Glade Watcher

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Glade Watcher

Creature — Elemental


Formidable — {G}: Glade Watcher can attack this turn as though it didn't have defender. Activate this ability only if creatures you control have total power 8 or greater.

Kret on Muldrotha: Budget Elemental Tribe!

1 year ago

Soul of the Harvest, Fertilid, Mulldrifter and Shriekmaw are good budget elementals.
Wolfbriar Elemental is a nice mana sink in the late game.
Consider adding backgrounds like Master Chef or Scion of Halaster.
You are running Joint Exploration. Consider similar cards like Explore or Growth Spiral. They can let your deck gain some early velocity.
If you play multiple elementals with evoke then a card like Village Rites becomes useful because you can cast it in response to the evoke trigger and draw 2. Card like Evolutionary Leap could also be used in response to evoke trigger to draw a fresh elemental
Zendikar's Roil can let you go wide with elementals.
Tatyova, Steward of Tides makes your lands into 3/3/ elementals
Kenrith's Transformation is a great removal spell that replaces itself and can be recurred.
Tezzeret's Gambit draws 2 cards and proliferates.
Nissa, Voice of Zendikar puts counters on each creature for just 3 mana

Cards I would replace:
- cards with kicker and Vine Gecko (they are generally worse cards than regular budget ramp spells like Rampant Growth or Cultivate)
- 6 forests because you have low mana curve (I would cut the land count to something like 36 lands, but you could also swap them for dual lands with basic land types from Kaldheim - Woodland Chasm, Dominaria United - Haunted Mire, Temple cycle - Temple of Malady or bounce lands - Golgari Rot Farm
- Titania, Protector of Argoth because there is only one card -> Harrow that can proc her ability to make elementals
I would also cut some of the elementals that don't have any useful abilties like Jaddi Lifestrider, Healer of the Glade, Glade Watcher, Floodhound, Offalsnout, Smolder Initiate and Slitherwisp.

Hope you find some of the suggestions helpful.

Magnanimous on B/W/G Control

4 years ago

General Notes:

I think you have too many ramp/big mana cards with nothing particularly strong to build towards. I'd build this deck with the goal of Early/Mid: Disrupt, lock down the board, gain board presence, Late: Attack with huge walls and win. So, think about replacing worse ramping walls with better walls or control cards. I think you have a good creature/spell mix, but you may want to make it slightly cheaper.

Also, blue has some great defenders so you could switch up your colors if you're unsatisfied with BW.

Card Replacements:

Duress -> Thoughtseize/Despise (may be better/worse depending on meta) | Damnable Pact -> Painful Truths/Read the Bones | Torment of Hailfire -> Anguished Unmaking | Dusk -> Languish/Settle the Wreckage/Drown in Sorrow | Deathrite Shaman -> Jaddi Offshoot (DS isn't nearly as good without fetches and cheap spells)

Maybeboard Additions: Glade Watcher, Hornet Nest, Novice Knight, Portcullis Vine, The Birth of Meletis

scry2 on RUG Assault Formation

8 years ago

Nice deck. It would be great to post the sideboard here too. This is what was played in video:

2 Rending Volley

2 Roast

2 Smash to Smithereens

2 Tears of Valakut

1 Radiant Flames

3 Glade Watcher

3 Hitchclaw Recluse

marcobou on Wall of the resolute

8 years ago

Well, I don't buy any cards. All cards that have some values are from friends that can pass them to me, or I get them from trades. Also, I got them in some booster pack. When I say budget, it is for people to give me some budget advice. If I was bill gates, I would play more Sylvan Advocate instead of Glade Watcher (even if it is doing a pretty good job), I would play some Gideon, I would not play that many basic lands and guildgate in my manabase... I think you understand the idea. If the deck was only from cards that I own, it would cost, I think, under 100$.

RicketyEng on Angry Elementals!

8 years ago

I made a few card switches:

Volcanic Rambler out, Zendikar Resurgent in. I have never used the rambler's ability, and this will also help to smooth out the 6-drop bump in the mana curve.

Vandalize out, Structural Distortion in. Lower cost, exiles instead of destroy, and I just like Structural Distortion better. I won't be able to destroy two things, but I think the switch is still a net gain.

