Firewake Sliver

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Firewake Sliver

Creature — Sliver

All Sliver creatures have haste.

All Slivers have ", Sacrifice this permanent: Target Sliver creature gets +2/+2 until end of turn."

Goyfs-R-Us on Sliver Overlord

6 months ago

GeminiSpartanX There are many ways for Slivers to go infinite in mana, creatures or damage. I will start by listing 3 of the most common ones you will generally see to get you started. The rest I will leave for you to discover through play.

  1. Sliver Queen+Mana Echoes: The classic, will generate infinite mana and Sliver tokens, combine with a haste sliver for an infinite attack or use Lavabelly Sliver for infinite target damage and life.

  2. Basal Sliver+Sliver Queen+Lavabelly Sliver: Infinite target damage and life gain.

  3. Intruder Alarm+The First Sliver: Not truly an infinite combo on it's own but can be with the right setup or hit's off cascade triggers. Intruder Alarm combos with a ham sandwich so not hard to make infinite with mana/haste slivers and Hibernation Sliver and Darkheart Sliver.

Bonus: The most important cards to consider for combos. Sliver Queen, Basal Sliver, Lavabelly Sliver, Hibernation Sliver, The First Sliver, Gemhide Sliver, Manaweft Sliver, Heart Sliver, Cloudshredder Sliver, Firewake Sliver, Darkheart Sliver, Cautery Sliver, Sliver Overlord, Homing Sliver, Mana Echoes, Intruder Alarm, Faces of the Past.

Support Cards: The most important cards to protect your combos. Crystalline Sliver, Root Sliver, Sliver Hivelord, Quick Sliver, Ward Sliver, Force of Will, Patriarch's Bidding.

Malsorn on Sliver EDH v2

3 years ago

I'd do Firewake Sliver over Blur Sliver, gives you a little more functionality, and the extra colors aren't too much of a drawback in a sliver deck. Helps get that extra bit of damage through on occasion when you just need a little more reach, especially because everyone usually forgets the sac ability.

Harmonic Sliver can be pretty useful as well, though I'm not sure what I'd pull for it. Plays nice with Darksteel Ingot since it's not a 'may' ability, lets you target the ingot instead of any of your other value artifacts/enchantments.

Bring to Light can also be a pretty good pick, lets you tutor out Queen for just 5 mana, though you'll need the right setup to get full use out of it.

Malsorn on

4 years ago

I've had luck with Firewake Sliver in place of Blur Sliver. People usually forget about its sacrifice effect, so it can be a good backup win tool! Also gives you another way to get rid of Dormant Sliver

Reflecting Pool and Unclaimed Territory can be pretty handy, though I'm not sure which lands you'd pull for them if you wanted them.

Sectiron on Sliver Storm

5 years ago

Hi Strangelove, +1 for your list too!

  • This has definitely been tuned for a more casual play group. My group usually avoids combos, particularly infinite ones. But those are some very interesting combinations that I hadn't really noticed/ turned my attention to; I would definitely experiment with them in a more competitive meta. It just depends on the play group and what they're ok with.

  • I love Firewake Sliver and I really didn't notice the haste ability. I was too focused on the pay (1) ability, which I was trying to avoid haha. This will probably be an include- I want as much haste as possible. Mindlash Sliver is great, though in my group, as I wrote in the guide, is not too fond of hand disruption. Though in any other situation, it would be a definitely added in. Your suggestion of sac slivers and Dormant Sliver and Harmonic Sliver is an interesting idea I would like to actually test. I was worried about doing this because of consistency issues in seeing both a sac outlet + one of these slivers, because on their own these slivers and sac slivers don't really serve the purpose of this deck. Though, I've definitely thought of using Darkheart Sliver to capitalise on board-wipes; however I've been trying to avoid wipes entirely.

  • I'm testing the deck with more ramp and hope to add more soon!

  • Sometimes its super annoying to flip through the whole deck, though for me it feels very rewarding to potentially play 3 pieces of power in 1 turn. I guess that's just the gimmick of the deck. It's hilarious seeing my friends' faces when this happens.

I like reclamation, reconnaissance and summoner's pact, but I generally avoid cheap non-sliver spells. Instead of reclamation, I'll be trying to get recursion with my land base, e.g. Volrath's Stronghold and I'm testing Memorial to Folly and Mortuary Mire .

