Fleshbag Marauder

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fleshbag Marauder

Creature — Zombie Warrior

When Fleshbag Marauder enters the battlefield, each player sacrifices a creature.

Crow_Umbra on Vessiliana

2 months ago

Her second game was pretty fun. The first one was basically moot, since the Gyruda player popped off before the rest of us could.

This will vary from group to group, but I don't think Vraska needs to be jammed full of kill spells, especially Fleshbag Marauder type removal. Keeping mana up for theft felt most impactful. I'm definitely looking forward to getting more games in with her, and am hoping that more gameplay videos with her will eventually hit YouTube.

scottbaker91 on Budget Meren Eldrazi spawn

4 months ago

I think Hand of Emrakul, Decimator of the Provinces, Kozilek, the Great Distortion, and Pathrazer of Ulamog are too expensive to cast / commander ability for what they do. Some replacement examples would be: Terastodon, Void Winnower, Fleshbag Marauder, Noxious Gearhulk, Ravenous Chupacabra, Plaguecrafter, Eternal Witness, It That Betrays, Woodfall Primus, Acidic Slime, Ob Nixilis, Unshackled, Sepulchral Primordial, Overseer of the Damned, etc.

cards like Dalek Squadron with a sac outlet will get you a lot of Meren counters quickly. cards like Greater Good are great at filling your graveyard and your hand. cards like Oversold Cemetery are great for your low mana creatures and late game expensive creatures. Tragic Slip isn't a very good card for multiplayer commander, unless you are using something like Isochron Scepter

I think your deck is a little heavy on creature token generators, especially your creatures. I know they are there to build up tokens on Meren and to generate mana, in the early game, but they aren't doing much in the mid to late game. Maybe replace a few with some faster reanimator spells like: Living Death, Lifeline (a personal favorite), Necromancy, Animate Dead, Victimize, Rescue from the Underworld, Beacon of Unrest, etc.

Other cards I would consider cutting: Skullbriar, the Walking Grave (too slow imo unless he is your commander), Blisterpod (needs to die to get the token), Pawn of Ulamog, Vorapede, Village Rites, Gray Merchant of Asphodel (starts to shine with lots of reanimator stuff), Woe Strider, Scion Summoner, Brood Monitor, Deathreap Ritual, Commander's Sphere

It's tough to suggest cards for a budget deck. A card that I might consider to be absolutely necessary could require cheaper options in other parts of the deck to make it fit.

Crow_Umbra on The Aura Auteur [Retired]

5 months ago

Thank you, Profet93, I appreciate it. I've played quite a few different iterations of Aura or Enchantress decks over the past 10 years, so this was definitely a fresh twist on an archetype that I thought I was basically done with. To answer your questions:

  1. I chose to go with more of the "When an enchantment ETBs, draw a card", combat damage, or Creature cast/ETB draw route. In my early play-testing, I felt that I didn't have a high enough concentration of enchantments to run the usual suite of Enchantress draw effects (Mesa Enchantress, Verduran Enchantress, Enchantress's Presence, etc). Some of the older Enchantress/Aura decks ran 20-30 enchantments, so it felt more consistent with that type of concentration.

  2. I do have a copy of Replenish from some of my earlier jaunts down Enchantress/Aura Voltron lane. On a similar note as the Enchantress type draw, I felt that I didn't have enough of a concentration of Enchantments to run it, especially since this deck is much more creature heavy, and Aura Roles are most commonly going to be the types of Enchantments I have on board. In the games I've had so far, I haven't really felt I needed it, but I know it's there if I ever wanted to give it a spot.

  3. Tajuru Preserver is definitely a meta call, and kind of a pet card/inside joke with my best friend that got me into MtG. One of my first ever decks was a janky Bogles/Aura Voltron deck that evolved into a Heroic/Aura Voltron deck, circa 2013-14, when we were in college. My friend plays mostly Black, and always ran plenty of edict removal, so Fleshbag Marauder was the bane of my existence back then, until I started slotting in Tajuru Preserver. Since I still encounter plenty of edict based removal in my meta, mostly because of him, I wanted to have a means of having some buffer against that. There were a few games with this deck where someone got a Dictate of Erebos online earlier than expected, & this deck quickly folded to it until relevant removal popped up.

