Gideon's Defeat


Exile target white creature that's attacking or blocking. If it was a Gideon planeswalker, you gain 5 life.

solarbeam on

6 years ago

You definitely need removal and some more card advantage in this deck. I would recommend a couple Path to Exiles and Fatal Pushes. Thraben Inspector is just a great 1-drop, Fiend Hunter perma-exiles with your blink effects, Pain Seer and Glint-Sleeve Siphoner are 'great' budget alternatives to Dark Confidant. Kitesail Freebooter has been an all-star in human decks. I wouldn't advise against something like Arguel's Blood Fast  Flip or Phyrexian Arena for card advantage as well. Anthems like Always Watching or Radiant Destiny are always good.

As for your top end, I would splash green for Sigarda, Heron's Grace, run Angel of Invention, Ravenous Demon  Flip, Angelic Overseer, and Restoration Angel are all great.

Replace the Hooded Assassin with the Fiend Hunter, and Mardu Shadowspear with Bloodsoaked Champion

For your sideboard, Rest in Peace and Stony Silence. Collective Brutality is fantastic against control with its discard effect, and is one of the best hosers against burn and aggro. Cards like Fragmentize are always a safe choice. Arashin Cleric is a favorite of mine for faster match ups. Liliana's Defeat and Gideon's Defeat are great against those colors. Duress is also great against control and combo decks. You may need something like Eerie Interlude to protect yourself against wraths.

meumeunome on Attacking/Blocking creature interaction

6 years ago

A creature that attacked is an attacking creature until End of Combat Step? So can I target an attacking creature with Gideon's Defeat after the Damage Step is done?

DRACULA150704 on Gideon's defeat?

6 years ago

I was playing against someone with a Gideon's Defeat card and i couldn't understand how an attacking or blocking white creature could be a planeswalker.

OminousRex on White Devils (Ixalan Vampire Weenies)

6 years ago

I might add Gideon's Defeat to the SB since mardu vehicles is a thing that is still strong after rotation. During testing, he has been a particular annoyance.

DistortionSlayer on White Devils (Ixalan Vampire Weenies)

6 years ago

Down 2 on Skymarch Bloodletter up 2 on removal like 2 more Walk the Planks or somthing. Also Gideon's Defeat a and/or Liliana's Defeat for sideboard

landofMordor on

6 years ago

That's a great idea. I've been thinking on more potential sideboard stuff:

maybe 1-2 Gideon's Defeat, since Gids AoZ is likely still pretty powerful...but no more than 2.

Fatal Push gets Heart of Kiran and other Vehicles, not to mention the RDW aggro out there.

Declaration in Stone against other Zombies?

Against RDW, I would add 3-4 cards in SB with life-gain (Wayward is a good example).

And finally, try W enchantment/artifact removal such as Fragmentize which is good in many many situations.

Best of luck! Hope this helps, but mention me here if I can do more! Cheers!

Vaan on My first deck.

6 years ago

I recommend the following changes:

Cut 2 Colossapede, 2 Bitterbow Sharpshooters, 2 Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs, 4 Aven of Enduring Hope, 2 Winged Shepherd, 1 Sandwurm Convergence, 1 Greater Sandwurm, 1 Mirage Mirror, 2 Life goes on.

Add 3 Rhonas's Stalwart, 1 Resilient Khenra, 1 Gideon's Defeat, 1 Dauntless Aven, 1 Tah-Crop Elite, 1 Vizier of the True, 1 Rhet-Crop Spearmaster, 1 Trial of Solidarity, 1 Sunscourge Champion, 2 Bitterblade Warrior, 1 Unwavering Initiate, 1 Initiate's Companion , 1 Naga Vitalist, 1 Act of Heroism.

The biggest problem of your current version is the mana curve, you have way too many mana intensive cards and very little ramp, so i would cut the 5+ CMC cards for the aggressive 2 and 3 drops from your card pool and play a more aggro version of the deck.

_Delta_ on Does the Gatewatch have a …

6 years ago

Well are you aware of the defeat cycle of uncommons?

Jace's Defeat, Gideon's Defeat, Liliana's Defeat, and so on?

Also the HOU artbook in summary already tells us too.

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