Ghoulcaller Gisa

Legendary Creature — Human Wizard

, , Sacrifice another creature: Create X 2/2 black Zombie creature tokens, where X is the sacrificed creature's power.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Barrow Ghoul
Waning Wurm
Blind Creeper
Zombie Brute
Midnight Ritual
Tresserhorn Skyknight

Santiago1011 on Gisa: So Undead It’s Criminal

2 months ago


Thespian Stage and Deserted Temple are decent includes.

Removing even more crime do-ers is out of the question cause that's the point of the deck. I've playtested it a decent bit and it really pops off with repeatable crime. Otherwise it's just a worse Ghoulcaller Gisa deck. I did replace Victory Chimes with Zombie Master though.

As for artifact removal, Gate to Phyrexia would be my first consideration for any black token deck. And even then I don't know if I want it. Rather focus on aggro than control with this.

mrweaselman on Stumbly Boys (EDH)

7 months ago

Starting with mana, you only have 44 sources. I would recommend going around 47. Sapphire Medallion and Jet Medallion are a lot better than the monuments, although more expensive. You want to avoid 3 mana rocks like Dimir Locket and Commander's Sphere, you have better options in two mana ones. Add Coldsteel Heart, Fellwar Stone, Dimir Signet, Talisman of Dominance and at least one land.

For interaction, you could add enchantment removal like Feed the Swarm. Bitter Triumph is new and may be better than Infernal Grasp here.

Since mill and discard can basically act as card draw, you can run cards like Mire Triton, Stitcher's Supplier, Undead Butler, Palantir of Orthanc, and Fact or Fiction, as well as sacrifice based card draw like Corrupted Conviction, Village Rites, and Deadly Dispute. There's also always all-stars Black Market Connections, Phyrexian Arena, and Rhystic Study if you want to go that direction.

Some card to protect your commander like Netherborn Altar, Malakir Rebirth  Flip, Zombie Master or Lightning Greaves / Swiftfoot Boots may be helpful if you rely on Gisa and it keeps getting removed.

There are certain cards I am not a fan of in this deck including Master of Death, Prized Amalgam, Scourge of Nel Toth, Tomebound Lich, Dead Revels, and Syphon Flesh.

Some other cards to consider include Cryptbreaker, Geralf, Visionary Stitcher, Ghoulcaller Gisa, Lord of the Undead, Noxious Ghoul, Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, The Scarab God, Distant Melody, Buried Alive, Diabolic Intent, Liliana, Dreadhorde General. You could probably replace similar cards with these if they are better.

Gravecrawler + Rooftop Storm + Sac Outlet is infinite. I don't think you run many sac outlets. You could add Acererak the Archlich to go infinite with just Rooftop Storm.

griffstick on infinite rats

1 year ago

If you're looking to build a mono black Zombie cmdr deck. I suggest Ghoulcaller Gisa to be the cmdr.

Also goes infinite with Thornbite Staff btw

Dumannios on [Primer] Slimefoot and Squee's Corpse Catapult

1 year ago

Hey UltimateRoxas40!

I had the same thing, I just kept looking for that Jund deck that could scratch my graveyard itch. I tried Ziatora first but it was a bit lackluster, though in this deck it's an absolute beast. The deck has been an absolute blast to play since it just works out differently every time. The other day I killed the table with 18 damage from Cavalier of Flame dieing. Another game I won with the classic Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Lord of Extinction doing 48 damage. And another I just won with Bladewing, Deathless Tyrant and zombie tokens swarming the board.

Like it says in the primer my group has kind of avoided infinites for the most part. I've even ended up cutting Dockside Extortionist since it almost always could go infinite when it appeared. But if you intend to run some infinites I'd pitch Dockside Extortionist, Sprouting Thrinax, Pitiless Plunderer, Ruthless Technomancer and maybe also include Ashnod's Altar in addition to Phyrexian Altar(Which is already in) for infinite mana. Though for infinites I'd almost lean more into an aristocrats build rather than the stompy creatures since there's so much value to be had there.

