Gift of Estates

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Gift of Estates


If an opponent controls more lands than you, search your library for up to three Plains cards, reveal them, put them into your hand, then shuffle your library.

moo1234 on Card creation challenge

1 month ago

Old Farmer Dizzywheat

Legendary Creature - Human Peasant

Level Up: |2/3|


Level 1-3: Lifelink, Ox you control get +0/+5 and have lifelink. |4/7|


Level 4+: When ~ dies search your deck for X basic plains cards and put them onto the battlefield where X is ~s level |4/10|

It's harder than I thought to create an actually good level up card, and for no apparent reason I also wanted to make it mono white. Maybe his third ability was originally each level up put the plains onto the battlefield but that feels a little too green for my likening. But quite a few white cards get plains on death.

Next challenge: Create a catch up card, lik Gift of Estates

Azoth2099 on Sen Triplets - Esper Control (Seeking Help)

1 year ago


Okay, so if you're specifically trying to outdo Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait, you're going to have to make sure that you're not being outdone by it's immense card draw & Ramp. Deep Gnome Terramancer, Archivist of Oghma, Esper Sentinel, Alms Collector, Monologue Tax, Smuggler's Share, Consecrated Sphinx, Faerie Mastermind & Ledger Shredder will help accomplish this. Black Market Connections, Scroll Rack, Sensei's Divining Top, Dark Confidant, Dark Tutelage & of course Necropotence are also great card draw options, but won't scale with whatever your opponents are doing. Tithe, Gift of Estates & Land Tax are generically great, but extra great in this context.

Consider Rule of Law, Arcane Laboratory & Archon of Emeria as well. Sanctum Prelate, Void Winnower & Chalice of the Void will also hit 'em with a big ole "NOPE" when adequately applied. Decree of Silence + Solemnity will do so as well.

Weird stuff like Deathgrip will also probably help you lock the game down, but it might not translate very well outside of trying to take down Aesi, Tyrant of Gyre Strait lol. Depends on how heavy your group is, really.

Speaking of that, you really might just need more Counterspells or something! Stuff like Tale's End seems pretty good for your goal here. More Mana Rocks seems like a great idea here too. I'm sure you're buddy is running a bunch of traditional Ramp & Dorks, right? You absolutely must keep up, or you're gonna lose.

More Tutors will help you grease the wheels, too. They can get pretty expensive dollar-wise, but options like Diabolic Tutor, Diabolic Intent & Wishclaw Talisman are very affordable right now.

Let me know how you feel about these suggestions! Cheers!

AstroAA on Should I Put Talisman of …

1 year ago

White and Black aren't great in regards to ramp, but you could also play cards like Weathered Wayfarer, Knight of the White Orchid, and Gift of Estates. Deep Gnome Terramancer is another option if your group plays with a lot of fetches.

MeneerDutchy on Noyan Dar

1 year ago
  1. Founding the Third Path
  2. Silver Scrutiny
  3. Shore Up
  4. Walking Atlas
  5. Weathered Wayfarer
  6. Teferi's Response
  7. Mirrorweave Dit is ook wel een leuke boardwipe, dan worden alle andere creatures 0/0's, of je kan iemand anders zijn nasty creature copieren en met een paar landen aanvallen.
  8. Azorius Charm
  9. Reality Shift
  10. Quicken
  11. Slip Through Space
  12. Artful Dodge
  13. Gift of Estates
  14. Skyclave Relic
  15. Darksteel Ingot
  16. Razortide Bridge

Apollo_Paladin on Arena Esper Control Deck

1 year ago

Another thought I had while building an esper-colored deck: Gift of Estates will let you fetch 3x Raffine's Towers since the spell doesn't specify a basic type & Raffine's shares basic land types.

I can potentially see it being a little problematic if played too early in midrange/tempo builds as it could potentially result in you having to discard since your low-mana plays are all control/removal, but since the Towers can be Cycled I think it's worth it none the less.

I'm using it just to help guarantee a good mana base, but in the case of your build I can see it also having value late-game potentially (provided you meet the condition) in giving you land-ammo to discard to Chromium (should your hand be drained, or if you're holding 1 or 2 good removals & nothing else).