However, in future I would like to add more tutors to increase the consistency of the deck. Thus, Summoner's Pact would be a good include. Once I increase the consistency of the deck more, I'll go for more 1 cmc non-slivers, as you've suggested. This can be achieved by tutors or cards that reorganise the top of the library, e.g. Sylvan Library , Sensei's Divining Top or Scroll Rack . However, right now, I'm sticking to the current build in hopes of testing cards such as:

Maelstrom Nexus Living End Wheel of Fate Diffusion Sliver Mirari's Wake

This'll be the first phase of my testing before I go more into tutors and ramp.

  • And yeh, slivers are definitely going to be hated, no matter how you put it haha. I think in my play group, one which is not that used to slivers, they are a bit more kind.

Help was much appreciated! Glhf to you too,

Strangelove on Sliver Storm

5 years ago

Hey Sectiron, +1 for you mate!

Here's my (casual?) list: Slivers/ First/ Lords

Clearly you've given it some thought, but it reads like you're underestimating your excludes... unless you're under-tuning for casual, tbf.

I wanted to list a few combos in case you missed them ;)

...Basically, Morophon, the Boundless , Sliver Queen , and Pulmonic Sliver go infinite in many ways... and Dormant Sliver , Basal Sliver (aka Ashnod's Altar ) , and Darkheart Sliver are all really good. are Firewake Sliver (it gives haste) and Mindlash Sliver . Really, any sacrifice in general would let you play and turn off Dormant Sliver / Harmonic Sliver (aka Aura Shards )/ Crystalline Sliver /(etc) as well as capitalize on board wipes.

Ramp feels really nice... why not play more? Resigning yourself to 5 mana sounds miserable! I agree cascading into ramp is a bummer, but if you play 2:1 cards like Skyshroud Claim , (etc), you'll consistently play your commander as well as protect yourself from land hate ( is too easy to deny the WUBRG player).

Also, play way more 1-drops, including non-Slivers. I personally like Phyrexian Reclamation and have been testing Reconnaissance . Currently my only 0-drop is Summoner's Pact , which effectively lets me stop cascading through <100 cards, tutor, and then shuffle. Your current setup is torture! Cascading for a single 1-drop (which you can't skip and just tutor) into <3 0-drops? You're flipping and shuffling way too much for a single rock! Either way, though, it looks like fun.

My tables are also casual, but Slivers are arch-enemy... no matter what! Embrace it :)

Hopefully this was helpful. glhf!

Darth_Savage on Sliver Beat Down

5 years ago

Hi Flipthecoin, Metallic Mimic should replace Door of Destinies, your playing a creature aggro deck, lower casting cost is significant. This is the same reason I don't like Megantic Sliver, it costs six mana and in all honesty you don't want to be tapping slivers for mana, unless you are forced for colour fixing. Bonescythe Sliver gives double strike, that is likely to be more than +3 power if you have both Sinew Sliver and Predatory Sliver as 4x, add in Two-Headed Sliver, which provides Menace, essentially a form of evasion and you have an aggressive deck which tops out at four mana. The Megantic Sliver doesn't mean your creatures can't be chump blocked, lower cost incremental improvement and evasion are better options in an aggro deck. If you want the extra pump then Firewake Sliver could replace Blur Sliver or you could cut Manaweft Sliver for Spined Sliver, which is even more annoying if you have Two-Headed Sliver in play and as I said earlier you don't really want to be tapping slivers for mana, if it can be avoided.

Modern is often described as a turn four format, you need to be in a winning possition on turn four. The best way to achieve this is a lower curve, so that there is never a turn you aren't building your board state. Does this help make sense of my suggestions?

Snickles@EDH_only on Card creation challenge

5 years ago

Prophet of Progress

Legendary Creature - Angel Cleric

Lifelink, Flying

Whenever you gain life, Discard that many cards from your hand.


Progressor of Profit

Legendary Creature - Demon Advisor (because "accountant" technically isn't a creature type)

Deathtouch, Flying

If you would gain life, each opponent gains that much life instead.

Hellbent - At the end of each turn, if an opponent has 10 or more life than they started with, they lose the game.


I think they might be closer to usable than I'ld like, but it'll do for now.

