Flaming Gambit


Flaming Gambit deals X damage to target player. That player may choose a creature he or she controls and have Flaming Gambit deal that damage to it instead.

Flashback (X)(Red)(Red) (You may play this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then remove it from the game.)

ClockworkSwordfish on Looking for cards to fit …

4 years ago

Red is the best for forcing decisions. You've got Whims of the Fates , Stronghold Gambit , Breaking Point , Browbeat , Flaming Gambit , Vexing Devil and Blazing Salvo , among others. But black isn't so bad itself, including Dash Hopes , Lethal Vapors , Temporal Extortion , Volrath's Dungeon and the aptly-named Choice of Damnations . Eye of Doom might also be an option for forcing people to choose which permanent to put on the chopping block.

Magic09865 on ccc

5 years ago

A few Ideas for Prowess-Creatures:

Stormchaser Mage : Flies, CMC 2

Soul-Scar Mage : Cheap, helps with removal, e.g. Lightning Bolt

Maybe use this Land? Faerie Conclave

More Flashback-Cards

Saving Grasp : Flashback:

Flaming Gambit : Removal, Flashback: