Finale of Promise


You may cast up to one target instant card and/or up to one target sorcery card from you graveyard each with converted mana cost/mana value X or less without paying their mana costs. If a card cast this way would be put into your graveyard this turn, exile it instead. If X is 10 or more, copy each of those spells twice. You may choose new targets for the copies.

DatShepTho on The Lonely Loner (Seems to free his mind at night)

9 months ago


Very nice feedback. I've used the Maybeboard for cards I either haven't got a hold of yet but still considering. I've opted to limit tutors for my pod, also it's more fun leaving it up to the heart of the cards for me. Nor do I have any worthwhile artifacts tutoring for, but Conqueror's Flail is certainly a shout.

I've put together most of these from cards I already own and tried to limit spending on the deck. I do agree that Finale of Promise is a bit weak for this deck. I'll definitely consider Mizzix's Mastery

Overall it's just a case of getting the right balance of splashy spells, digging spells, ritual-like spells and counterspells. So it's certainly quite hard to find space for other suggestions.

Many thanks for your comment!

Azoth2099 on The Lonely Loner (Seems to free his mind at night)

9 months ago


Wuddup! Vadrik, Astral Archmage is so busted, man. Probably the best Commander p4p imo. I've been brewing him for a while now.

I see you're already running Seething Song, which is great. I'd highly recommend adding Desperate Ritual & Pyretic Ritual as well. Functionally having 2 copies of Dark Ritual in a deck is insane. Mana Geyser is pretty decent, but at Sorcery speed and at a minimum cost of , it's really not worth it compared to the others.

I would also recommend Mystic Retrieval & Mizzix's Mastery over Call to Mind & Finale of Promise respectively. As well as adding Past in Flames.

2 pieces of Equipment that I noticed shone very brightly with this Commander are Conqueror's Flail & Commander's Plate. The added bonus of cost reduction makes their power here difficult to overstate.

Buyback is a popular mechanic in typical Vadrik decks, but the only ones that are truly worth consideration are Capsize, Reiterate & Clockspinning. Haze of Rage & Seething Anger are obviously great, but they don't facilitate wins with the same frequency as those other ones. Sorcery speed sucks.

Never doubt that you need those Tutors, son! Solve the Equation, Reckless Handling, Merchant Scroll, Fabricate, Bribery & Acquire are all pretty much too good to pass up here. Reshape can also be great, depending on your Artifact list.

Free spells like Misdirection, Blazing Shoal & Commandeer can be pretty great here, given that they are likely still cheap to cast if you can't cast them for free.

Lastly, try to get yourself copies of Sea Gate Restoration  Flip, Shatterskull Smashing  Flip & Jeska's Will for this one if you can. Amazing!


Azoth2099 on Izzet Vadrik Fireball-slinger

11 months ago


Hey dude!

This Commander is so underrated, a strong contender for the best in Izzet imo, good choice.

Having built and playtested the crap out of this one already, I'd recommend running Firemind's Foresight! Even if you're not using it as a 1-card wincon - which I recommend - it's still great value. Recursion spells Past in Flames, Mystic Retrieval, Mizzix's Mastery & Finale of Promise also pull a lot of weight. Buyback cards like Capsize & Reiterate are very strong here as well. Other Buyback cards that normally see no play like Spell Burst, Clockspinning & Seething Anger suddenly become pretty decent!

Equipment like Conqueror's Flail & Commander's Plate are also even better than they usually are with this Commander. Clout of the Dominus too!

Baral, Chief of Compliance could reasonably join the party as well imo!

