Fishliver Oil

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fishliver Oil

Enchantment — Aura

Enchant creature (Target a creature as you play this. This card enters the battlefield attached to that creature.)

Enchanted creature has islandwalk. (This creature is unblockable as long as defending player controls an Island.)

PinnedPhoenix on Nadir Kraken

1 year ago


so first thing: your deck's not Modern legal. not that this should deter you, but basically some cards are printed in sets meant for other formats. if you're wedded to Modern, you'll have to make some substitutions. Counterspell instead of Mana Drain, for example.

that said, I'd encourage you to just call it a Casual deck. there's nothing wrong with it. you're not powergaming; for example, Fishliver Oil isn't a gamebreaking card by any means, but it's fun and whimsical. I don't think you're doing any harm to your playgroup by running the cards you're running here, even if a few like Rhystic Study are quite powerful!

is there a big payoff for cards like Temple of the False God and Spreading Seas? That Spreading Seas is a cantrip certainly works well with Nadir Kraken. But it seems to me you don't have any big "I want to sink a lot of mana here" cards in this build. consider substitutions if you're not particularly attached to them!

lastly, consider running snow lands and some fun cards like Icebreaker Kraken and Marit Lage's Slumber. they're good, fun cards, and they fit the flavor of your deck well.

good luck!

lizardwarrior on Sexy Tribal

3 years ago

gotta add the card that nobody thinks about Fishliver Oil from 9th ed.

lizardwarrior on Sexy Women Collection

3 years ago

love how everyone forgets Fishliver Oil from 9th edition.

Bxbx on Gorgeous Girls Deck(list)

6 years ago


that's quite an impressive list! A lot of artworks I didn't know of. But you also missed a few:

Aggression, Alexi, Zephyr Mage, Archangel of Strife, Azure Mage, Blood Cultist, Crossway Vampire, Deathless Angel, Elven Cache (6th edition), Fishliver Oil (9th edition), Game of Chaos (5th edition), Inkfathom Infiltrator, Jasmine Boreal, Juniper Order Advocate, Mortiphobia, Remembrance, Snuff Out (duel decks), Sylvan Ranger (M11), Tormented Angel, Vine Trellis, Vitalizing Cascade

CynicalCzech on

6 years ago

Those are great suggestions. I am thinking what to drop/remove for those, though. Any thoughts?

Also, Merfolk Raiders and Fishliver Oil may be necessary.

Pieguy396 on Big Fish

6 years ago

Also, I just realized that your deck is 63 cards. I'd strongly recommend going down to 60 cards. I'd probably remove Fishliver Oil, Savage Silhouette, and Fleetfeather Cockatrice, plus whatever else you want to take out if you want to add some of the cards I suggested.


7 years ago

Thorbogl Good idea, might be worth checking out, maybe splashing 1 or 2 for some control (:

Definitely_Paying_Attention Yeah! I actually thought a lot about using that card, problem is, stormtide provides a really good win-condition with its pacifism effect as well as unblockable effect. However, one does not rule the other one out, I think I will try with maybe 2, and use them purely to tutor Inkwell (:

The_Biking_Viking Whelming Wave might actually be a really good sideboard option :D Yeah, I think spreading seas may actually be well worth, maybe in conjuntion with Fishliver Oil :D

Thanks for the input everybody!I think I will try and play around with your suggestions :D

libraryjoy on Tap Dancin' Wizards ~ Sygg, River Guide $50 Budget

7 years ago

That does look like fun, and I've already got one of those cards, and wanted a Paradise Mantle for a while. Plus the mantle would also enable shenanigans with Stonybrook Schoolmaster. I'll try to find room to stick them in. Maybe Archmage Ascension, Fishliver Oil & Seasinger will head out....

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