Gisa and Geralf

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

When Gisa and Geralf enters the battlefield, mill four cards. (Put the top four cards of your library into your graveyard.)

During each of your turns, you may cast a Zombie creature card from your graveyard.

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Manor Guardian
Lazotep Convert
Refurbished Familiar
Famished Ghoul
Suspicious Shambler

PhotogenicParasympathetic on Card creation challenge

2 weeks ago

Chulane, Singer of the Only Song

Legendary Creature - Phyrexian Human Druid

Vigilance, Lifelink

Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield under your control, create a 1/1 Eldrazi Scion token with "Sacrifice this creature: add "

Whenever you sacrifice an Eldrazi creature, draw a card.


"My most glorious tale yet! Hear the song of Elesh Norn!"

I like this. Phyrexianize either Gisa, Geralf, or both next.

Gisa and Geralf

legendofa on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

For my breakdown here, I'm focusing on characters who are villains in their story arc and characters who don't have much specific backstory. Pretty much any legendary creature can be flavored as a villain in front of the right deck. I'm also not focusing on the Forgotten Realms sets, I'm broadening the net.

What's available:

: Eldrazi or artifacts. Most of the artifacts are either hero-aligned or not an independent threat, like Graaz, Unstoppable Juggernaut. If you want a challenge, Omarthis, Ghostfire Initiate, but I wouldn't, just for lack of depth.

: Villains are oddly centered on Old Kamigawa. Konda, Lord of Eiganjo is a near-immortal emperor and master duelist. Hokori, Dust Drinker is destroying resources and the land. And, of course, there's the apocalyptic, unrelenting evil that is Hazduhr the Abbot.

: Heidar, Rimewind Master is an elementalist fanatic. The manipulations of Orvar, the All-Form or Kami of the Crescent Moon could cause problems, as could a big sea creature like Tromokratis or Charix, the Raging Isle.

: Pretty much everyone. It's easier to count the people who aren't outright villains.

: Relatively few actual villains, but a bunch of manipulators, dragons, and angry people that could fill the role.

: A bunch of wild animals and nature types. No scheming villains, but a good selection of rampaging monsters. Meng Huo, Barbarian King would be a unique choice (if you're willing to.proxy or drop $150+).

: Polukranos Reborn  Flip is the most (only?) villainous character in these colors.

: Lots of options, from the behind-the-scenes manipulation of Lazav, Dimir Mastermind to the illithid Captain N'ghathrod, Gisa and Geralf's necromancer army, whatever Umbris, Fear Manifest is, and a lot more.

: A few options, but lots of depth in them. Insane biologist Momir Vig, Simic Visionary and his magnum opus Experiment Kraj, nature's avenger Uro, Titan of Nature's Wrath, or maybe Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait is flooding the area.

: A very deep and wide pool for villains. Vampires, demons, dragons, demon dragons, warlords, torturers...

: Grakmaw, Skyclave Ravager joins the ranks of the big scary monsters. A more calculating BBEG would probably be one of the death lords like Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord. Vhati il-Dal or Old Rutstein or probably more storyline villains than BBEG material.

: A very shallow pool. Storvald, Frost Giant Jarl, Rubinia Soulsinger, and maybe Falco Spara, Pactweaver or Katilda and Lier (mostly because of Lier) are the best options for an Archenemy villain. I'd throw Kros, Defense Contractor in, but goading is kind of limited when you're the Archenemy.

: This color set will probably be either a cold, distant, merciless villain or a manipulative puppet master. Raffine, Scheming Seer and Oloro, Ageless Ascetic fall into the first category, and Sen Triplets and The Ever-Changing 'Dane in the second. Varina, Lich Queen is another option for a zombie army.

: Big, angry, and violent, with some good dragons. Xira, the Golden Sting and Vazi, Keen Negotiator break out of this mold, but they strike me as more lieutenant-types, not arc villains by themselves.

: Not much; these tend to be either heroic or big smashy monsters. Uril, the Miststalker could work.