DreadKhan on Rakdos Santa Deck

1 year ago

Well, here is what I found: Anarchist, which seems over costed but will leave you a body you can Blim away, Ardent Elementalist is similar but 1 mana less. Backdraft Hellkite can let you Flashback Offering, but that's one and done as it's exiled after. Biblioplex Assistant has Flying, but that's a bad thing to give an opponent obviously. Bloodthirsty Adversary is another one off. Charmbreaker Devils are one of the more interesting ones, but it's awfully clunky. Efreet Flamepainter seems half-decent, but isn't repeatable. I'm a bit curious if Finale of Promise would work at all, it's annoying that you'd need both types, but if you can copy a Dark Ritual/Seething Song and Harmless Offering you can still do more stuff after. Invoke Calamity might be a fit, it's a lot of mana but is a strong effect. Goblin Dark-Dwellers is a beefy body but probably not something you'd want to donate after. I'm not sure if you could get in for damage with the spell-creature, but if you can Magar of the Magic Strings is pretty interesting. If you can get enough mana together Mizzix's Mastery might work, 4 mana to recast a 3 mana spell isn't terrible I'd say. Ogre Battlecaster might do it's thing more than once with First Strike. I'm not sure if Shreds of Sanity is reasonable, 2R is pretty cheap for this, but having to discard sucks. Revolutionist seems openly bad unless you can cast it via Madness. Spellweaver Helix is cool but might be too janky, but it can generate more Offerings (and another Sorcery I guess). I don't think you have a wide enough board to use it, but if you added more creatures then Surge to Victory could fit. Hope something in that pile I could dig out will work, there are some really pushed options like Yawgmoth's Will and Underworld Breach too fwiw, I guess you could Blim away Breach when you're done with it?

Random thought, but if you're fine with recursion effects maybe Oriq Loremage would fit in here? Probably would require more building around though, but Entomb is a great effect to have stapled to a creature if you've got the right cards.

wallisface on Time is of the Essence

1 year ago

Some examples of As Foretold decks are here : example 1, example 2, example 3, example 4. You'll note that the common theme is that As Foretold is only useful for cheating out cards like Ancestral Vision, Crashing Footfalls, and Restore Balance. These decks also use stuff like Electrodominance and Finale of Promise to ensure they're able to cast those no-mana spells reliably.

I don't think there are many Oracle's Vault decks out there because the card is just bad, and requires a lot of support to even remotely do anything - on top of that it's super-slow and super-easy to disrupt. I found this deck that plays it, though the deck itself looks pretty janky, and i'm not convinced it would be any good, especially for the amount of $$$ it costs.

There won't be any decks out there that use both of those cards together, as they're both trying to achieve very different goals (and on top of that Oracle's Vault isn't really very playable).


2 years ago

Invoke Calamity and/or Finale of Promise while a bit expensive MV wise I think it could prove useful. Not entirely sure but perhaps you could copy Ancestral Anger to gain additonal pluses once the OG is in the yard?. Thought Vessel if you feel you need a second relequary tower. Fall of the Hammer can help clear the road of blockers.

Unfortunately removing things is not my forte, so I can only make suggestions for additions. Hopefully something piques your interest.

Idoneity on Kura, the Boundless Sky [Lands]

2 years ago

Lands is always a magnificent archetype, and it is one to which I may offer some insights.

The second deck I have ever constructed, remaining my favourite to this day is Hazezon Tamar lands matter. After six years of tinkering, I can say with confidence that I know the strategy quite well.

As for The Boundless Sky, she opens up some splendid possibilities.

Given Green's affinity for finding specific lands, you have the ability to run combos with specific cards and lands.

Let us begin with the creative cards.

Lifeline looks to be terrifying with Kura, for she will return to play at end of turn if she dies. If you have a sacrifice effect at instant speed, or even just an untapped High Market, this can make a monstrosity whenever it pleases.

One of the best cards in my deck is Finale of Promise. It finds powerful pieces such as Dark Depths and Thespian's Stage, or Field of the Dead and Gaea's Cradle. Fun!

Due to Field of the Dead, you should split your basic to be both snow and nonsnow. This will offer more names for the idoneous progenitor of zombies.

For generic inclusions I enjoy, Petrified Field returns strong utility sources, Ulvenwald Hydra is a large behemoth which works with Life's Legacy effects whilst tutoring out a Gaea's Cradle.

For ramp, Nature's Lore, Three Visits, Rampant Growth, Cultivate, Kodama's Reach, Sakura-Tribe Elder, and Skyshroud Claim are some of the best cards of acceleration in the format, thereat being on-theme as averse to Basalt Monolith.

As much as it may not seem, interaction is rather important. Beast Within hits everything and Primal Command is lovely utility. Scavenger Grounds is a helpful piece of hate to find in dire circumstances.

Bounce lands can make for disturbing lines of play, such as tutoring with Crop Rotation for a Boros Garrison, thereupon returning a Gaea's Cradle to hand, playing it and tapping it for even more mana. For your strategy, I recommend Guildless Commons.

Thence is all I have time to type, but Kura looks a scourge in the command zone.

If you care to peer upon my own masterpiece in the lands archetype, you may find it here:

The Lands Restored

May all of fortune betide!

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