Flash of Insight


Look at the top X cards of your library. Put one of them into your hand and the rest on the bottom of your library.

Flashback-(1)(Blue), Remove X blue cards in your graveyard from the game. (You can't remove Flash of Insight to pay for its own flashback cost.)

McToters on Tobias Andrion, Political Mastermind

3 years ago

I commend you on your creativity here. When in doubt, jank it out! Flash of Insight and/or Braingeyser seem like amazing flavor adds. Bygone Bishop provides clues and is a somewhat decent card draw for white (I didn’t check how many 3cmcs or less you have, so that matters).Colossal Plow and Raiders' Karve are newer vehicles that may be useful ramp if you decide to go with more vehicles.

Wonderful deck—cheers!

McToters on

4 years ago

Nice brew! I contemplated building this when this was spoiled. I have some suggestions. Not sure if you have a budget but I'll try not to list anything expensive. BTW, I LOVE LOVE LOVE the fact you are running Rhystic Tutor! Definitely not a highly used card, but could be just as good as the expenisve tutors if you run a high-level political game.

As for tutors, I like the using some of the fringe stuff like Scheming Symmetry and Tunnel Vision. Now the latter doesn't appear to be a tutor and typically most want to use it for milling but you can totally use it on yourself to mill down to the card you are looking for. It's sometimes double the advantage if you are using graveyard shenanigans and want more cards in your graveyard anyway. This isn't necessarily a graveyard deck but it can probably still be proven as a useful tutor.

Windfall, Flash of Insight, Prosperity or even Teferi's Puzzle Box might be useful to you to wheel and deal through the deck in the event you do not have nay tutors in hand. Not something you have to include but another angle of how to get your commander in your hand. Tutoring is probably most effective and efficient.

Maybe a Sculpting Steel to copy Strionic Resonator? Could be sweet having two of those on the field and triggering both. Fabricate is a great artifact tutor.

My only other advice is maybe take out some of the creatures for anything new you put in since this deck solely cares about your commander's wincon.

Hope this helps! Good Luck! +1

Durdler on Sidisi CEDH

4 years ago

May i ask why do you play Flash of Insight

austintayshus on

5 years ago

I think you could use a few more ramp spells, maybe Talisman of Creativity and Coldsteel Heart and Mana Geyser ?

I think you could also make good use of Brainstorm and Jace, Wielder of Mysteries and Blue Sun's Zenith and Mystic Remora and Windfall .

I always have trouble cutting cards but some cards I would consider cutting are

Hope this helps!

themistocles333 on Breakfast Hulk

5 years ago

I never understood the point of Flash of Insight, nor did I include it in my version of the deck. And I’m still skeptical of the Freed from the Real combo. Is this deck really going to tutor for Bloom Tender then try to put a 3 mana aura on it? Am I missing something else this card does?

McToters on Etrata, the Silencer

5 years ago

Hey there!

I think with this commander some more haste-giving stuff and more tutors will help you since Etrata wants to sling combat damage and go back into the deck.

For haste I would add in one or two more things like Chariot of Victory.

For tutors, I would suggest a Tunnel Vision to use on yourself. Long-Term Plans, Parallel Thoughts, and Distant Memories. Also cards like Flash of Insight or Prosperity seem useful for trying to dig through your deck.

+1 good luck with deck building

ThaneGarrus on Awaken, My Masters

5 years ago

I felt that the deck became empty handed quite fast and the killing is indiscriminate, have you thought about adding some cards with flashback? Deep Analysis, Dream Twist, Flash of Insight, Forbidden Alchemy, Increasing Confusion, Think Twice

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