Frostwalk Bastion

Snow Land

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: Until end of turn, Frostwalk Bastion becomes a 2/3 Construct artifact creature. It's still a land. ( can be paid with one mana from a snow permanent.)

Whenever Frostwalk Bastion deals combat damage to a creature, tap that creature and it doesn't untap during its controller's next untap step.

amarthaler on EDH Jorn, God of Winter

1 year ago


Out: 20 total cards! 1. Time of Ice, 2. Muldrotha, the Gravetide, 3. Iceberg Cancrix, 4. The Tarrasque, 5. Time of Ice, 6. Emergent Ultimatum, 7. Glittering Frost, 8. Boreal Outrider, 9. Faceless Haven, 10. Shimmerdrift Vale, 11. Avalanche Caller, 12. Frostwalk Bastion, 13. Coldsteel Heart, 14. Fabled Passage, 15. Opulent Palace, 16. Tropical Island, 17. Underground Sea, 18. Bayou, 19. Birds of Paradise, 20. Village Rites

In: 20 total cards! 1. Primal Rage, 2. Winged Boots, 3. Darksteel Plate, 4. Panglacial Wurm, 5. Sundial of the Infinite, 6. Diabolic Vision, 7. Inventors' Fair, 8. Thespian's Stage, 9. Boreal Centaur, 10. Hailstorm Valkyrie, 11. Druid Class, 12. Expedition Map, 13. Thing in the Ice  Flip, 14. Glorious Sunrise, and 2x Snow Forest, 3x Snow Island, 1x Snow Swamp

With this new design, we're looking to keep Jorn alive longer and deal more damage. There's also more ways to summon Marit Lage and pump up snow creatures. The mana base is smoothed out with more snow lands, and more card draw / ramp cards. Let me know what you think of the new brew!

theanimetrix on Battle of Wits Attacks For Lethal

2 years ago

mlequesne Hahaha I know what you mean. I always come back to look at this deck as well. Just something about it that draws me in. I did have both Lair of the Hydra and Frostwalk Bastion in the deck at one point but I traded them for either faster mana or some untapped lands after I felt the chances of getting different and hopefully better creature making land. Shark Typhoon is a really sweet suggestion and I'll definitely try some test runs with it. The only worry with it is that adding non land cards can actually cause difficulties when trying to play your entire deck. If you have too many non lands, one or 2 important cards can get stuck in the library. The suggestions are super awesome though I really appreciate it!

mlequesne on Battle of Wits Attacks For Lethal

2 years ago

Lair of the Hydra and Frostwalk Bastion can work as another creature land. I love to come back and see the marvel you created, you will always be my hero. <3

amicdeep on Budget U/W Blink (Soulherder)

2 years ago

looking at this from a super budget pov there are a couple of cards i would seriouly consider

Flickerwisp has been printed into the ground and with soulherder on the field he gets rid of your opponents needed land, plainswalker or creature for the entirety of there turn. hes also a good card to flicker your own stuff and is a solid flying attacker. most importanly hes been printed into the ground the last few years and sits between 5-25 cents (if you run a couple flip lands like Umara Wizard  Flip or Skyclave Cleric  Flip and target them with the flicker effect it turns them back into creatures for some solid board advantage or as a combat trick with Ephemerate

Professor of Symbology with a wishboard of

1x Environmental Sciences, 1x Mascot Exhibition, 2x Reduce to Memory

can get you out of most situations reduce kills anything for good science means you can keep a 2 land hand with prof and not regret it and mascot is a solid wincon if the games gets grindy. also prof is a solid looter if you get all your wishboard cards and the whole paxkage is under $2 (i still use this in my $100 mono white flicker list, and the deck has top 3 a few time and this card is the decks stoneforge mystic and is defiantly the next best thing)

1-2 copys of Lavinia of the Tenth this is a hard lock with soulherder for many deck. and pro red and the deck having instant speed flicker spells card be very difficult for some decks to deal with.

Hallowed Respite may be worth running as a 2 off, its a flicker spell that pumps or taps down problematic blocker and can be done a secound time late in the game when you need the value the most.

if you can find it in the budget id try very hard to run 4 Reflector Mage its basically the reson to run blue (alongside soulherder) for none budget versions of this list, and ist much much cheaper that Skyclave Apparition

on the oust issue this may seem strange but it may be worth considering Baffling End for 2 resons, 1 it can be flickered by flicker wisp or similar to exile extra things. 2 they stay permanently exiled, i wont be ideal for every situation but may well work for some.

if your planning on upgrading to moder staple id recomed 2 copys of Winds of Abandon before path. 1 its a solid path effect. 2 in the mid-lat game its a one sided boardwipe and there for can take the slots for cleansing nova while being more useful (also its a boardwipe that exiles meaning if you have a soulherder on the field it can easily be a 5-5/6-6 after casting this)

the secound cards id upgrade is Skyclave Apparition its hands down the most powerful card im my $100 version of the deck and is often my best draw. this and a Ephemerate or soulherder and you basically have a board wipe

if you do end up running 4 path 2 winds, then it can be worth running Knight of the White Orchid which makes Glacial Floodplain or Irrigated Farmland worth running (they also work great with and trigger Port Town)

id also consdider adding a manland to your landbase. on a budget you have either Frostwalk Bastion, Faerie Conclave. if you have a little more then Cave of the Frost Dragon is probably worth the upgrade. and if you willing to spend a little more on a modern staple Celestial Colonnade is the cheapest its ever been in the history of the game $3.5/$4 ish and definatly worth 2-3 of.

hope one or two of these suggestions help a little

BrassLord on Jalira Sea Creatures

3 years ago

Looks like a fun deck! From my experience running a Polymorph esque deck, something you may want to look at is limiting the amount of creatures in the deck, so you're better able to capitalize on your commander's ability or one of the several polymorph effects you have in the deck!

