
Enchantment — Aura

Kicker {4}

Enchant creature

Enchanted creature is 8/8 and has trample.

When Gigantiform enters the battlefield, if it was kicked, you may search your library for a card named Gigantiform, put it onto the battlefield, then shuffle your library.

Orange+ on Punching in Pillow Fights

2 years ago

Hi, H-E-N-R-Y

Cool deck you've got going here :)

I have made a Sythis deck myself, but to be honest, Im not completely into what people usually play with Sythis. I could however provide some initial thoughts I have based on your decklist.

First of I would recommend that you structure your deck with categories. I know a lot of people on tappedout doesnt use them, but they are very useful when building decks or providing feedback.

You play a lot of lands that enter the battlefield tapped, but as a two color deck containing green, Im not sure if you need to. Some of them might be handy, like Path of Ancestry and Temple of Plenty which gives scry. But I dont think you need the rest, and could swap them out with lands that dont enter tapped (like just basics). The lands are: Arctic Treeline, Blossoming Sands, Graypelt Refuge, Path of Ancestry, Scattered Groves, Selesnya Guildgate, Selesnya Sanctuary, Temple of Plenty, Thriving Grove, Vivid Grove, and Vivid Meadow

I've tried to play Crystal Chimes myself, and didnt like it that much. If I were you, I would probably take out both the chimes and the Cloud Key. They seem slow. Cards like the chimes and Resurgent Belief are very telegraphed, meaning your opponents will know what you can do before you do them, this is often quite a disadvantage.

Otherwise I think your composition is pretty nice with lots of good cards. But it might get better if you cut some of the larger mana cost cards. If you get to draw a lot from your commander, you might as well play a lot of cards. And if that is the case, mana is what is holding you back. I think cards like Celestial Mantle, Eldrazi Conscription, Epic Proportions, Gigantiform, Indrik Umbra, Martyr's Bond, and Prodigious Growth are a bit too mana expensive. (However, if you treat some of these as wincon, you should keep those)

As I mentioned, Im not quite sure what is common to play with Sythis, but as you have many spells with mana cost 3 or less, you could try Sun Titan. Otherwise, enchantment recursion is really nice in these kinds of decks (against bordwipes and such). Cards like Replenish, Retether, and Brilliant Restoration.

Finally, as mentioned by others commenters, I think removal is really important. I think Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are natural fits, but if you want play more enchatments, you could also try Journey to Nowhere, Borrowed Time, or Oblivion Ring. My deck Riders on the Storm has a removal category if you want to take another look.

Neotrup on Is there any printed way …

3 years ago

An opponent activating Arcane Lighthouse will remove shroud, but that's not really something you can build around. Auras entering from a zone other than the stack don't target, so the copy of Gigantiform from kicking it could be attached, but that doesn't help too much with this deck idea. If you like the character rather than the card, Multani, Yavimaya's Avatar doesn't have shroud.

Willborn on Elvish Onslaught Deck

4 years ago

Getting rid of Gigantiform is a wise idea! Usually an Elf-deck's strength lies in the 'Power by numbers': Lots and lots of tiny pointy eared creatures with great synergy. But that's not the case for your deck I believe. Right now I think it's somewhere inbetween 'Power by numbers' and 'Power by power'. For example, the Allosaurus Rider is straight forward power depending on the number of forests in play whereas Lys Alana Huntmaster and Elvish Archdruid depend on playing lots and lots of Elves. In my personal experience I tend to make "the choice" (meaning 'the concept' or 'the theme' or 'the strategie') before I start building the deck and, more importantly, from that point on, stick by that choice as if my life depended on it! Otherwise you'll end up switching things forever only to end up every time with "in between"-decks. So, before changing anything, I believe you first have to make your choice my friend ;). ONE concept, in ONE word or sentence. No more, no less...

