Frostboil Snarl

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Alchemy Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Pre-release Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Standard Legal
Standard Brawl Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Frostboil Snarl


As Frostboil Snarl enters the battlefield, you may reveal an Island or Mountain card from your hand. If you don't Frostboil Snarl enters the battlefield tapped.

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ashby4 on Zaffai, Thunder Conductor

7 months ago

These cards both fit the theme and have at least some synergy with the deck- Muse Vortex, Spellbinding Soprano, Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel, Fires of Victory, Victory Chimes, Entrancing Melody, Maelstrom Muse

Talruum Piper is a bad card, but it is a musical Minotaur.

These cards don't quite fit the theme but are powerful in this sort of deck- Volcanic Vision, Immolating Gyre, Tzaangor Shaman, Omnispell Adept, Galvanoth, Epic Experiment, Summons of Saruman, Aminatou's Augury, Commence the Endgame

Also some cheap land upgrades- Fiery Islet, Frostboil Snarl, and Command Tower.

You should also consider running more lands than 35, with a mana curve this high it can be easy to stumble on lands. Alternatively you could play more ramp spells like Worn Powerstone and Coldsteel Heart.

fyrros on Unfinished Land Cycles (Resource)

9 months ago

Reveal-lands are finished with snarls from Strixhaven (Shineshadow Snarl, Frostboil Snarl etc). But great list otherwise, thank you!

Icbrgr on

2 years ago

beseides fetch lands the other check lands would go nicely with that full playset of Raugrin Triome.... 2x Glacial Fortress and 2x Clifftop Retreat...maybe even the snarl cycle Furycalm Snarl and Frostboil Snarl?

multimedia on Pirates a'hoyyyyyyy

2 years ago

Hey, nice version, but where's Glint-Horn Buccaneer? I saw your deck in the featured decks ad.

You can improve on balancing card quality since you have some amazing cards here, but also quite a few lackluster ones that are much lower on power level compared to the others. An example is Scalding Tarn which is excellent, but not playing a dual land that Tarn can search for... Steam Vents could replace Izzet Guildgate and Volatile Fjord could replace Highland Lake. Other Izzet dual lands to add in place of some basic lands to improve color fixing from lands: Training Center, Cascade Bluffs, Sulfur Falls, Stormcarved Coast and Frostboil Snarl.

I don't think I've even seen Armillary Sphere in the same deck before that also has Mana Drain, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Jeweled Lotus, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon, Jeska's Will and Urza's Saga. Sphere is really out of place power wise. Consider cutting Sphere for Arcane Signet? The Diamonds are also subpar, considering cutting both of them for Talisman of Creativity and Izzet Signet? These are not expensive changes, but can make a big improvements on ramp.

Another example of card quality balance are the counterspells. Mana Drain, Counterspell, Pact of Negation, Negate are great thus you don't also need to play Hornswoggle, Admiral's Order and even Lookout's Dispersal because these are not as good.

Some more one drop/two drop flying Pirates and unblockable Pirates can more easily trigger Malcolm and Breeches. Spectral Sailor, Warkite Marauder, Departed Deckhand could replace some higher mana cost Pirates such as Captain Ripley Vance, Deadeye Quartermaster, Prosperous Pirates and Sailor of Means. You have Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Dockside Extortionist, Goldspan Dragon and Corsair Captain which are all excellent thus you don't really need to play other Pirates that create treasures when they ETB because those cards are not as good.

Wonder and Anger are powerful with Pirates, but they need help to get them into your graveyard because you don't want to ever cast them. Expanding with more loot can help to draw/discard them that also adds more draw to your deck. Faithless Looting, Windfall, Mask of Memory and Frantic Search could replace Mutiny, Hornswoggle, Dowsing Dagger  Flip and Admiral's Order. These changes are also not expensive and improve card quality.

Good luck with your deck.

marcello11235 on Pioneer Lands Data Base

2 years ago

This is great! Personally I would put Zendikar's double faced cards together with mono colored lands. They're basically utility lands! Also the new Frostboil Snarl cycle is almost playable, especially on a budget.

multimedia on Double Trouble : High-power Kalamax

2 years ago

Hey, you're welcome and nice changes.

Archmage > Rashmi > Hippocamp. Archmage is a noninstant that's really good and yes you're undervaluing him.

Archmage with Kalamax draws two cards for the first instant you cast on a turn no matter what instant you cast. That's better than drawing one card from Hippocamp only on opponent's turns or putting one card into your hand/potentially being able to cast one spell each turn for no mana cost from Rashmi. This part of Rashmi's ability misses a lot when you're casting mostly low CMC instants. Some times you want to cast a sorcery and an instant on your turn or cast more than one instant on any player's turn which you draw from Archmage for each spell, Rashmi and Hippocamp don't.

Drawing a card or more whenever you copy an instant or sorcery is a huge plus with Archmage especially with Reversal, Kalamax and Ral. Draw three cards just by casting Reversal as the first instant on a turn. Archmage interacts with Fork combos with Kalamax where you can draw as many cards as you want, just not your entire library. Neither Rashmi or Hippocamp can do that.

It's possible you will cast Archmage or Artist after you cast Kalamax which means you potentially can't cast an instant that turn. You're right, this could be a problem, but is it so much of a problem to not play these cards? Not at all, it's worth that small amount of risk because Archmage or Artist the next turns will give you so much value. Wanting to cast noninstants is a good reason to play more budget one drop instants such as Stubborn Denial because of Kalamax since then you only have to leave up one mana or Drum to cast an instant to response to an opponent's action.

You're right, the strategies and combos with Kalamax are high PL especially since you can combo for only two mana with a Fork whenever any opponent casts any instant or sorcery. Taking away the manabase the PL of Kalamax with combos is around 8, but unfortunately you need a consistent manabase for the deck to function. Without it all the color requirements for the cards are too difficult make. It's the less than ideal lands in the manabase that make both of our Kalamax decks lower PL and casual.

There's nothing wrong with playing casual Kalamax since you don't have to try to win with a combo turn 4-6. That's a huge advantage of playing Kalamax as a Commander which is from nowhere you can combo win, even from an opponent casting any instant or sorcery. Being a good multiplayer Commander player doesn't mean that you have to win as fast as possible. It's about being patient, letting all players play Magic and choosing the best time to strike. Someone has to win at a casual table, but to pacify opponents win at turn 20 rather than turn 4.

Honestly, on a budget green is the problem color with Kalamax. We need green to cast him, but we really don't need green for anything else since all the combos are red or blue, draw/removal can come from just red or blue and ramp can come from more mana rocks and Artist really helps. The way we have both built our decks is very greedy on a budget. We want a green source turn two to cast a turn two green ramp spell, but if we want better consistency then we shouldn't play those green ramp spells and should instead play more colorless mana rocks that can for sure be cast.

You've reduced the green amount of sources from lands too much. Your deck is 32 lands with 19 red sources, 17 blue, 13 green with 13 ramp sources. 13 green sources from lands is barely enough to have a green source turn four. A problem is you want a green source turn two for land ramp. I've recently added the budget Reveal lands that care about an Island: Frostboil Snarl and Vineglimmer Snarl. Each are less than $2, you should consider also adding them to help with color fixing.

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