Garruk, Apex Predator

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Garruk, Apex Predator

Planeswalker — Garruk

+1: Destroy another target planeswalker.

+1: Create a 3/3 black Beast creature token with deathtouch.

-3: Destroy target creature. You gain life equal to its toughness.

-8: Target opponent gets an emblem with "Whenever a creature attacks you, it gets +5/+5 and gains trample until end of turn."

KBK7101 on I'm looking to build a …

1 year ago

Thoughts on just running Garruk Relentless  Flip as the commander as a Rule 0 thing? I doubt the deck would end up being anything terribly competitive (not a knock on your deckbuilding skills but just more because of the narrow theme), so why not just have some fun with it and make it a Rule 0 deck? If not, or if people give your grief over it, Carth the Lion is probably the best choice.

I'd say Garruk, Apex Predator but that one seems like it might be a bit too strong to have in the command zone with his emblem ability and all.

I've been debating doing the same thing with Ajani, probably with Ajani, Mentor of Heroes or Ajani, the Greathearted. Possibly another one with Jaya Ballard (RIP).

Argy on Horde Magic: Compendium

2 years ago

Did you see how my group uses Boost Cards to change the deck difficulty?

Boost Cards

If you want to play against the Horde with stronger decks, you can use cards to boost its strength.

The following cards provide the boosts described.

Glenn, the Voice of Calm gives all Horde creatures Skulk.

Garruk, Apex Predator gives all Horde creatures +5/+5 and Trample.

Knight of the Ebon Legion gives all Horde creatures +3/+3 and Deathtouch.

Echoing Equation lets all Horde creatures become a copy of the strongest Horde creature on the field, for one turn.

Broken Ambitions choose a Hero each turn to Clash with the Horde, on the Horde's End Step. Who ever loses puts the top four cards of their library into their graveyard.

Captivating Glance choose a Hero each turn to Clash with the Horde, on the Horde's End Step. (That player must have control of at least one creature. If no player has any creatures, the Clash does not occur.) Who ever wins captures the most advantageous opponent creature.

Note only the Hero who Clashed with the Horde is effected by the penalty or benefit. They must be the player to put four cards into their graveyard. The Horde can only capture one of their creatures, and only they can capture a Horde creature.

It works well to roll dice to determine a random Hero to Clash with the Horde.

Use them like this:

  1. Sleeve them up in the same sleeves used for the rest of the Horde deck.

  2. Use a token, a land, or some other substitute for a double faced card, if you want to keep it in a clear sleeve.

  3. The Heroes need to discuss which card(s) they think should be used, to make things harder for the decks they are playing.

  4. The Heroes need to decide when they think the boost(s) should occur eg. After 15 cards have been played, then after another 15 cards, then after 5 cards.

    Try to be as strategic as possible. Think about it as though you are Sideboarding on behalf of the Horde.

  5. Shuffle the Horde, then position the boost card(s) where it has been decided.

  6. The Horde creatures then get the buff(s) indicated, once a card has been revealed.

  7. The boost cards are not part of the deck and, as such, don't go into the graveyard. As soon as they are turned over they go into the Boost Zone.

  8. Once a boost card is drawn, drawing cards from the Horde deck ceases, unless a Heroes' card calls for more draw.

  9. Each card in the Boost Zone stacks eg. If Glenn, the Voice of Calm and Garruk, Apex Predator are both in the Boost Zone, all Horde creatures have Skulk, +5/+5, and Trample.

You can use none of the boosts, some of the boosts, or ALL of the boosts!

Omniscience_is_life on New Format: Rule 0

2 years ago

I like this idea, but the main reason I'm commenting is because of you mentioning Primevals' Glorious Rebirth and Garruk, Apex Predator in a list of presumably "illegal" cards--those are both perfectly legal EDH cards, last time I checked ;)

TypicalTimmy on New Format: Rule 0

2 years ago

Thanks to the work of tiffanyann for this idea.

We often talk about "Rule 0"; What your deck does, what it's power level is, who your Commander is, if there are any infinite combos, etc.

But sometimes, Rule 0 is to ask the table if using an Unset Commander is okay. If using a Legendary Enchantment or Artifact or Planeswalker in the Command Zone is okay. If running Gisela, the Broken Blade  Meld Partnered with Bruna, the Fading Light  Meld is okay. Other examples are Stitcher Geralf and Ghoulcaller Gisa as Partners, or Hans Eriksson and Saffi Eriksdotter. Maybe you want to run Sword of Dungeons & Dragons in your D&D themed set. Maybe you want to run Surgeon General Commander. But there's more; Sometimes you want to play with a banned card. Maybe you have this killer Griselbrand build and want to see if it can withstand three opponents.

Rule 0 is important. It doesn't often "require" its own hub, but there are times when it could be useful. And, if the community accepts it as a unique hub, it could also open up more creativity because it pushes up against the boundaries of the RC.

After all, as long as your table is okay with it, then it's fine. If your table is fine with you running Iona, Shield of Emeria or Primevals' Glorious Rebirth, Garruk, Apex Predator or Grimlock, Dinobot Leader  Flip then there is absolutely no reason why you can't or shouldn't be able to. All of these are not legal for use as Commanders within the Command Zone, but if your table is okay with it, then suddenly they are. Similarly, Iona and Grimlock can't be in the deck, even in the +99. If your table is okay with it, then it's fine.

Similarly, sometimes players build decks that run non-legendary creatures as Commanders. One very popular build is Shaman of the Great Hunt, and to a lesser extent Brutal Hordechief. In fact, one of the most popular decks on this site itself would be classified as Rule 0: Dune: He Who Can Destroy a Thing, Controls a Thing, by FenIsABasicSwamp.

