Gibbering Descent


At the beginning of each player's upkeep, that player loses 1 life and discards a card.

Hellbent - Skip your upkeep step if you have no cards in hand.

Madness (2)(Black)(Black) (If you discard this card, you may play it for its madness cost instead of putting it into your graveyard.)

SufferFromEDHD on Shauku, End-the-game-bringer

1 year ago

Eon Hub and Gibbering Descent are in for bypassing life lose and adding more continuous stax taxes to the board. Infernal Darkness is the other strong point of synergy. Phyrexian Arena was the only point of anti synergy I saw in the list.

I'm not liking Gibbering Descent though because the discard actually hurts in a black deck that doesn't reanimate. Going to slot in one of your suggestions and test it out.

wallisface on Madness aggro

1 year ago

Some thoughts:

  • your land count feels really low for what you’re trying to do here. It feels like you’re going to need 3-4 mana minimum to be able to madness most of these cards (most your discard outlets cost 2 mana, most your madness costs are 1-2, though some higher). As a comparison, Burn decks run 19-20 lands and only play 1-2 mana spells (and are ok being stuck on 1 land for the first-half of a game). Imo you need to go up to 24 lands minimum.

  • Even with an increased land count, I don’t think Gibbering Descent is ever going to be realistic to cast - also, if it is cast it’ll be so late into the game that it’ll provide next-to-no value.

  • It feels to me like you have too few options for discarding cards. At my count there’s only 12 discard outlets (not counting Gibbering Descent as I don’t think that card is useful). Imo I think you need at least 16, probably 20. I’d say your deck needs at least as-many discard outlets as it does madnes-cards.

KingKilvas on Mono-Black Discard

2 years ago

Syr Konrad, the Grim

Less what you want but still in the ballpark include Diplomacy of the Wastes, Faith of the Devoted and Feast of Sanity for symmetrical discard, Gibbering Descent, Midnight Oil if you can find a way to gift it but I'm not sure black is able to do so, Strongarm Tactics, Torment of Scarabs, Urgoros, the Empty One, Westgate Regent. Hope some of these suggestions help!

KayneMarco on Chainer, Discard Master

3 years ago

carlmoores: they were both in here in the earlier build with Kroxa in the command zone. Those were both eventually weeded out for other cards. This deck runs more than enough ways to force opponents to discard without them. That and once I figure out which creature to remove for Necrogoyf , which is basically a form of either card you mentioned, I’ll have another one in the deck. I already run one version: Gibbering Descent ...which I just realized is not in this list. I had removed enchanter’s bane for it in my actual deck and apparently forgot to make the change here. Making the change.

zAzen7977 on TINY PUNISHER - Discard/Stax cEDH [MH3 Update]

3 years ago

theindigoeffect and MrNoodlesworth, thanks for your suggestions!!

The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale is a great anti-creature card that snuck by me. I may try to squeeze it in somehow, but I can’t lose any more mana-generating lands because my mana base is already so tight, and I’m not sure what else to cut for it.

MrNoodlesworth, I think you’re right about Gibbering Descent . It’s tough losing a discard outlet, but this is the best card to cut for Tergrid. I think I’ve only triggered madness once with it, and it usually comes around when I have already achieved a good board state, and by then it is not as helpful as I would like it to be. So I’m going to cut it for Tergrid for now.

I’m not cutting Planar Void because it is a great early game neutralizer. Once Tergrid hits the board the Void isn’t as useful, but by that point the Void has screwed up a lot of my opponent’s plans. Plus if Tergrid is removed I can fall back on Void.

Waste Not is very useful for its low mana cost and I definitely wouldn’t cut it.

DemMeowsephs on Discard Me, Daddy

3 years ago

On my quest to also build a tinybones deck, I found some of the cards below that have really been an asset to me. Maybe they could help you out too.

Instant Speed Discard Cards: _(Allows you to force them to discard on their turn, so you can get a draw trigger then too.)

Other Cards:

VorelNailo on Blim's Comedy Hour

3 years ago

I'm not sure that Phage the Untouchable works with Blim's ability - she doesn't come into play when you give her to your opponent, so she won't trigger. If you have her in the deck just as a bomb, I would recommend swapping her out for one of the cards below:

I really like this deck! I used to play a Standard Rakdos Control with Captive Audience, so I was really excited for this commander, and your deck is the most optimized one I have seen yet!

Necrocol on dis nigga

4 years ago

A great start to what I was thinking of doing.

I recommend considering these as well Mindslicer, Delirium Skeins, Mind Shatter, Gibbering Descent, maybe even Wit's End

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