Forbidden Orchard


: Add one mana of any colour.

Whenever you tap Forbidden Orchard for mana, target opponent creates a 1/1 colourless Spirit creature token.

TehGrief on At what point can I …

1 month ago

I am trying to understand this comprehensive rule:

605.3a "A player may activate an activated mana ability whenever they have priority, whenever they are casting a spell or activating an ability that requires a mana payment, or whenever a rule or effect asks for a mana payment, even if it’s in the middle of casting or resolving a spell or activating or resolving an ability."

Does this mean that I need to have a reason to tap a land for mana, such as a cost? I cannot tap my lands to produce mana for no reason?

For example, am I able to tap Forbidden Orchard without paying a cost in order to give an opponent the 1/1 token?

RiotRunner789 on Death by Tokens

1 month ago

Tainted Remedy was in because a deck like this wins after a cascade of opponent life loss triggers. This can be easily disrupted by lifegain on the opponents side. However, y'all are correct in that it doesn't advance my game plan. Chop chop.

Bloodchief Ascension is a pet card. It is also a card that has won me numerous games on its own. It would be easy enough to get 3 counters with Kambal's trigger but again, not directly tied to tokens. Good suggestion albeit a painful one.

Halo Fountain just seemed like a fun and wierd alt-win con but your right that it is slow. It also requires me to have tapped creatures.

Going to take a closer look at the aristocrats support. I cut a lot of the sac outlets earlier which was a good observation. Nadier's Nightblade and Mirkwood Bats will definitely stay but a lot of the others can go. Also, Ophiomancer and Dreadhorde Invasion don't work at the level they should without a sac outlet on the board.

Not sure about Battle Angels of Tyr just yet, since just attacking creates token copies of himself. But he'll be close to the cut list.

Part of the reasoning on the number of board wipes was the number of indestructible options for Kambal. Will cut at least one board wipe tonight.

Refering to Basshunter's commnent, I haven't put the final mana base in just yet but Forbidden Orchard will be in there. Mana bases tend to only take me 5 minutes to build. I have some effects that give tokens to my opponents but I'm leaning more heavily into Kambal's second ability. I've generally been looking at consistent token generation instead of one off effects aimed at my opponents. However, Curse of Disturbance will get another look.

Thank you for all of the comments. It definetly gets me much further to completion.

Basshunter on Death by Tokens

1 month ago

Hi, imo you need more token creators that create tokens for everyone or for your enemies. You dont need tokens for your own...think about cards like Forbidden Orchard, Hunted Horror, Slaughter Specialist, Curse of Disturbance, Tombstone Stairwell, Clackbridge Troll, Infernal Genesis, Hunted Lammasu, Tribute to Horobi  Flip, Shadrix Silverquill You should cut cards like Ophiomancer, Skrelv's Hive or Bitterblossom

CardTyrant on Ixalan Park

5 months ago

Profet93 Thank you for the questions and upvote. :D

To answer the question about drawing, I don't have an issue with gas so much since most of my dinosaurs have high mana costs. I don't really have a huge issue with drawing cards, but if I draw a dinosaur, Gishath cannot call on them later on because they are in my hand. The deck really revolves around Gishath and his ability to call on others when he deals damage. I have considered adding cards that allow me to return a card to the deck to draw a card. IF I get a second Rishkar's Expertise, I will be adding it to the deck in the near future.

Forbidden Orchard can be cut, I just haven't gotten around to it. A 1/1 spirit really isn't a threat to my deck as this deck has slowly become a dinosaur trample deck. So I can use the 1/1 spirit as a political tool if anything.

Yavimaya Hollow is an interesting suggestion. I tend to overlook 'regenerate' cards, just because it's not as used anymore, but I might switch out Orchard for the Hollow.

livingrock That is funny, having Gishath summon itself with Noxious Revival. However, since I play the deck almost entirely against my wife 1v1, she knows to block Gishath to where I can't get even a single card with its ability. I'm sure my LGS playgroup (if I ever get one) will also figure that trick out really fast since I almost always play dinos. Chaosphere is such a good card! My wife ran one in her planeswalker deck, even though I only have one deck that flies. If she ever takes the deck apart, that is one of two cards I have been eyeing.

Crow_Umbra Thanks for trying to get me there, but even if I did get there, I want more. I really like the fact that I've made a deck on TappedOut that people voted to the top of the list. It is something I brag about and am really proud of.

SufferFromEDHD on Imodane blows stuff up

6 months ago

Forbidden Orchard for one guaranteed target each turn.

Shivan Meteor and Into the Maw of Hell Eldrazi sized removal/Imodane damage.

Run all the Lightning Bolt variants.

Azoth2099 on Miracle Wizard | You shall not pass! (LOTR Theme)

7 months ago


Yeah man, dialing in the landbase is so crucial for consistency, it can't be overstated. Personally, I try to keep the curve on my decks below 2.00 if I can manage it, which allows me to cut down to 30 lands and retain speed along with ~10 mana rocks and perhaps a few rituals depending on the build. Your build's got plenty of rocks, don't be afraid to cut down a bit as you switch things up.

Here's all the applicable lands within the color combo. Even upon refinement, I'd imagine that your deck will include a few that come in tapped under specific conditions like Spirebluff Canal & Training Center, but that's fine. Just be discerning as to how often they'll realistically come on untapped (quite often).

I'd obviously also recommend the 5-color lands like Mana Confluence & City of Brass if you can afford them or are willing to proxy them. Cheaper options like Command Tower, Spire of Industry & Gemstone Mine, Forbidden Orchard & Exotic Orchard aren't to be forgotten either.

The only colorless lands I'd consider on a budget are Crystal Vein & Emergence Zone. If budget/proxy constraints aren't an issue, I'd also consider Ancient Tomb, City of Traitors & Boseiju, Who Shelters All.

Also give Mystical Tutor, Enlightened Tutor & Gamble a shot for sure. They just got reprinted, they're super cheap right now! Speaking of sick reprints, Sapphire Medallion, Ruby Medallion, Pearl Medallion & Smothering Tithe have all seen big price drops lately. Gotta strike while the iron is hot, ya know...

Lastly, I'd recommend testing out fellow all-stars Elsha of the Infinite since you're running Sensei's Divining Top so heavily & Kykar, Wind's Fury, which can be utilized as both a wincon & and absurd value engine here with what you've already got going on.

DadHumanPraetor on Elsa but She Can't Let it Go

9 months ago

Derevi, Emperial Tactician

Lol just kidding, this looks like fun.

Forbidden Orchard Generous Gift and Skyclave Apparition are very solid cards that can give opponents creatures, without occupying a dedicated card slot.

Last_Laugh on You're Gonna Have a Bad Tiiiiime

10 months ago

Also, 11 lands with basic land types isn't enough to run Isolated Chapel, Dragonskull Summit, or Clifftop Retreat and have them reliably enter untapped. Exotic Orchard, Forbidden Orchard, and Reflecting Pool are fairly budget friendly and would serve you better in 3 colors.

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