Akoum Firebird out, Obsidian Fireheart in. The firebird's landfall cost is high enough that I have never seen it as much of a playable ability. I like the inevitability that can be achieved with the fireheart's blaze counters. Also, this is an elemental replacing a non-elemental.

Atarka Monument out, Mountain in. I have actually run into the problem of running out of basic lands to pull from my library before. To combat this I have culled any non-basics I felt were unnecessary. This deck doesn't really need a mana rock anyway when that slot could give me a 5/5 token instead.

Rolling Thunder out, Comet Storm in. I get instant speed instead of sorcery, and comet storm can deal a total of more damage for less mana.

Other cards I might consider for replacement (but I'm not sure what to put in their place): Glade Watcher, Naturalize, Reclaim, Stampeding Elk Herd, Seismic Elemental.

NotSquishedYet on Gruul ZadaWolves (EMN - Retired)

8 years ago

I think it's worth trying out at least two copies of. Back in the day, I'd run Glade Watcher with surprising effectiveness. A 2 drop 3/3 is nothing to look down on, and remember - she can trigger herself with any boost spell, ever.

To answer that... probably when I get my Bant deck in running condition after rotation. I'm looking at you, Altered Ego...

iZee on Omnath's Elementals (Gruul Landfall)

8 years ago

Hey HairyManBack - Thanks for all the feedback! Definitely prefer a more forward approach to improvements than just "yea, it's alright".

I agree that this deck's biggest problem is dealing with removal so I really like the idea of the lumbering falls. Especially with Woodland Wanderer like in your deck. And I don't mind the splash of blue in the mana pool. If I was going to splurge and take this a little out of its budget, I'd definitely put in 2 Chandra's.

I don't fully agree with the creatures thing though. I find that Crater Elemental is pretty flexible and decent value for a 3-drop and I like that the Grove Rumbler can get very big with the number of triggers we can get on one turn. That said, Zendikar Incarnate is definitely an under performer and I'll probably test out replacing it with either the wanderer+blue mana or the murasa.

Natural Connection has been something I've been on the fence with. On one hand, I can get any color I need and it's instant speed makes it good in reactionary situations (like against removal on the rumbler). On the other hand, it's just less value than both the pilgrimage and vegetation. I'm not a fan of Sylvan Scrying just because I'm rarely out of land in my hand and it doesn't ramp but it would probably be a lot more valuable if I had Lumbering Falls. Either way though, connection really isn't ideal, so I'll be testing out replacements.

I'm actually really surprised at your experiences with Chandra's Ignition. I've recently been playing a lot against token decks and found it extremely effective. Primarily because most tokens are 2 toughness at best and even a pump-up only puts them at 3 toughness. Ignition on Glade Watcher just clears everything up and would only remove Jaddi's or 2/2 tokens of our own (as long as you trigger landfall once on a Grove Rumbler. Also, the Omnath combo (while completely inconsistent and unreliable) is just SO fun.

My two problems with Rattleclaw Mystic are that it's rotating out and it's not an effective blocker. I find the toughness on the Glade Watcher is more useful than the ramp on the mystic. Sylvan Advocate is just a strictly good card and if I do spend a bit on this, I'd put it in.

I did have Embodiment of Fury in here at one point but replaced it with the vegetations. Looking at it now, if I'm getting rid of the connections, embodiment could be a solid replacement.

Sidenote: I like your sideboard way more than what I threw together and will probably use some of those amendments. Cheers!

2chrisha on

8 years ago

Thanks for the response!True, I got a lot of fillers. Id prefer to have to 2x Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip but only have 1 so I decided to fill that slot with an Undergrowth Champion. As for the 2 drops I'm I would preferably have 4x Sylvan Advocate, but decided to try some other cards I already have. I only have 1x Hangarback Walker, and so far I think Whisperer of the Wilds kinda sucks here. I think Glade Watcher is a decent early game/aggro blocker and he's an elemental so he interacts with Omnath, Locus of Rage.

All in all I'd say Nissa is my only must include, but I'm open to any other changes or suggestions.

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