Fire Servant

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Rules Q&A

Fire Servant

Creature — Elemental

If a red instant or sorcery spell you control would deal damage, it deals double that damage instead.

wallisface on I'd like suggestions for my …

2 weeks ago

Some thoughts:

  • why Legacy and not Modern?

  • how strictly are you wanting to keep to the theme? It feels like this deck is currently extremely clumsy/slow, especially as burns only real typical advantage is being quick. Are you committed to making suboptimal choices to keep the deck in-theme?

  • 17 lands is far too low. For reference Modern-burn runs 19 and doesn't play anything costing more than 2 mana (and is perfectly happy being stuck on 1 land for a few turns). With 17 lands you’re going to have a 1-land hand 35% of the time - which is a problem because you need more than that to play the game. Most games of magic are effectively over by turn 5 - and on this turn you’re likely only going to have 3 lands… meaning all of those cards costing 4-or-more mana will never see play (or come down too late to ever matter)… that’s a whopping 17 cards in your deck that will almost never be useful!

  • a bunch of cards feel extremely weak here. I assume a bunch of this is because you’re wanting to stick in-theme. But i can’t see why you’d ever want to be including cards like Thrumming Stone, Fire Servant, Pyromancer's Goggles, Pyromancer's Gauntlet etc… i mean, none of the cards feel particularly strong/useful here, but some feel a lot worse than others.

kisloski on Need some clarification

3 months ago

Hi, I need some clarification on one topic. I have this board state:

and now I cast Shock, no counterplay is in place and what happens?

Case 1: Fire Servant affects Shock first, making it deal a total of 4 damage and in result not triggering Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip.


Case 2: Ojer Axonil, Deepest Might  Flip affects Shock first bringing the damage to 4 and then Fire Servant doubles the damage bringing it up to 8 in total.

Can someone tell which one is true or maybe point me to a rule which states how to deal with kind of situation?

Lord_Grimm on Mizzix

2 years ago

That was fast! Now that we are on v2, I can get a little more detailed.

Cards to cut: Fire Servant - Only works with like 4-5 cards in the deck Desert of the Mindful - It is double the cost of the other 2 cycling lands in the deck Spirebluff Canal - Literally a tap land outside turns 1-3... Jaya's Immolating Inferno - Can only be cast if you have a legendary creature... you have 6 in total Expropriate - This card alone will give this whole build a bad reputation Spelltwine - It is so slow, and weak if there are no good choices in opponents graves Tidings - Honestly, Overflowing Insight would be better, if that is the type of effect you want in this slot Fiery Emancipation - May be good, or 'win more' Sensei's Divining Top - Feels like this is solely to help smooth out your draws

Knowing this deck's success depends on quickly accessing resources, still feels like it may be too slow. If possible adding a few more rocks, and access to proliferate cards like Tezzeret's Gambit to help tick up your counters even if Mizzix is off the board could be subtle steps toward victory. Lastly, 40 lands seems high, and 18 of them are basics. Look over my last comment and try to see if you can slot in some of the other lands I listed. Karn's Bastion seems like an auto-include on this build.

Kukkakaali on Tuhmeliinit Cube

3 years ago

Version 2.5. No more oyster: - Jaya's Greeting + Young Pyromancer - Chandra's Pyreling + Risk Factor - Chandra's Spitfire + Heartfire Immolator - Spelleater Wolverine + Warlord's Fury

- Aven Eternal + Blink of an Eye - Giant Oyster + Talrand's Invocation - No Escape + Vapor Snag - Witching Well + Mistral Singer - Of One Mind + Peek

Version 2.6. Kaldheim and Strixhaven boosters: - Colossus Hammer + Access Tunnel - Camaraderie + Fall of the Impostor - Cliffhaven Kitesail + Hall of Oracles

- Kin-Tree Invocation + Binding the Old Gods - Boneyard Lurker + Infuse with Vitality - Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner + Moritte of the Frost - Incubation / Incongruity + Quandrix Cultivator - Spellheart Chimera + Prismari Command - Final Payment + Humiliate - Zealous Persecution + Killian, Ink Duelist - Kaya, Bane of the Dead + Closing Statement

- Parhelion Patrol + Glorious Protector - Oppressive Rays + Doomskar - Pouncing Lynx + Codespell Cleric - Inspiring Captain + Leonin Lightscribe

- Concentrate + Behold the Multiverse - Kasmina, Enigmatic Mentor + Saw It Coming

- Fleshbag Marauder + Brackish Trudge - Blight-Breath Catoblepas + Sheoldred, Whispering One - Audacious Thief + Unwilling Ingredient - Hagra Constrictor + Tergrid, God of Fright  Flip - Blood Beckoning + Go Blank - Murder + Poison the Cup - Lazotep Reaver + Umbral Juke - Herald of the Dreadhorde + Feed the Serpent

- Inordinate Rage + Infuriate - Heightened Reflexes + Claim the Firstborn - Furious Rise + Tormentor's Helm - Syr Carah, the Bold + Breakneck Berserker - Fire Servant + Rune of Speed

- Ranger's Guile + Snakeskin Veil - Reclaim the Wastes + Big Play - Scute Mob + Dragonsguard Elite - Loathsome Chimera + Regrowth

Phyrexian11 on God of Thunder and Love

3 years ago

I'm not sure of previous versions of this deck, but I have some cards I think you should add, plus some cards I think you should either just consider replacing or simply just take out. We'll start with the ADD list.


