Gallant Pie-Wielder

Creature — Dwarf Knight

First strike

Celebration — Gallant Pie-Wielder has double strike as long as two or more nonland permanents entered the battlefield under your control this turn.

Jaroc249 on Gylwain’s Selesnya Show

5 months ago

Phule451 this is what I've done to the deck now which includes your suggestions:

Timber Paladin > Gala Greeters

Timely Ward > Gallant Pie-Wielder

Angelic Destiny > Lady of Laughter

Starfield Mystic > Grand Crescendo

Idol of Oblivion > Sterling Grove

Please let me know what you think and if you have anymore suggestions to make this deck a great show

Phule451 on Gylwain’s Selesnya Show

5 months ago

What show is complete without a Grand Crescendo? Both serves as great protection for your board plus is totally on theme. Also, with Gylwain’s ability, celebration triggers go off with every creature spell; stick a monster role on Gallant Pie-Wielder and you’ve got not only concessions at your show, but also a giant threat, put a sorcerer role on Lady of Laughter and you get a comedy act that gives you card selection in front of card draw.

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