Furnace Whelp

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Furnace Whelp

Creature — Dragon

Flying (This creature can't be blocked except by creatures with flying or reach.)

: Furnace Whelp gets +1/+0 until end of turn.

debuf on infinite rats

1 year ago

ok, I just play against my friend with the dragon deck and I think it might need some more mana producers or cheap fear.

His commander is Atarka, World Render, and here are some cards that I now know are in his deck: Foe-Razer Regent, Furnace Whelp, Rapacious Dragon, Atarka Monument, Frontier Siege, Vandalblast, Sweltering Suns, Talisman of Impulse, Akoum Hellkite, Harbinger of the Hunt, Dream Pillager, Sol Ring, Dragonmaster Outcast, Dragonspeaker Shaman, Savage Ventmaw, Dragonlord's Servant, Tyrant's Familiar, Thunderbreak Regent, and Drakuseth, Maw of Flames.

zachz on $50 BUDGET OGNIS

1 year ago

Yeah, you need firebreathing in this as a ready source of manadumps.

Creatures: - Flamekin Brawler - Dragon Egg - Dragon Hatchling - Chartooth Cougar - Everflame Eidolon - Immolating Souleater - Hellkite Overlord - Goblin Fire Fiend - Furnace Whelp - Molten Ravager - Tattermunge Witch

Enchantments: - Firebreathing - Captive Flame - Ghitu Firebreathing - Shiv's Embrace - Dragonrage (Instant, gives all creatures firebreathing)

zachz on Mahadi's Drag Queens

1 year ago

I love the artifact fueling fire you have here. It looks like you could use more firebreathing creatures however. You have Flamekin Brawler but no one else with the ability to trade mana for damage. Adding Furnace Whelp would be (relatively) cheap for a dragon, improving your use of Fearsome Awakening. I don't know others off the top of my head, but they could be fun.

Your Dragon Mage seems very good to ruin opponents plans, but by the time you cast it would drawing 7 new cards be a curse or a blessing for them? It might be free card draw.

Alkadron on PDH(R) - Syr Carah the Bold

3 years ago

Spell_Slam I think you're wrong on almost all counts. The burn spell is the opposite of bad with Syr Carah in play, even without any dragons as payoffs: it's just a bunch of extra Sizzle s. Each of them is 3 mana for 9 damage and (impulse-)draw three cards. That's absurd by itself. Getting to play lots of them is outstanding.

That they sometimes turn into a FREE Rapacious Dragon (this deck needs burst mana) or Scion of Ugin (4/4 fliers are fine) or Furnace Whelp (Firebreathing fliers make good closers in a deck that can hit massive quantities of mana easily) is just an added bonus. Lightning Dragon is the fourth best dragon for us; it's cute but not super powerful.

The decision I need to make now is whether to create a completely separate Carah deck that's just 6 dragons. 45 Approaches, and 48 mana cards, or whether to try to squeeze the four good dragons and 10-12-ish Approaches into this deck. XD

schulle on Ur Dragon

5 years ago

Well... I would definetly try to tinker a Little around,to be honest I don't think the deck will work out like this,you have way to few lands as most decks run around 35-37 normally and with a manaintensive tribe like Dragons it could also go up to 39.

so I will give some cut suggestions:

Coordinated Assault +Thunderstrike not really neccesary you almost always have the biggest creatures on board so attacking/blocking shouldn't be that much of a problem

Dragon Fodder + Krenko's Command the early blocker aren't worth that much,most of the time,I would advice to get additional ramp to get your Dragons out faster so maybe try out Cultivate + Kodama's Reach with some added basiclands

Now to the heartbraking part to cut some Dragons(40+ creatures is already extreme) if you want to keep some for your flavour it isn't wrong I just want to help to improve your expirience with the deck.

Dragon Hatchling + Dragon Egg + Furnace Whelp these cards have really low Impact on the game so it would be better to cast any kind of ramp to these cards to get your big bad Dragons out earlier.

Freejam Regent not enough artifact's to utilize the improvise mechanic so kinda overcosted

Knollspine Dragon drawing Cards is nice but if I'm not wrong Kindred Discovery was in this precon and it will probably help more then this,as you would Need a boardpresence before casting it to deal dmg

Progenitus it's really hard to cast and not even a Dragon...

Shivan Dragon one of the most iconic cards of magic...but it's kinda bad in this time,where creatures can be way more powerful then this

Tyrant of Valakut just seems underwhelming it's an average Body for a Dragon but if you want additional removal maybe something like Swords to Plowshares would simply be better

Vampiric Dragon overcosted and not that strong in itself

Volcanic Dragon underwhelming…

I know that it seems harsh to Judge some of your decisions but bear with me.

What would I add:

Many lands already said what was normal for most EDH decks also rampspells to get your big beaters out a couple of turns earlier

Removal would also help greatly.

Protection like Lightning Greaves and Swiftfoot Boots to get through with your best creatures.

Last but not least Urza's Incubator , Temur Ascendancy are both cards that i really enjoy to draw with my Ur-Dragon deck.

Hope my critique helped a Little to let the lizards fly higher then ever befor

ZombieNico on Sky Puppies

6 years ago

I was thinking of throwing in Dragon Whelp, Furnace Whelp, and Dragon Hatchling. Although, I'm not sure what I'd take out.

UltimatHedgehog on BR Dragons

6 years ago

I agree Firebreathing should go because I never have the mana free to use it, so that's gone. Sengir Vampire was there for his ability to keep getting stronger and cheaper CMC than the dragons, but I'm probably better off removing him and Furnace Whelp for Thunderbreak Regent (which I tend to do when sideboarding) and more removal for the cheaper cards. I do have Blightning and Slaughter Games but I took them out when I was adding creatures. They're probably going back in.The reason I have Archetype of Finality is to give the dragons deathtouch for their abilities that can hit opponent's creatures. Stormblood Berserker also hasn't been that useful but I thought he could be able to protect me earlier with Lightning Bolt and Tormented Soul to get damage in for his Bloodthirst. Are there better lower cost cards I can replace it with?

DrukenReaps on Draconic Domination (Revisedv1.1)

6 years ago

You have close to an average of 5 CMC, 30 lands is simply not enough. The fewest lands I run in any EDH deck is 33 for this I would shoot for 37. You are going to need that consistency between 5 colors and high costs. It won't be easy but you will want to eliminate dragons. Try to figure out which dragons are kinda meh compared to others.

Some of my thoughts for removals are Archwing Dragon, Boneyard Scourge, Broodmate Dragon, Dragon Hatchling, Dromoka, the Eternal, Furnace Whelp, Harbinger of the Hunt, Hivis of the Scale, Shockmaw Dragon, Teeka's Dragon, Territorial Hellkite, Tyrant's Familiar. I have not played dragons but these seems the most underwhelming.

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