  • Earthquake and/or Rolling Earthquake (You already have an effect like this in Subterranean Tremors , but this also hits players, so you'll deal EXTRA damage on top of the extra damage from the commander.)

  • Arcane Signet (You have Fire Diamond , but not Arcane Signet?)

  • Starstorm (An effect like many others, but this one has cycling.)

  • Fire Servant (It's not the cheapest creature, but it has an ability that you might want more of. You can always use more damage doubling.)

  • Mana Geyser (Look, it's just a good card to get a lot of mana quickly. Not super necessary, but it's fast mana in R)

  • Heartless Hidetsugu (I'm just suggesting this one because cutting your opponents down to 20 is great and makes killing them easier.)

  • Seething Song (Fast Mana good.)

  • Seize the Spoils (I noticed a lack of card draw, and this is a pretty neat mono-red card draw spell.)

  • Endless Atlas (Again, card draw, and it's cheap and consistent.)

  • Genesis Chamber (Yeah, it requires your opponents to be playing creatures a bit, but it makes it just that much easier to kill them. Plus the Myr generated are all 1/1s, so they will easily let excess damage through from the rest of the deck.)

  • Sanctuary Blade (A little expensive on the equip side, but this is another consitent way to give your commander pro-red.)

  • Sword of Sinew and Steel / Sword of War and Peace (You have Sword of Fire and Ice , so why not have more of the red ones?)

  • Chandra, Awakened Inferno (Her + kills your opponents faster, her - does what you commander wants, her -X is neat. I think she's all around a great inclusion.)

  • Chandra, Torch of Defiance (Okay, so now is where I admit that you only had 1 planeswalker and I talk about how much I like Planeswalker cards. I think they're cool and fun. This specific one is great beacause she either gives you mana or draws you a card, essentially. Her two differ +1's are really the only reason, but her ult is something your opponents wont want to have go off, either.)

  • Caged Sun (More Mana in mono-red.)


  • Ignite the Future (It's too expensive for what it does. You can better spend the mana on a Chandra, Torch of Defiance or something. Yeah, it's kind of card draw, but you can do better.)

  • Pyroblast (Unless this is for a VERY SPECIFIC meta where you are going against mean U decks, this will be more frustrating in hand than useful, I think. Plus, color-specific hate like this just feels out of place in this format, unless, of course, your meta is particularly skewed a certain way.)

  • Red Elemental Blast (See Above.)

  • Tibalt's Trickery (Yeah, cool counterspell, but I think the deck should focus more on itself, personally.)

  • Wheel of Fate (There are better, and faster, ways to draw cards. I like the idea of this card, but in having played it over and over again, either it never actually resolves -like the game ends- or it just feels like a relative waste because people can see it coming and plan ahead.)

  • Fire Diamond (Replace this with Arcane Signet . It's just better.)

  • Lavabrink Floodgates (To be fair, I've never played with this card, but OH BOY does it seem bad. If you're not proliferating the counters, then this will NEVER go off if your opponents don't want it to, and they would never want it to with this deck, unless a board-wipe JUST happened and there are not creatures. So then it's just a 4-drop mana rock producing 2, and you can just replace it with something better like Caged Sun that will help you Earthquake for a win faster.

  • Arch of Orazca (I noticed in your mana base that you have 13 lands that tap for colorless. That seems like too many for me - it's almost the same number of Snow-Covered Mountain s you have. So I am recommending removing some. I get why this one is here, for the card draw, but this is SO EXPENSIVE. I don't even run it in my colorless Emrakul deck.)

  • Great Furnace (I like this card, I really do. I LOVE artifacts. But without any artifact synergies, this is more likely do get Shatter ed or Vandalblast ed than actually help you, and that'll feel bad. Just replace it with a Snow-Covered Mountain .)

  • Hanweir Battlements  Flip (Same reason for the colorless mana, and I don't really see many reasons other than, maybe 2 creatures for the need for haste, but it's not a necessity to be removed.)

  • Leyline of Punishment (I get that this is here to make it harder for your opponents to survive or heal up, but honestly, just play Heartless Hidetsugu or something else to keep life totals low. This one is often going to feel more like a do-nothing enchantment unless your meta is HEAVY life-gain.)

  • Treasonous Ogre (Fast mana, sure, but it seemed overall pretty meh to me in this deck. It's better at killing you than it is at providing mana in this specific deck, I think.)

  • Varchild, Betrayer of Kjeldor (The effect is important for making sure you opponents have creatures, but getting her to hit you opponents before they have blockers is going to be a challenge, and if you draw her late-game, then she's just a 3/3 blocker.)

  • Bonfire of the Damned (The miracle cost is cool, but most of the time I think you'd rather something like Earthquake that will most likely hit almost all of their creatures AND more than 1 opponent/opponent's board. Plus, if this isn't Miracle'd, then this is pretty trash in your hand.)

I'm sure I said add more cards than take out, and I know I said take out a couple lands, but not really add any, but I hope this is helpful.

libraryjoy on My God, This is a Thousand Year Storm

4 years ago

My only thoughts are that in my playgroup I would struggle with this deck because of politics. Someone would take me out before I could finish them. Spell Pierce is a less-than-optimal card, because usually players have plenty of mana available in a commander game. So you might pull it off, but more often than not, it would be a dead card in your hand. To close the game more quickly, consider adding damage doublers like Dictate of the Twin Gods, Quest for Pure Flame, Angrath's Marauders, Furnace of Rath, Fire Servant or Overblaze.

EnbyGolem on Impulsive Immolation

4 years ago

Fire Servant would also be a great card to consider for this build!

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