Nevertheless, here are 3 suggestions I'd consider changing regardless your choice:


Ramp = Speed! And since you're going Aggro, that's what you'll want. You've got 3 mana dorks so far:Arbor Elf To speed things up you'll want at least (!) 8. So I suggest you add some old-school Llanowar Elves or Elvish Mystic. In case it won't be "Power by numbers" at all or if you're afraid of WOG's, Arbor Elf + Wild Growth is a great combo! And don't forget Wood Elves! Nature's Lore and Skyshroud Claim ofcourse are also solid WOG-proof ;)


I saw this Japanese movie called 'The Immortal Blade' or something. Anyway, this warrior said: "80% of winning consists out of blocking your opponent's moves!" Now, 80% is a bit much in MtG, but 0% won't work either. You need removal spells and/or creatures. Lots of possibilities out there. Return to Nature, Reclamation Sage are a few good examples.

Other Shinanigans

This one's one of my favorites: Song of the Dryads + Elvish Champion PLUS it fits well with the need for Removal. Song of the Dryads is one of the best Removal-spells out there. Firest of all it's an enchantment, few colors in MTG have enchantment removal. And secondly, the creature your opponent controls just sits there as a forest. He can't get it back from his graveyard PLUS your creatures can now actually make use of that forestwalk! ;)

I'm just giving (possible) ingrediënts here. You're the chefcook! Let me know what you think :)

shrap666 on Elvish Onslaught Deck

4 years ago

I'm probably going to get rid of Gigantiform, so definitely looking for something to replace that.

lagotripha on

6 years ago

Benefaction of Rhonas is a slightly better Kruphix's Insight- I'd consider running both.

There are some interesting tools in the monogreen enchantment toolbox- Asceticism is undoubtably my favourite, but you might like Bow of Nylea Crop Sigil, Rancor, Cream of the Crop, Wreath of Geists, Oath of the Ancient Wood,

Impromptu Raid/Call of the Wild are an interesting pairing for mono-green ramp lists, but rarely run well.

I reccomend focussing a little on ramping into higher cost cards- 5 drops are a lot less expensive money-wise than 4 drops in modern, and a lot of them are game changing- a well placed Plow Under or Primal Command, stacking up a Gigantiform, Gutter Grime, Lost in the Woods etc.

CorpulentHooker on Skullbriar: The Ever-Growing Graveyard.

6 years ago

WarriorMagic, here is my thought process Gigantiform: it's an interesting pump, albeit off theme since it isn't counter based. Jumping from 1/1 to 8/8 for 3GG is pretty good pump per mana spent, IMO. Trample is the main reason it is still in the deck because its a pseudo board wipe if someone throws all their creatures in front of Skullbriar. Gigantiform is one of the first cards on the chopping block if I see something more interesting to put in. I've been tinkering with this deck recently.

I had Primal Vigor in the deck, but I took it out because it has back fired on me in the past with some token decks taking advantage of it. What I might end up doing is putting some more tutors into it to get the good stuff, like Green Sun's Zenith to grab Corpsejack Menace.

KingRamz on Skullbro, the Stomping Grave *RETIRED APRIL 2021*

6 years ago

I've always wanted to build a Skullbriar deck, and I love counters! You want suggestions? I got suggestions!

For starters, 34 lands is a little low I think, so here's some ramp spells that play into your theme: Ordeal of Nylea, Map the Wastes, and New Horizons . Also Path of Discovery, which isn't exactly ramp but is sweet all the same.

Want more counters? Nissa, Voice of Zendikar will put one on all your dudes! And she's not a $20 card any more, or even close to it. How about some more Auras? Check out Sadistic Glee and Shape of the Wiitigo. Gigantiform gives Skullbriar +7/+7 and trample, no matter how many counters are on him. Or maybe you'd like to use Fallen Ideal to just fly over the blockers instead of crashing through them.

ClockworkSwordfish on Dehydrated Hydras

6 years ago

An interesting feature of hydras is that many of them have printed stats of 0/0. What do you think of Gigantomancer, Gigantiform or Creeperhulk as cheap and easy ways to give them huge stat boosts?

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