Glass Casket

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glass Casket


When Glass Casket enters the battlefield, exile target creature an opponent controls with converted mana cost 3 or less until Glass Casket leaves the battlefield.

TheoryCrafter on Card creation challenge

6 months ago

Snow White

Mythic Rare

Legendary Creature- Human Noble

Tap seven cards named Seven Dwarves: Choose one--

  • Create seven tapped Treasure Tokens.

  • When ~ dies this turn and isn't sacrificed, if you control a card named Glass Casket, you may cast this card from the graveyard or exile. If you do, you win the game.


Merry Christmas!

Create a Santa Clause card that gives Gift Tokens or Coal Tokens to opponents!

The Gift tokens should allow their controller to search for something(that kind of something is up to you). The Coal tokens should have a punisher aspect to it.

TheoryCrafter on Card creation challenge

6 months ago

Snow White

Mythic Rare

Legendary Creature- Human Noble

Tap seven cards named Seven Dwarves: Choose one--

  • Create seven tapped Treasure Tokens.

  • When ~ dies this turn and isn't sacrificed, if you control a card named Glass Casket, you may cast this card from the graveyard or exile. If you do, you win the game.


Merry Christmas!

Create a Santa Clause card that gives Gift Tokens or Coal Tokens to opponents!

The Gift tokens should allow their controller to search for something(that kind of something is up to you). The Coal tokens should have a punisher aspect to it.

keizerbuns on Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

8 months ago

Thanks ComboCrazy :D

I did already look at Trophy Mage and Tribute Mage and decided to go with Fabricate because it could fetch any mana value artifact, but I didn’t think about adding removal artifacts like Glass Casket. I’ll give that a try.

ComboCrazy on Extra, Extra, Read All About It!

8 months ago

Personally I think of Tribute Mage and Trophy Mage. Maybe add cards like Glass Casket to make the most of their cmc limitations?

itsbuzzi on List of Bugs and Feature …

1 year ago

That's what appears to be happening but on the back end I have my accordion panel open, spoilers inside, then the endpanel. For some reason the panel is closing before the endpanel command.

For instance, where the panel first has an uncoded break is written exactly like this (copy and pasted):

Mono Green Karn Show

The panel is closing right after the On the Play paragraph in this spoiler for some reason, but my endpanel is all the way at the end of the Specific Sideboard Guide.

I thought it may have been spaces or the omission of spaces but that appears to not be the case. It used to work previously and broke one day without my meddling with it.

razelfark on It's Pioneer Hammer Time!

2 years ago

You may want to consider Kor Blademaster for the deck as it gives all equipped warriors double strike. With the addition of this creature you may also want to consider running Fireblade Charger over Fervent Champion for the synergy since most of you creatures are already warriors. Running Charger also benefits you if you manage to equip the goblin and it where to die, it will shoot a target for considerable damage.

Pending on you opponents threats, you may be interested in changing out chained to the rock for Glass Casket or the new Portable Hole . By changing to these removal options you could run the Ingenious Smith as a creature that can you dig for equipment/removal options. This may be more of a side deck play vs aggro low cost creature decks, but something to consider.

I_Want_To_PlayAllTheDecks on I Can't Believe It's Not Angels/Clerics!

3 years ago

I think 20 lands is way too low especiaaly for a control deck. I would go up to 24 and cut the Anthems and revitalize. Glass Casket is also a house

Caran_Lyg on Vorinclex the Finisher

3 years ago

Both Doomskar and Revoke Existence can go to the sideboard. You can replace it with removal like Swift Response , Swallow Whole , Glass Casket or Angelic Ascension .

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