Make an enchantment based on a creature's mechanics, like the slivers from the timesprial black( Fires of Yavimaya compared to Firewake Sliver ), but not a sliver.

Caerwyn on Pattern Recognition #86 - Custom …

5 years ago

My thoughts on each of these cards:

gladiuslucix's Mizzium Jumper Cables:

I like this card. It's fun, has lots of synergies, and has some good flavour. That said, while I think it might be neat to build with in kitchen table and in casual commander, as noted in the article, it's not quite powerful enough to see more competitive play. Four-drops that don't immediately make a difference are pretty problematic.

Since I still like it's function, my edit would be as follows:

; and a second ability like "When Mizzium Jumper Cables enters the battlefield, you may cast target instant or sorcery card with a converted mana cost of 1 from your graveyard without paying its mana cost."

Four mana for 2 damage, and an Opt, Thoughtseize, Lightning Bolt, or Path to Exile to boot is starting to get into the "playable" realm, though I still think you generally have better things to do on turn 4. I don't think this would be too game-breaking in limited either--there are generally a lack of playable 1-mana instant or sorcery spells, particularly at common.

Ithyn's Rocky Coastline

I disagree entirely with this review. While I think this is a tad better than most enters-tapped lands, as you can use it for mana in a pinch, I think it is entirely outclassed by pretty much any other land that enters untapped. Unless I was playing a deck with good synergies, I'd rather run a fast/check/pain land as my budget option.

I don't foresee this having that big of an impact on fetch lands' cost, as Boza suggested--fetch lands are just too good, and no competitive deck is going to want to be down a mana. The kinds of people who will want this land are building on a budget, and are not in the market for fetchesanyway. There flexibility and synergies make them better than Rocky Tar Pit, but still not in the same league as fetches.

I see no reason to limit this card to basics--I think the very design provides enough limitations to its power.

That's not to say I don't like this card. I think there's a place for lands that enter tapped (budget commander; limited; standard), and I really like the flexibility of this card. That it might have some interesting discard/cycling synergies is an added plus, making a mediocre land somewhat more playable--provided you've designed your deck to use it.

So, despite my argument against it being a powerful land, I fully think it has a place in the game, and support it as-is.

Mig-El's Leftraru, Indomitable Cacique

I have a number of issues with this card, but my biggest issues come from the colour pie.

Red makes sense in this card--Red is known for giving other creatures Haste, and 3/1 stats are exactly what I expect from an aggressive red creature.

White and Black is where things fall apart.

Let's look at White first.

Right now, there is only one mono-White card that grants your creatures hexproof--Shalai, Voice of Plenty--and even she has a Green/White colour identity. In fact, looking at all the cards that grant anything Hexproof, it's pretty clear it is the Green part of her colour identity that is providing Hexproof to the creatures, and the White to you.

While Drogskol Captain Sigarda, Heron's Grace are similar to this card in effect, Sigarda, Heron's Grace runs into the same issue as Shalai, Voice of Plenty, and Drogskol Captain's hexproof seems much more in line with Blue's Lord of the Unreal than White's lack of mono-colored equivalent.

Moving on to Black--there is no reason for this card to have Black in its casting cost, other than flavour, and I don't think that is sufficient on its own.

How would I change this, while sticking with the original design idea of assissting Kaalia?

My revised copy of this card:

Indomitable Cacique

Creature - Human Berserker

Other creatures you control have haste.

Sacrifice Indomitable Cacique: Target creature you control gains indestructible until end of turn.


Breaking down the revisions. The general concept follows that of Fires of Yavimaya and Firewake Sliver. Three mana is pretty reasonable for giving your creatures haste (Goblin Chieftain, Fervor, Blur Sliver, etc.), so I think this is priced fairly well CMC wise.

The Indestructible ability is pretty reasonably costed as well--Selfless Spirit provides the same ability for , and also has two power and evasion.

The lack of legendary keeps it from being a commander--I think having an "everyone has haste" card always in-hand is problematic. While you could make an argument for a tribal limitation, that's pretty insignificant--that just creates a tribal deck where, in effect, "everyone still has haste, we're just a bit more cohesive in our type."

Those were my thoughts. Overall, though I disagree with a lot of what was said in the article, this is a pretty fun topic. It's always interesting to see what people find reasonable or not in a card.

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