: Queen Marchesa is a classic, as you mentioned, and Edgar Markov is right there, too. Actually, this color set has some good depth and variety for an Archenemy. Some are more overtly villainous, and some are just very martial. My top picks would be Edgar, Licia, Sanguine Tribune, or Tariel, Reckoner of Souls.

: Mostly either weird esotericism or "nature's avenger" types. I don't think any of these are outright villainous in-story, but most of them have loose or vague stories. With the right deck, this could be a unique and interesting villain. Riku of Two Reflections is my top pick.

Four-color sets in general: Any of them would work, except for a couple of the .

: Use this color set if you want a truly apocalyptic feel. saluma mentioned Tiamat, which is a very good choice, and finding a way to get through Progenitus or O-Kagachi, Vengeful Kami is a story of epic scale.

NV_1980 on The Winchester

1 year ago

Both Gisa and Geralf and Havengul Lich are exceptional at providing you with very powerful recursion (even stealing in Lich's case); I can't recommend these enough.

FauxFaux on Card creation challenge

1 year ago

Otherworldly Insights


~ costs X less, where X is the number of different card types among cards you own in exile.

Search your library for a card with mana value X, and shares a type with a card you own in exile, and set it aside. Put a card you own in exile that shares a card type with the chosen card, and put it into your hand. Exile the chosen card.

At the beginning of your endstep, if ~ is in your graveyard, you may choose a card you own in exile at random. Shuffle it into your library and return ~ to your hand.

"Ah yes...the spirits... they are speaking to me..."

Make me a battle that depicts Gisa and Geralf from Innistrad!

77hi77 on Zombie Tribal - Deciding My …

1 year ago

Hey all!

I have the Wilhelt, the Rotcleaver precon, I've been going through the wealth of resources online to see how I want to upgrade it. Then I learned of Nevinyrral, Urborg Tyrant. Down the line, if I ever become one of the people with like 50+ decks, I might built two separate decks for them, but for now I'm deciding which one suits what I want to do more.

I guess I'm trying to wrap my head around whether they'd need different setups (aside from the obvious colour differences). Ultimately, regardless of which one is my commander, I want the deck to go wide with zombie tokens and pump them up. Wilhelt is more involved, I feel like the deck will have other token generators and sac outlets, then Wilhelt is there to get extra value out of saccing the non-decayed tokens.

Nevy feels like a wincon. I wouldn't cast him to build up and generate value in the same way as Wilhelt. He feels more like a: let the deck do its own thing, cast Nevy, give him something like Malakir Rebirth  Flip, sac him, board wipe, he comes back and I have a full board. I've seen the combo with him and Phyrexian Altar, but I want more of a casual setting with no obvious infinite combos.

My question is, do they feel like different decks to you? I'm thinking they both need to spam token generators, lords, and sac outlets. The decks would play differently just based on how they interact with the commander, but I don't know how different the base of each deck would be (compared to, say, Gisa and Geralf, which is much more of a milling focus). Thoughts?

kirbysan on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

1 year ago

First game of the year. I'll probably be playing Giada less now as I think the list is pretty optimized at this point.

Opponents: Arvinox, the Mind Flail, Sigarda, Host of Herons, Gisa and Geralf

Starting Hand: Plains, Plains, The Ozolith, Court of Grace, Bishop of Wings, Serra Paragon, Mangara, the Diplomat

Starting hand wasn't great as I would need to draw a land to curve out but I had 2 draw cards in hand so I figured it was worth it. Luckily the table was playing pretty slow and I drew into some ramp.

I started with a T1 Ozolith and drew into an Enlightened Tutor which got me Pearl Medallion so I could play my Court of Grace.

Arvinox played 3 separate sacrifice cards where I sacced my Angel tokens and dumped the +1/+1 counters onto The Ozolith to pump up my next swings. They were able to get a Bolas's Citadel out quite early but due to the constant beatdown from my Angels couldn't explode like normal.

