Flame Fusillade


Until end of turn, permanents you control gain "Tap: This permanent deals 1 damage to target creature or player."

SufferFromEDHD on Chandra Tribal because yes

6 months ago

Flame Fusillade is similar tech as the Honor-Worn Shaku.

Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle and Dust Bowl are great with a lot of basic mountains.

SufferFromEDHD on Guff: Copy Everything & Burn Down the City

7 months ago

Great build. I built Commodore this past summer. Might be my favorite color combination for the strategy. Lends to a really unique experience.

All Will Be One speeds up the clock.

Norn's Annex the best pillow fort card for planeswalkers.

Search for Glory efficient tutor. Snow covered lands expands the value.

Honor-Worn Shaku is planeswalker tech! Red grants access to Flame Fusillade.

SufferFromEDHD on Super Cat

8 months ago

I also have a Jesksai Super Friends list. I fluctuate between Commodore Guff and Leori as the commander. They are both good but Leori leads to surprising and explosive turns were as Guff slowly ramps and feeds the strategy. Just gonna spitball a few ideas:

Resourceful Defense no loyalty wasted.

All Will Be One loyalty now burns.

Flame Fusillade similar tech as Honor-Worn Shaku.

Search for Glory an efficient tutor for the strategy.

Mobilized District a free manland is nifty.

Deserted Temple to filter the three colors but more importantly to reuse Karn's Bastion.

Reject Imperfection > Arcane Denial

Gatewatch Beacon > Fellwar Stone

Norn's Choirmaster > Third Path Iconoclast

And my super secret tech for planeswalkers... Savor the Moment. Wins games.

SufferFromEDHD on Mono Red Enchantments

9 months ago

I've been brewing this same concept along with mono green enchantment control the past few weeks. I really like what you have going here!

Goblin Chainwhirler and Syr Carah, the Bold seem out of place. Eidolon of the Great Revel and Forgeborn Oreads would be upgrades.

Risky Move and Confusion in the Ranks this janky combo finally has a home.

Grip of Chaos for more chaos.

No Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle???

Flame Fusillade is super secret tech!

Necrosis24 on What to do against Rakdos, …

2 years ago

Okay so Soul's Fire and those other card's I suggested don't have the board wipe capability I had previously thought but in the scope of Zada I still believe they function as single target removal as you are constantly pumping your creatures. There is also Lightning Volley and Flame Fusillade which are only really good with a solid board state.

Otherwise I'd go with what Ramble suggested and fling away. I do believe Chaos Warp is still worth including since there are 2-3 other players to consider and worst comes to worst you use it against the Rakdos player and one big thing gets substituted for another, but sometimes all you need to do is get rid of Rakdos, Lord of Riots for a turn or a key combo piece.

Suns_Champion on The Rolling Stones | Toggo + Ardenn

3 years ago

enpc I really like Flame Fusillade because equipment don't need to tap to equip or anything. That could be a lot of damage spread around if I can get the chain going. Thanks!

seshiro_of_the_orochi that's a good option! But I feel like he costs a lot, needs a lot of set up, and is only good if I already have all my other stuff going.

enpc on The Rolling Stones | Toggo + Ardenn

3 years ago

Flame Fusillade is fun when you have lots of rocks, means you can tap each rock for damage rahter than just getting one use per creature.

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