Ghired's Belligerence


Ghired's Belligerence deals X damage divided as you choose among any number of target creatures. Whenever a creature dealt damage this way is put into the graveyard from the battlefield this turn, populate. (Create a token that's a copy of a creature token you control.)

UncleLucky on Replicators

1 year ago

There are a few populate cards in Red that you can add in for more token shenanigans: Ghired's Belligerence has huge potential & Determined Iteration gives you extra tokens, making your red copy cards hit even harder.

Hate Mirage can make for some huge plays, especially with your general's 2nd ability.

I've never seen this general and I love red token strats. I may need to build this!

king-saproling on Prepare for Trouble and Make it Double

2 years ago

Ghired's Belligerence seems like it'd be real neat here. Also Twinflame

1empyrean on Ragavan, Boatswain of the Dragon's Smile

2 years ago

Grafted Wargear also lets you sacrifice creature stolen with various effects, which is nice.

These swaps are subject to further changes, but Jaxis, the Troublemaker, Professional Face-Breaker, Hoard Hauler and Rain of Riches replaced Delina, Wild Mage, Gadrak, the Crown-Scourge, Ghired's Belligerence, and Treasure Nabber. Your swaps can be what works be for you, especially with the changes you've already made.

Removing the mutate isn't a big deal, but there are some tricks I like doing with it.

eliakimras on Ghired - Precon Primal Genesis - Heavy Upgrade

2 years ago

Hey! Kinda late, but I would like to suggest some stuff:

(Disclaimer: I have a budget way lower than yours, but I've been tinkering with Ghired for almost two years - he's my favorite commander. I'll break the suggested upgrades down into categories for better organization.)

Haste enablers:

Ramp: Run at least 15 ramp cards to make your deck flow smoother and faster.

Direct damage:

Extra combats: You don't have to worry about your opponents' answers if they never get to their turn, so...


Card draw: Alongside ramp, it is my main concern with Ghired. I want to be able to rebuild my board after a boardwipe.

  • Garruk's Uprising is a better Colossal Majesty, even giving evasion to your creatures.

  • I believe that Camaraderie can be substituted for Shamanic Revelation as the latter cost less mana. Mouth / Feed is another option that creates its own big token. Return of the Wildspeaker can either draw cards or buff creatures for an alpha strike.

  • Keeper of Fables triggers all other power-based card draw, while giving easy draw triggers to all your trampling creatures. Elder Gargaroth is a buffed, more versatile version of it. And remember: both can be cloned for extra juicy draw or extra tokens.

  • Sylvan Library is an overall great card filter for your regular draws. It gets better with shufflers like fetchlands and tutors.

  • Since your deck is focused on attacking and getting extra combat steps, Etali, Primal Storm might be a fun way to play your opponents' cards while lowering their life points.

Some cards I suggest you to remove:

  • Sundering Growth: you already have enough flexible removal. You will almost never be in a situation in which the token to copy and the artifact/enchantment to remove are optimal choices. Since you're running Eladamri's Call, Reclamation Sage might be worth including (and cloned for the enjoyment of your friends).
  • Starnheim Unleashed: one token is too little for a whole card slot in the deck. If you're foretelling, it costs a lot of mana to be worthwhile. The game might be over before that.
  • Growing Ranks: waiting a whole rotation to get a token which does not even have haste is not ideal.
  • Ghired's Belligerence, Full Flowering: good for a late game play, mostly dead until then. I like those, but I removed them in favor of more mid-game cards, since I might not last until 9+ mana.
  • Trostani, Selesnya's Voice: while on-theme, it does little to advance your win condition.
  • Thunderfoot Baloth: not an amazing buff. Your creatures are big already, and Garruk's Uprising takes care of the evasion.
  • Feldon of the Third Path: all-star when there is a lot of graveyard filling - there is none in this deck. (I really tried to keep him on my deck because I like the card, but most of the time there was no creature in my graveyard.)
  • Eldrazi Displacer: are you using it for a combo? I couldn't identify it.

Some cool lands for you to try out: (landbase is my favorite part of deckbuilding)

I hope I've been of some help to you. I didn't suggest many token-related cards because I believe that, as long as you have decent ramp, draw and removal in your deck, you can win to your heart's content. Wanna throw in a Godsire? Do it. Prefer to clone your opponents' creatures with Hate Mirage? Go ahead. But the fundamentals of the deck is what makes it flow consistently. Have fun and smash 'em all (and run Doubling Season for extra fun) ;-)

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Feldon of the Third Path - Loran's Smile (v1.4)

2 years ago

Great list! I don't have time now to elaborate all the thoughts I have these suggestions, but maybe just take a look. I'll try to elaborate later:


Thornbite Staff

Phyrexian Altar

Ghired's Belligerence

Impulsive Pilferer

Ashnod's Altar

Leyline Tyrant

Scuttling Doom Engine


Altar of Dementia

Bloodfire Colossus

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