I've considered Etali, Primal Conqueror  Flip briefly but it never made the cut because stealing wasn't something I was after with this deck (I already have 2 decks with quite a few steal effects in them) and I felt that the flip cost was too expensive compared to throwing in something big and dumb like Ghalta, Primal Hunger. Though admittedly I might give Etali a look again because Ghoulcaller Gisa has been kind of dissapointing, so the new Etali might get to fill that slot instead.

legendofa on Using ChatGPT to generate a …

1 year ago

To address this primer specifically:

"This is my Commander deck with a focus on utilizing the high power of the Commander to trigger effects that scale with a creature's power. The deck strategy revolves around four main themes:"

  • This is a good capture. The first sentence is a little unwieldy, but that's a style point rather than a content point.

Token Generation: The deck includes cards that can generate tokens based on the power of a creature. Examples include Fungal Sprouting and Ghoulcaller Gisa.

  • I count five cards that create tokens, and one of them doesn't create scaling tokens. In my opinion, four cards isn't a "main theme."

Card Draw: There are cards that allow the player to draw cards equal to a creature's power, such as Disciple of Bolas and Momentous Fall.

  • This is an okay comment. While it ties into the power scaling, the act of drawing isn't a main theme. It's card advantage, but it doesn't rely on drawing the way Queza, Augur of Agonies does.

Power/Toughness Manipulation: Some cards create creatures whose power and/or toughness are based on the power of another creature. For example, Miming Slime creates an ooze token with power and toughness equal to the power of the creature with the greatest power among creatures you control.

  • This comment is somewhat inaccurate. It gets the closest to the core "power matters" theme, but P/T manipulation as I interpret it isn't present. P/T isn't being manipulated, just tracked. The rest of this point is redundant with the first "main theme."

Life Gain/Loss: Some cards in the deck, such as Essence Harvest and Rite of Consumption, can cause a player to gain or lose life equal to a creature's power.

  • This is a fine capture, if somewhat underdeveloped.

This deck also has a good amount of recursion and removal cards, along with cheap ramp to ensure that the commander can come out as early as turn 4. For instance, Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord and Hell's Caretaker can bring creatures back from the graveyard, and Beast Within and Sever the Bloodline can deal with problematic permanents on the opponent's side of the field. For ramp, the deck includes staples like Sol Ring, Arcane Signet, and a suite of mana dorks (Elvish Mystic, Llanowar Elves, Fyndhorn Elves) and land fetch cards (Sakura-Tribe Elder, Wayfarer's Bauble).

  • The formatting in this section is good, but Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord's ability is misinterpreted. Again, the substance is kind of missing, basically saying "These are cards that are in this deck" without describing how or when to use them. What is a "problematic permanent" for this deck? What creatures would you want to recur?

NV_1980 on Dihada, Binder of Wills

1 year ago

Hi Mattio38, thanks for elaborating a bit. There are a lot of interesting legendary creatures out there, but not many that will help you to outright close out games AND be cheap to cast. It's usually one or the other :) It also depends on how you want to close out games and how many turns you want to take for that.

For instance, white provides some excellent legendary creatures to block your opponents' progress. I'm thinking of cards like Myrel, Shield of Argive, Rune-Tail, Kitsune Ascendant  Flip, Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker, Thalia, Heretic Cathar and Linvala, Keeper of Silence.

Black legendary creatures have some massive damage dealing and recursion capacity. Especially cards like Sheoldred, the Apocalypse, Gisa, Glorious Resurrector, Ghoulcaller Gisa and Mikaeus, the Unhallowed.

And then there are some red legendaries you haven't considered yet that influence your damage-dealing capacity, like Kazuul, Tyrant of the Cliffs, Drakuseth, Maw of Flames and Moraug, Fury of Akoum. By the way, I'd also really recommend Grenzo, Havoc Raiser as he's given me some insane value in past games.

Not sure if any of this helps, but here you go.

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