen Elendra Liege Archetype of Imagination are a few cards that I found through edhrec that seem to help the general idea your deck is trying to do.

Hope you enjoy your time playing Magic, and knock out plenty of opponents with your first deck!

Collateral on

3 years ago

I also have the deck and am thinking about upgrading it. Your curve is a bit off. You want more 3 CMC cards, and cut down on higher CMC costs since you're not in green and ramping is not too easy to achieve. Though you have a decent amount of ramp with the artifacts.

Some things I would consider changing:

I think that's all I can think of, hope it helps :)

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