  4. I've liked Archetype of Courage the times I've played it, but I'm sure the deck could be fine without it. My meta leans a bit more aggro and go-wide, so being able to be the only with First Strike has helped in some games for offensive & defensive purposes.

seshiro_of_the_orochi on Card creation challenge

7 months ago

griffstick: This combines Mire in Misery with Fleshbag Marauder effects. Seems fine.

Burn Twice


Destroy target creature with toughness 6 or greater.

"The fire went in, then it came out. And that's the story. Nothing more to it."

- Tolio, Moral Warden


DreadKhan on BBEG Deck Ideas

9 months ago

I feel like you could also look into running a lot of wipes, stax or other salt inducing things, such that the deck will naturally end up the archenemy and everyone will unite against them. Do the other decks compete with one another? If so, something that does Goad or Goad-like effects would be cool. TBH, if I had to pick a commander to try out as an Archenemy type deck, I'd be very tempted to go with Kresh the Bloodbraided. 5 mana for a 3/3 isn't very spicy, but he quickly can get very, very out of hand, it's not unusual for you to do something like Mandate of Abaddon or Phyrexian Scriptures and then one shot people one at a time with your gigantic Kresh. Lots of cards synergize with Kresh, ranging from Grim Feast and anything that works with/is Rite of the Raging Storm. Big Goad effects like Disrupt Decorum and Spectacular Showdown also add a nasty surprise, and Insurrection is a great turn-around-is-fair-play type effect for an Archenemy. You can even make the deck on the cheap using stuff like Fleshbag Marauder (there are a bajillion at this point, especially if you'll pay 4 for a 4 power one), these generate a lot of power if you also have Savra, Queen of the Golgari (or something similar) out. Pestilence and similar effects are very good in here, they let you both clear out weenie blockers while also pumping Kresh ever bigger by winnowing away the chaff. Kresh will quickly crush everyone, you just need to add fun stuff like evasion or trample to make his immense power count. If you build this right it should be quite scary to play against, and the odd Fling can be a nice way to punish the players for killing Kresh.

Another great option might be Sauron, the Dark Lord, the more the party does the bigger the 'threat' gets, and it's almost impossible to remove Sauron. It's easy to sneak in some powerful Changelings to work as a better base army, but the whole 'orc army' thing is in and of itself very stereotypical in D&D. I like Grixis because you get Blue, meaning you have access to the odd counter. In particular I'd look into stuff like Stronghold Machinist, effect-on-a-stick creatures are good for an Archenemy because they tend to soak up the opponent's cards, even something like Royal Assassin is card advantage over time. Since the Army can get pretty big you can use Voltron stuff with it, and if you use Anthems (Berserkers' Onslaught, Dauthi Embrace, and Whip of Erebos come to mind) they'll work on both the Army and Sauron, which is cool Big Bad energy for the deck.

Azoth2099 on 100 cards for Meren

9 months ago


Fleshbags, my friend. You need Fleshbags.

Fleshbag Marauder, Merciless Executioner, Demon's Disciple, Plaguecrafter, Gravelighter & Phyrexian Delver. Sac them to their own Ability to control the board and pumping Experience Counters at the same time. Lifeline & Grimoire of the Dead could also be great, if you decide to go that route.

Crow_Umbra on Smeagol will guide you | **Primer v2.0**

10 months ago

Hi there, thank you for reaching out. I hope my suggestions will be helpful, but here are some things I noticed when I took a look at your deck:

If you haven't already, I would recommend checking out EDHREC's page on Smeagol, Helpful Guide, here are the pages for a Sacrifice themed deck and a more Landfall focused deck. These pages can give you an idea of which effects overlap between the two strats, and what might be within your budget.

I hope these suggestions were helpful.

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