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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal


Creature — Incarnation

At the beginning of your upkeep, if Genesis is in your graveyard, you may pay . If you do, return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

Profet93 on Samut, Vizier of Naktamun

2 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1 because of you, interesting deck.

Dualcaster Mage - For the combo potential with hit shimmer and twinflame, as well as general utility.

At the risk of being winmore, Alhammarret's Archive?

What is the point of squee, synergy with survival of the fittest? Reminds me of when I used to run Genesis for a similar interaction.

Skullclamp - Draw, or is it not needed?

Do you have enough mountains to trigger valakut? I feel the slot would be better utilized with a Castle Garenbrig?

Command Tower/Cragcrown Pathway  Flip - Color fixing

Turntimber, Serpentine Wood  Flip - Utility

War Room - Draw

Have you considered adding some extra combat step cards to trigger your commander's ability and deal additional damage such as Karlach, Fury of Avernus, Relentless Assault, Seize the Day, Scourge of the Throne, World at War, Breath of Fury, Combat Celebrant or my personal favorite Aggravated Assault?

SufferFromEDHD on "Greenbeans"

7 months ago

Pendelhaven efficient pump

The Seedcore efficient pump

Blinkmoth Nexus pump for inkmoth

Deserted Temple you have some good utility

Dust Bowl useful in the late game in a deck full of basic lands

Genesis strong alongside Survival

Squee_Spirit_Guide on Bouncy Frog

1 year ago

Looks like a fun idea! Lifeline or Genesis could be cool to be able to recycle the Spore Frog.

legendofa on Grave Infestation

1 year ago

Welcome to the club, CaptainGuppy! As I see it, the plan is to use Squee, Goblin Nabob, Master of Death, Genesis, and Stinkweed Imp to fuel Zombie Infestation and Cryptbreaker. If this is right, I'm not sure Bastion of Remembrance and Feaster of Fools are quite right for this deck.

Since your return-from-graveyard-to-hand creatures can only recur themselves at your upkeep/draw step, and since Cryptbreaker is a mana+tap effect, I expect this deck to be putting out maybe 2-3 Zombie tokens each turn, at best. I would suggest focusing on making those tokens bigger and better. Diregraf Captain would be a replacement for Bastion, and something like Corpse Cobble for Feaster. Corpse Cobble also has flashback, so it can be discarded to Infestation and still be used. Cemetery Reaper is another source of Zombies that can eat your opponents' graveyard.

Genesis feels a little redundant; its most worthwhile target is the Cryptbreaker. If you like the effect, maybe try Wonder.

jarncards on SaladFingers

1 year ago

I might run fewer/creatures, since stickfingers will until you reveal x creatures, not just x cards. The fewer you have the higher chance you hit one that destroys the table if you just overload on ramp and reanimates. Rather than these things Crawl from the Cellar,Ghoul's Feast,Gravepurge I'd focus on just reanimating and is easy to get and will probably serve you better. If you really do want it back in your hand Genesis Skullwinder and Eternal Witness do this while attached to a body.

Rather than sending to your hand these will just bring back Diregraf Rebirth, Victimize, Reanimate, Exhume, Unearth, Whisper, Blood Liturgist, Stitch Together,Dread Return.Geth, Lord of the Vault is expensive but can fill your yard as well as revive others. Finale of Devastation revives or tutors, and is a finisher.

Blossoming Wreath,Gnaw to the Bone probably heal less than lifelink, and there's a ton of ways to give lifelink.

Rampant Growth is slightly inferior to Three Visits and Nature's Lore as long as your dual lands have both typesOvergrown Tomb, Bayou, Woodland Chasm, although I'd definitely run all three if there's room. Culling Ritual would be an amazing ramp/wipe card you can use to nuke all tokens and then cast stickfingers. Sakura-Tribe Elder is just rampant growth that works as a blocker for one turn, and it is another creature in your graveyard. Lotus Cobra ramps too, particularly with your other ramp options.

And you'll likey have enough mana to use Decree of Pain, if not, other wipe options are Damnation,Pernicious Deed,Death Cloud,Deathbringer Regent,In Garruk's Wake,Killing Wave,Necromantic Selection,Plague Wind,Reiver Demon,Toxic Deluge. Torment of Hailfire works as a finisher too Endurance is basically the only way you can protect your graveyard that I can think of. I'd probably run Veil of Summer too.

Moodmark Painter gives the +x/+x buff and is on a body Garruk Relentless  Flip flips into Garruk, the Veil-Cursed, but its tricky to make this one work

Since you'll have access to really big creatures these can be nice for draw. Greater Good, Momentous Fall, Return of the Wildspeaker, Garruk, Primal Hunter, Morbid Curiosity, Life's Legacy, Disciple of Bolas, Doom Weaver, Selvala, Heart of the Wilds.

Mesmeric Orb,Stitcher's Supplier would be an amazing graveyard filler.

Zombie Infestation and Wild Mongrel is usefull for dumping creatures out of your hand

I think every single black deck should run Dauthi Voidwalker, and the more grave hate you have the more you could take advantage of Living End/Living Death if you use these as mass reanimates. they are the cheapest.

Life from the Loam and Bala Ged Recovery  Flip would be good helps for mana and options.

As long as you run Filth run Crop Rotation and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth too since it will make every creature you have unblockable.

Deathrite Shaman would benefit from more fetch lands Marsh Flats,Verdant Catacombs,Misty Rainforest would help mana fix as well as throw more lands into your graveyard.

You have a fairly high number of tutors, and a ton of ramp, so i'd consider Panglacial Wurm. It's a card you dont need to waste a draw to get and can be cast instant speed. And its fun to surprise people with it at least once.

GoldenMagpie on At the beginning of your …

1 year ago

I have Court of Cunning out and choose to mill myself. In the process I get Genesis in my graveyard.

Can I now choose to use Genesis effect as it's still the beginning of my upkeep step or have I missed the 'Beginning' of the beginning of my upkeep to trigger it?

Thanks in advance

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Of Man & Spirit, Thy Legion Is Sent Forth.

2 years ago

This looks really interesting, but I think there are some general problems. The most important is that your curve is very high, but you have somewhat expensive ramp, too. I have some ideas for you.

First thing first, you can have your companion show up as a card similarly to how your commander ist shown. Just write * CMPN * (without the spaces between the asterisk and the letters) behind your companion in the sideboard.

Green has all these version of Llanowar Elves, and I think adding some of those instead of your MV3 or 4 ramp creatures is important. Sakura-Tribe Elder is a great ramp card. These changes could already solve the mana problem.

More removal seems important, as well. Reclamation Sage and Manglehorn would be fine additions. Massacre Girl is a good boardwipe on legs. Cataclysmic Gearhulk could work for you if you were to add in some enchantment creatures. Vona, Butcher of Magan can solve many problems. Noxious Gearhulk, Nekrataal and especially Ravenous Chupacabra would be useful to deal with creatures.

Archon of Absolution and Windborn Muse are additional pillowforts.

Now to some other cards to maybe add.

Genesis is a powerhouse recursion engine. Eternal Witness and also maybe Timeless Witness would be great, too.

Veteran Explorer is a great ramp card, though it might be hard here to use him multiple times due to your low basic land count. What a shame ;)

With your legendary sub-theme, Thalia's Lancers might be a pretty great addition.

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