Finale of Revelation

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Finale of Revelation


Draw X cards. If X is 10 or more, instead shuffle your graveyard into your library, draw X cards, untap up to five lands, and you have no maximum hand size for the rest of the game.

Exile Finale of Revelation.

AThiccNacho on Say Hy(dra) to Your Grandma For Me

1 month ago

I would very much recommend:

Garruk's Uprising as it gives you trample for the big bois, can cantrip AND gives you draw power on ETB. If you cast a hydra with > 3, you get to draw 2 cards, assuming Zaxara is on the field.

Kiora, Behemoth Beckoner Gives you ramp AND ETB triggers. Same as G's Uprising above.

Elemental Bond Have you noticed a pattern yet? More expensive than the others because of the Power 3 trigger vs 4; but still a really sick card to have.

Simic Ascendancy Alternate wincon and pretty easy to get twice since, if a hydra enters with 6 counters, you get 12 if you control Zaxara due to the token getting the +1/+1 counters.

Open Into Wonder Straight up ends the game if a creature is big or your board state went unchecked for too long. Won me plenty of games. If it can't end the game, you can still draw plenty of cards to play on main phase 2.

Finale of Revelation Essentially just an X draw but with additional benefits for going all in. Obviously, Zaxara is needed to get a 10/10, but it's way better than Even the Score; the extra 2 cards drawn is meh and you lift the 4 card restriction. Blue Sun's Zenith is technically better being at instant speed, but you get WAY more value in EDH out of Finale, especially with mana doublers/triplers.

Herald of Secret Streams A more $$ card, but makes your creature with +1/+1 unblockable; usually allows you to kill 1 or 2 players that turn and end the game if it goes unanswered, buying your other threats more time.

Curse of the Swine To exile high prio threats. Giving opponents 2/2 creatures doesn't matter. Gets around indestructible or creatures that are overly powerful such as voltron creatures. I would honestly swap this for Spinning Wheel Kick as that relies heavily on your commander; which Zaxara is already a high prio target.

Those are all the suggestions i have for budget; most of the others i'd make for budget are counter spells. My Zaxara deck should be on my profile if you're interested in higher $$ cards.

Crow_Umbra on Murders at Karlov Manor

5 months ago

Missed the edit window, but lol the Bant precon has reprints for Finale of Revelation, Bennie Bracks, Zoologist, Chulane, Teller of Tales, Farewell, and Koma, Cosmos Serpent,

Necramus on Baral, Chief of No

1 year ago

Sea Gate Restoration  Flip - this can double as either a land or a phat ass draw spell, depending on how you want to use it, and options are always good!

Finale of Revelation - again, can be a phat spell or a more modest one, depending on what you need. You have several ways to discount spells, though, and so you can kinda cheat your way towards the high end of this spell.

Sapphire Medallion - don't need to explain this one.

Solve the Equation - excellent tutor for this deck and a budget option to Mystical Tutor, though, I'd suggest both.

Consuming Tide and Cyclonic Rift are both mono blue pseudo wipes that you'll probably want to help keep the battle field in your favor.

Rhystic Study - don't need to explain this one.

Mystic Sanctuary and Otawara, Soaring City are both free for you to play and are better than basics when you have so many.

As for additional counterspells I'd suggest Mana Leak, Tale's End, Force of Will, and Delay.

Since you're on the discount game, I'd also suggest Bribery and Mass Manipulation too!

And one last piece of removal: Imprisoned in the Moon

Hope this helps! I like that your curve is almost down to 3. Your deck building skills are getting keener!

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

1 year ago

Next update:

Out: Vandalblast, Thermo-Alchemist, Temporal Cascade, Ponder, Overwhelming Intellect, Wizard Class

In: Seize the Spoils, Finale of Revelation, Reiterate, Frantic Search, Explosive Welcome, Unwind

Reason: Finally get Reiterate, so i'm going more into the combo pieces/finisher options.

KBK7101 on Rasputin, Between Knight and Dawn

1 year ago

A lot of the new Legends Retold cards are really interesting to me, as they're fairly open ended, design-wise. Rasputin is definitely one of them. Proliferate effects, tokens, blink, group hug, X spells... he could go in any of these directions. A really interesting card.

You may have already considered them, but thoughts on Panharmonicon, Flux Channeler, Curse of the Swine, Fascination and/or Finale of Glory/Finale of Revelation?

Tic12 on Vadrik, Astral Timebomb

1 year ago

Hey there,

i was looking for some Ideas for my own Vadrik-Deck so i checked your Deck list.

Finale of Revelation seems realy nice, Pull from Tomorrow as well. So maybe i will try to put them in my deck.

Here are some suggestionds for you: Clockspinning buffs Vadrik very fast and strong. Storm-Kiln Artist gives you a lot of Treasures. The Celestus has a great synergy with Vadrik.

Tic12 on Turn 5 - Darth Vadrik strikes back

2 years ago

@Neko25: Hey there, thanks for your comment. I already play Haze of Rage. Reiterate is on my wish-list, unfortunately i don't have it yet. But there a some interesting card's in your list, which i'm going to try out, like Spell Swindle, Finale of Revelation, Seething Anger and Temporal Fissure.

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