Force of Despair


If it's not your turn, you may exile a black card from your hand rather than pay this spell's mana cost.

Destroy all creatures that entered the battlefield this turn.

SufferFromEDHD on Sidisi 1CMC Glass Cannon

5 months ago

41.5% of this deck has CMC 0 for a reason. I'm all in on Ad Nauseam. Fantastic suggestions but I have to be very mindful of CMC total. Right now it's at 55 but maybe I'm overthinking it?

Grim Monolith had to double check my list. Was very surprised it is not in. Guessing CMC 2 scared me away but it would allow me to go off a turn earlier.

Necropotence Ad Nauseum #2. Back ups are important. Will slot in.

Snuff Out and Force of Despair I know this deck needs more removal but 7 CMC is a lot of life. Slaughter Pact is truly free. These are guaranteed sideboard cards for certain match ups.

Of your anti blue tech Mind Twist is a great suggestion. Old school power. Conqueror's Flail is a great "can't" but involves too much setup in a creature lite list.

Profet93 on Sidisi 1CMC Glass Cannon

5 months ago

SufferFromEDHD +1

Grim Monolith - Ramp

Necropotence - In case shit hits the fan and you need to dig?

Conqueror's Flail - Anti blue?

Snuff Out - Interaction

Mind Twist - Anti-blue bait. Should they exile your wincon, you can just spite them by making them discard their hand. Also deadly if ramped early game, should you wish.

Force of Despair - Interaction?

AudderPop on Dream Nauseam ($50⁰ ɕƐðɧ)

5 months ago

Snuff Out and Force of Despair unfortunately work the opposite way of how we want; although they're cheap to cast in reality, their CMC is high, so they hurt us a lot to draw off Ad Nauseam. Cavern of Souls and Cabal Ritual are both solid options to proxy in for the cEDH sideboard, as they're both useful but way outside of what I'd actually spend money on. Defense Grid is in the middle sweet spot where it's not a super expensive card and I can see how it improves our combo; it probably limits the number of counterspells our opponent can hit us with while we're comboing off to two max, which is nice :)

Thank you for the suggestions!

Profet93 on Dream Nauseam ($50⁰ ɕƐðɧ)

5 months ago

AudderPop +1

Defense Grid is also a potential consideration for combo protection.

Cavern of Souls for your commander. After you play this deck once, anyone worth their salt is gonna try to counter your glass cannon. This provides extra protection against blue.

Snuff Out Removal

Force of Despair can this work?

Profet93 on Dirty Needles

8 months ago

I was gonna recommend the several instant cards that return your creature when it dies but given the exile opponent, I am hesitant to recommend them at this time. They might want to be reconsidered later. Until then, below are some general suggestions to improve the power/consistency of the deck while remaining "budget"

Crux of Fate - Boardwipe for when things get out of hand

Imp's Mischief - Under $10 but extremely useful!. Redirect _targeted _ removal, draw and extra turns. Not to mention, it can "counter" counterspells and having 2 mana open will allow you to bluff interaction.

Force of Despair - Interaction while tappedout gives you a strong ability to bluff. May or may not be useful but worth mentioning.

Lightning Greaves - I know you have swift boots which allows you to put on other equipment but redundancy is nice to protect your costly commander.

Champion's Helm - Similar to above and swift boots

Trailblazer's Boots - Almost guaranteed unblockable

Sword of Vengeance - Not needed but potentially worth looking into

Animate Dead - Recursion is always nice in black

Thespian's Stage - Copy coffers or opposing utility land

Homeward Path - $15 but meta call should you find theft to become more common

You really need more ramp in this deck to make your commander more threatening

Mind Stone/Commander's Sphere - Ramp when you need it, draw when you dont

Thran Dynamo

Myriad Landscape

I can provide several suggestions for cuts should you wish, let me know. Hope this helps.

xignited on They Came From the Swamp

9 months ago

Wow I am so in love with what you are trying to do, I had to comment!

Creakwood Liege is my personal pet card so I can't tell you how good it feels to see it.

Some thoughts:

  • I don't know your metta but if you ever consider taking out Force of Despair, I could see Witherbloom Command doing a lot of work for this deck as a very flexible spell that is cheaper and still triggers Woodlurker Mimic.
  • Putrid Leech, Throwback is right, I love seeing that again. That being said have you considered experimenting with Grim Flayer in its place at all? Does a lot of the same work as Putrid Leech by quickly becoming a 4/4 and its Surveil 3 ability can do a lot of work to set you up for the win.
  • I agree with the prior comment that Glissa Sunslayer is going to be better for you than Dreg Mangler. That being said I respect your commitment to your fast aggro approach, and as someone who used to run Dreg Mangler, I get it. It's better than most people give it credit for. I did find Sarulf, Realm Eater to be a strong replacement. Having a good removal package, like you do, you can count on it getting more counters and you can reset the board if you start to fall behind.
  • Final note. if you do decide to add more legends I would squeeze in a Shizo, Death's Storehouse for the free damage.

Overall I really love what you are doing and I look forward to seeing how the deck evolves!

NonetheWeisser on They Came From the Swamp

1 year ago


OOOOOO thank you so much for the feedback! I cannot wait to test out some of these suggestions.

I honestly count Ignoble Hierarch as .5 of a land. So technically, this deck is a 23 land deck based off of how I brew. I used to run more lands, but found myself getting flooded. On top of that, we don't necessarily need to hit a land drop every turn to win. I definitely agree on the modifications of the mana base. I actually just purchased a Castle Locthwain to test. I also plan to test out a few Darkbore Pathway  Flip as well.

My meta is full of creature based strategies like the ones you mentioned, so the difference in opinion on Force of Despair is understandable. It just never seems to let me down in the games I have played.

Cankerous Thirst is a card that I am still actively testing. Testing has been going well, as it pumps our midrange threats and gets rid of pesky blockers. I definitely understand where you are coming from when you recommend replacing it with cheaper removal.

The reason I argue for Dreg Mangler over more Glissa Sunslayer is because of haste. Glissa is great for utility and walling off creatures, but this deck thrives on dealing chunks of damage quickly, which I feel like Dreg is better for; especially when paired with Mimic. Also, Glissa is legendary, which discourages me from running too many copies.

I never thought of Grist until you mentioned it. That might very well be an add in I have to test next. I don't see much of a drawback in running a few copies.

Thanks again for the feedback! :)

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