Sigarda tried to get through my Angel wall but I always chumped blocked to protect my Monarch token. Late in the game they used a Day of Judgment but at that time I had Breathkeeper Seraph soulbonded to Giada and a bunch of Angel tokens so I let it resolve. I had a foretold Cosmic Intervention since the early game but I was maintaining so much threat with my tokens and Ozolith that I never needed to use it.

Unfortunately Gisa durdled the whole game as they were also hit by Arvinox's sacrifice cards and Sigarda's board wipe so could never really get off the ground.

I ended the game with 89 life and Giada as a 40/40 with 36 +1/+1 counters and 2 anthems.

The Ozolith like most of our 1-drops, can change the makeup of the game quite heavily from the start if we drop it T1. I've had it in a few games before but usually only drew into it mid to late game where its impact is not as great.

Court of Grace I think was in your deck before as it was mine but ended up getting pulled in favor of other cards. Now that I've had a few more games with it I think it's provides too much synergy to leave out.

I think the lifegain strategy as whole is niche and our payoffs aren't really worth it to build an entire package around. I still got to 89 life this game due to just 2 cards - Bishop of Wings and a late game Pyre of Heroes on Serra Paragon for a Lyra Dawnbringer that was essentially a win-more move rather than strategic. I know you love your soul sisters but I think in your next few games you might want to take another look at their performance. Well of Lost Dreams was kind of on your chopping block before and I think it's time to revisit that card as well.

sdtech58 on The Scarab God Zombie Tribal

1 year ago

Ayara, First of Locthwain - ETB payoff, sac outlet, card draw. Only drawback is that it's not a Zombie.

Blood Artist - Death trigger payoff. Borderline include for me in this build.

Cemetery Reaper - Zombie Lord, token creator, graveyard hate

Cryptbreaker - Discard outlet, token creator, draw engine

Death Baron - Zombie Lord, deathtouch to discourage attackers

Diregraf Captain - Zombie Lord, death trigger payoff

Diregraf Colossus - Token creator

Ghoulcaller Gisa - Token creator, sac outlet

Gisa and Geralf - Graveyard love, reanimation source. Borderline include here IMO due to TSG's ability

Gleaming Overseer - Token, hexproof and menace for tokens. Borderline include IMO

God-Eternal Bontu - sac outlet, card draw, big body

Grave Titan - token creator, star of many MTG Memes...yes, I like him

Graveborn Muse - card draw and life loss is NOT optional. Don't kill yourself!!

Gravecrawler - automatic include in any Zombie build. Begging to go infinite in a number of ways

multimedia on Rotcleaver’s Revenge

1 year ago

Hey, well done so far upgrading the precon, nice Phyrexian Altar.

Some cards from the precon to consider adding:

Talisman of Dominance ETB untapped to make either color. Another mana rock upgrade is Dimir Signet replacing Charcoal Diamond. Dreadhorde Invasion is a repeatable source of Zombie and Eternal Skylord is a much worse Hordewing Skaab. Curse of the Restless Dead is a more reliable repeatable source of Zombies than Undead Alchemist.

Pact of the Serpent is powerful tribal card for Zombies. Battle at the Bridge needs lots more artifacts to be playable. Zombie Apocalypse is powerful tribal card for Zombies especially when your Commander sacs Zombies to draw. Patriarch's Bidding is another mass reanimation tribal Zombie card. Dread Summons needs a ton of mana paid into it to be decent since you have no control over milling your own or opponent creatures.

Gisa and Geralf can be repeatable cast of Zombies from your graveyard which can do more than Ebondeath, Dracolich. Feed the Swarm is helpful to have enchantment removal in Dimir. Liliana, Death's Majesty can be repeatable Zombies and her other abilities are good too. She does more than Liliana's Mastery, but honestly you don't need either one of these cards since there's better five drops here or could add.

The more basic Islands you can replace with Dimir dual lands the better the manabase will be because black mana is much important than blue. Lots of basic Islands makes it more difficult to cast heavy black spells. Tainted Isle and Choked Estuary are playable lands in the precon that care about Swamps and you have a lot of Swamps.

Good luck with your deck.

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