I'd also recommend trying out some of the "man lands." Inkmoth Nexus Blinkmoth Nexus Mutavault Faceless Haven Frostwalk Bastion and Mishra's Factory are all potential creature targets that can survive board wipes and tend to sick around!

amicdeep on Budget Black Midrange (60$)

3 years ago

I like the concept. There are a couple of cards I'd add

Bad Moon. Solid anthem and viable with lurrus. I'd try this proberbly as a 2-3 of.

Kicker also allows you to semi cheat on the mana restrictions from lurrus Gatekeeper of Malakir and Nullpriest of Oblivion both work with lurrus (if now with unearth) (maybe a 2-3 of in total)

Another packages I would consider is Pain Seer + Smuggler's Copter Either apart or together they are a pretty serious draw package.

I think the land base could also be honed a little. The best 2 lands by a long ways are Ifnir Deadlands and castle lockwain I'd run 2 of each I would also include a couple field of ruin for land removal Barren Moor, Hagra Mauling  Flip and if your budget works with snow basics Frostwalk Bastion could all also be in the conversation.

Finally no matter the direction I would also include some of the cheaper and effective choice spells 1 cling to dust 1-2 Inscription of Ruin 1-2 never//return

Bloodchief's Thirst also makes a solid fatal push replacement.

If you where looking for something to cut foulmair Knight and 1-2 vampire of the dire moon would be my first choices.

DemMeowsephs on Teysa karlov Aristocrats

3 years ago

Hey there! As asked for on my page, I will most certainly do my best to give you as many suggestions as I can, though aristocrats is, again, not exactly my area of expertise. I hope this helps, and before I continue, I wish you the best of luck on your deck.

Let's start off with the lands/ramp. The lands seem pretty great choices for a budget deck, couldn't really have done it better myself, but there are a couple cards you may want to consider that you might have missed. Brightclimb Pathway  Flip is probably one of the biggest ones, and it is only around 2-3 bucks. It's very valuable to have a choice like that in the game, and neither would come in tapped which is super good. Salt Flats is also a great card, and while it comes in tapped, you can always rely on it for a good source of colored mana, or simply use the colorless part of its ability. It is also less than 50 cents, making it a great include for a budget deck. Blighted Fen might also contribute to the theme, but is absolutely unnecessary unless you like its ability. Now, we get into a whole set of cards that could be interesting to think about, though whether you think you should include them or not are entirely up to you. Teysa is all about sacrificing and having sac outlets, so what if you had lands that had the option to act as creatures? This would let you tap for mana, and have the option to sac a creature if you needed it! Here are some of the better ones you may want to consider:

Now you may not like most of those, but possibly even just having one or two of the better ones like Blinkmoth and Mishra might be pretty beneficial, as it's always good to have things to sac in the worst-case scenario. In addition to that, all of the cards above are less than a dollar if not a small bit more, meaning they could most likely work price wise. To wrap up all the land part, Crystal Vein is also something good to consider, giving you a turn extra in mana at the price of the land, as well as Field of Ruin, which is just a overall not bad card in general for harming your opponents.

Now, what about ramp? While your ramp looks pretty good, here are a couple sweet ones you may have missed: Dark Ritual!!! This guy is amazing, for one mana you can pretty much cast teysa turn 2 with another land out, or it can just give you a huge leg up in general! Certaintly worth considering. Talisman of Hierarchy is also a super cheap great card I would definitely recommend for the deck, and it will surely benefit you more than the Prismatic Lens, though having both is simply better. Commander's Sphere obviously isn't as good as arcane signet, but it is still pretty great due to the draw ability and is also definitely worth considering. Cabal Ritual is also great with teysa since you'll be sacrificing a lot. To top that all off, Knight of the White Orchid and Gift of Estates are pretty good and definitely worth looking into.

Altogether, for your mana base, there isn't anything too dire, it all looks pretty good, though there are certainly a few budget cards I mentioned there you should definitely consider. I'm now going to give some recommendations on some all-around good cards to include, and save the specifically aristocrats stuff for last. Swords to Plowshares is pretty cheap and yet an amazing staple in all decks, I would definitely consider that, especially since in your case you can play it on one of your own things to get extra triggers, while also gaining the life. Generous Gift is also an amazing removal card that I have in my best deck and it's pretty good too! Same as for swords, you even have the option to play it on yourself and get the elephant token that you can sacrifice again! Fumigate and Cleansing Nova are pretty cheap but good board wipes that I would definitely try including too, to top of all the removal. In black, Read the Bones, Sign in Blood, and Night's Whisper are pretty good for draw that you may want to think about.

Now sorry if this is a bit rushed, I am short on time, but you may want to think about some of the following cards, with graveyard recursion, tutors to graveyards, and good sac cards!

Metroid_Hybrid on Ladies & Gentlemen, Mister Konrad Twitty..

3 years ago

I'm also running Mouth of Ronom & Frostwalk Bastion to up my count of Snow permanents..

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