Anyway, it might be another fun card to try out a copy of and see how you like it. My early testing is working quite well using it to guarantee Esper mana, but the deck I'm going with has low-mana permanents to drop so casting it even on Turn 2 isn't generally an issue so me thus far.

I like cards that give a beneficial effect in the event you don't get to go first.

airsoftsniper91 on Giada, Font of Hope

1 year ago

Saw that you were looking for help and this commander seems pretty cool. Not sure what your budget is, but I'm going to make some suggestions at different price points.

Here's some cards I'd cut: Angel's Grace, Cleric Class, Angelic Accord, Treasure Chest, The Book of Exalted Deeds, Panharmonicon, Arcane Signet, Marble Diamond, Campfire, Mass Calcify, Brave the Elements, Cleansing Nova, Everflowing Chalice, and Gift of Estates

I can provide more explanation on why, but generally these cards are low impact, less helpful than they may seem, or off theme a bit. Some of these are life gain or ETB payoffs but they don't have many ways to trigger them.

I'm seeing a wincon through combat with the deck as is. Giada is Ramp in the command zone but only for Angels, and the starting list only has 17 Angel spells. Turn 2 Giada and hitting all your land drops means we can send out 4 CMC angels turn 3.

I recommend Emeria Angel, Guardian Seraph, Angel of Condemnation

A lot of the Angel's are high CMC but you're running a lot of cost reducers. Due to this I think you need more lands and more Draw. Arch of Orazca, Geier Reach Sanitarium, Sea Gate Wreckage and War Room are all utility lands you can run in mono color that tap for colorless mana and help you draw.

That leaves seven more cards to add back in. I'd go with Karmic Guide, Twilight Shepherd, Battlegrace Angel, Angelic Sleuth, Herald of the Host, Dawnbreak Reclaimer, and Aegis Angel

DreadKhan on Tiamat semi-competitive

2 years ago

I tend to run a higher land count in my 5 colour decks (37-39 feels 'normal', your more competitive mana base would allow you to run less and still fix reliably, but I'd hesitate to go below 34 with a 7 MV Commander). As you're not at the full size for your deck, you have room to throw in some lands, and since opponents sometimes run effects that have 'find a Basic', you might want one of each Basic. Rampant Growth (and Expedition) has to find a Basic Land, so you should either add basics or switch it with Nature's Lore or Wood Elves.

I feel like a few more creatures would help, Birds of Paradise is a good ramp source, Ignoble Hierarch is a slightly worse one, and Tireless Provisioner offers a potentially better Lotus Cobra (you could use both IMHO). Very good if you run enough Fetch lands obviously. If you run both, you probably want all 10 Fetch lands, and might even run Krosan Verge, which is great with Triomes anyways. Really $$, but Urza's Incubator is a strong card in Dragons, even your Commander benefits. Really weird, but I guess Herald's Horn and Descendants' Path are pretty sweet. If you can get your creature count in general high enough, Lurking Predators can bring out multiple dragons per turn cycle, and when it doesn't find a creature you still get to scry. Dragon's Hoard, and Dragonspeaker Shaman are probably solid includes.

You probably want some card draw in here, but if you use Tiamat as your Commander over Ur-Dragon, you probably don't need Rush of Knowledge, but Stinging Study still draws a hand's worth of cards for 5 almost regardless of where your Commander is. Garruk's Uprising would probably fit. Due to having lots of big creatures, Return of the Wildspeaker is probably not bad, and Overwhelming Stampede might be good enough to close games for you.

You probably don't want to run stuff like Land Tax or Gift of Estates with actual Green ramp, if you have access to Green, you usually are better off running Green ramp over Gift of Estates type spells. YMMV!

Counterspell is a risky card to run in a 5 colour deck, it's hard to have UU mana up to cast it. Does it mostly deal with creatures, or protect vs wipes? Swan Song and Arcane Denial are both cards worth a look, the new An Offer You Can't Refuse might be interesting as well. I personally like 1-3 counters in my 5 colour decks, with competitive decks running more, overly Casual ones might run just 1 as a wildcard. Negate is much easier to cast I expect, and thus you're more likely to have the mana up.

If you are interested, Tyrite Sanctum can give Tiamat an Indestructible counter right away since she's already a God. Not sure if you care about keeping her out though!

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