So with that said, I propose Rule 0 as a hub. Since we need to be able to describe it in one or two short sentences;

  • "There are many rules to EDH. Rule 0 decks ask the table beforehand if it is okay to run silver-bordered cards, banned cards or cards that would otherwise be 'illegal' in the Command Zone."

Strangelove on Big lifegain, big creatures - Willowdusk

3 years ago

Hey Walrighti, +1!

@your post

Congrats on your first deck! You have a lot of fun cards in here and it looks great! I imagine you want to tune and make it even more efficient so here are some ideas...

Add 3 categories: #Combo, #Lifegain, and #Evasion; and then sort your maybeboard the same way you've done your mainboard to easily rank your choices within a category (By "combo" I mean all your "if-then" cards like Trudge Garden that are slower and don't work by themselves). Remove #Creatures (most of them are #Combo).

Avoid most cards above 4 cmc... Willowdusk is fast and fragile, so play into that... Also, prioritize cards that can do 2 or more things or that give value on ETB... If you have pet cards that don't really fit and that hurt to cut, put them in a "I'll build that theme later" list.

(All under $3)

+1 Devoted Druid ... this card is a beast

+1 Rampant Growth

+1 Arcane Signet

+1 Golgari Signet

+1 Talisman of Resilience ... #Ramp

+1 Elves of Deep Shadow

+1 Elvish Mystic

+1 Fyndhorn Elves

+1 Llanowar Elves ... #Ramp... the elves enable Willowdusk combos on turn 3.

+1 Marwyn, the Nurturer

+1 Viridian Joiner ... #Ramp... #Combo

+1 Boompile ... its a gem (hint: don't tap it on your turn) +1 Nightmare Unmaking

+1 Killing Wave

+1 Massacre Girl ... #Wipe

+1 Kenrith's Transformation

+1 Beast Within ... #Removal

+1 Swiftfoot Boots

+1 Inspiring Call

+1 Oblivion's Hunger

+1 Rush of Vitality

+1 Sheltering Word

~1 Slippery Bogbonder

+1 Golgari Charm ... #Evasion

+1 Haunted Cloak

+1 Chariot of Victory

+1 Charge Through

~1 Tuskguard Captain

~1 Rancor ... Trample and haste are important... #Evasion

~1 Destined ... the choices are really good.

+1 Deepwood Ghoul

+1 Mischievous Poltergeist

+1 Soul Channeling ... #Combo with Willowbark and stick to the board...

~1 Phyrexian Processor ... fun?

~1 Lurking Evil ... maybe?

~1 Solidarity of Heroes ... #Combo

~1 Ooze Flux ... tokens at instant speed?

~1 Retribution of the Ancients ... removal?

+1 Garruk, Primal Hunter

+1 Mindless Automaton

+1 Thought Gorger ... (leaves)

+1 Life's Legacy

+1 Return of the Wildspeaker ... #Draw

~1 Essence Harvest

+1 Bloodspore Thrinax

+1 Triskelion ... #Combo

+1 Nighthawk Scavenger ... #Fatty

...Always play at least 10 ramp spells under 3 cmc.

...Playtest and make sure Willowbark consistently makes a fatty (with evasion) before turn 6-7.

Here's another Willowdusk thread.

Happy building :)

RicketyEng on None

3 years ago

Some clarification of Obby's timeline:

1) Ob Nixilis of the Black Oath conquered his home plane then sparked.

2) On his travels/conquests of other planes at some point he was attracted by The Chain Veil 's power. However he was cursed by it when he touched it and started becoming a demon.

3) He travelled to Zendikar in hopes of using its powerful and wild mana to stop or reverse his demonic transformation.

4) Upon his arrival on the plane its protector, Nahiri, the Lithomancer , implanted a hedron in his forehead which robbed him of his spark and caused his wings to wither and eventually die. Ob Nixilis, the Fallen

5) After a few thousand years Jace, the Mind Sculptor was trying to figure out how to help Garruk, the Veil-Cursed . He extracted the hedron from Ob Nixilis's forehead and managed to implant it in Garruk's arm. In both Ob Nixilis and Garruk the hedron had the effect of subduing the veil's curse. It brought some clarity to the mind of Garruk, Apex Predator .

6) I remember reading a story where Ob Nixilis, Unshackled was buried alive and he very gradually dug his way down and toward a power source he could sense. This is how he found the Khalni Heart which he first tried to use to reignite his spark before Nissa, Voice of Zendikar stopped him.

7) Utterly sick and tired of Zendikar at this point, and buried alive once more after his duel with Nissa, Nixilis vowed vengeance on the entire plane. He hijacked the Aligned Hedron Network when the Zendikari momentarily managed to trap Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger . Ob Nixilis Reignited managed to siphon off enough power from Ulamog to reignite his spark. He then broke Ulamog out of the hedron prison and summoned Kozilek to the surface. He took the time to easily defeat Nissa, Gideon, and Jace before leaving, but Chandra showed up in time to rescue them. At that point it wasn't worth the effort to stick around for any more petty vengeance so he left.

8) Ob Nixilis, the Hate-Twisted took part in the War of the Spark. He joined Karn, Samut, and Dack Fayden on their mission to close Tezzeret's Planar Bridge from the Amonkhet side (they travelled through the portal itself because of The Immortal Sun ). Tezzeret didn't put up much of a fight. Nixilis burned large swaths of the remaining Eternal army before planeswalking away.

enpc on How powerful is this deck? …

3 years ago

legendofa: Quality should always be your guide. If you were using all 10 planeswalkers on a single (non-superfriends theme) like for example if they all pumped out tokens and then buffed them, that would be fine. But here you effectively have:

Looking at the planeswalkers, that's kind of what I see here. And don't get me wrong, repeatability is great. But you have to weigh that up against mana cost and frequency of repeatability.

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