Fight or Flight


At the beginning of each opponent's combat phase, separate all creatures that player controls into two piles. Only creatures in the pile of his or her choice can attack this turn.

NTakamura on Cards that make opponent creature …

2 years ago

I am trying to make a janky build that uses Teysa, Envoy of Ghosts ability to destroy creatures. I have some curses and cards like Oracle en-Vec Fight or Flightand Nettling Imp that kind of do it. Most likely by provoking them. But the card I feel best describes what I want is Alluring Siren but I would need it to be in black and white. Anything that is similar card you can possibly think of will be helpful.

DerektheRed on Ideas for a Kynaios and …

4 years ago

"Hug It Out" ? "We love you to death" ?

Four colors means your build options are actually pretty diverse, tho group hug is always at least a sub-theme. I run a landfall deck with them, so Tatyova, Benthic Druid, Sakura-Tribe Scout, and landfall triggers in addition to group hug. Recently added Chulane, Teller of Tales for landfall but also more card draw.

If you go heavy on draw with group hug stuff like Temple Bell / Dictate of Kruphix / Well of Ideas but also cards like Rhystic Study and Consecrated Sphinx, you can potentially win out of nowhere with Psychosis Crawler and to a lesser extent Chasm Skulker.

If you want more group hug stuff, there's no end of enchantments (Aurification, Fight or Flight, Dissipation Field) and artifacts. (and you can put Zedruu the Greathearted in there!) Lots of new-ish group hug cards like Coveted Jewel that get passed around the table.

Lastly, since you're currently emphasizing 'attack them not me' cards like Edric and Gahjji, I'd consider Marisi, Breaker of the Coil and staple cards like Assault Suit. Obviously, Marisi is a little more aggressive / less group hug... If you want to go that route you could throw in Dictate of the Twin Gods or similar.

Happy brewing!

Mandalorian on Daxos Enchants

6 years ago

Since you have a sort of pillow fort theme going, Luminarch Ascension could be really good.

Any love for Opalescence or Starfield of Nyx?

Enlightened Tutor

Mortify, Utter End, Swords to Plowshares,


Fight or Flight

cleandeceit on Armed for War

6 years ago

Cards that limit attackers.
Crawlspace, Lightmine Field, Silent Arbiter, Fight or Flight and the ideal Dueling Grounds.
Orim's Prayer and Path of Bravery dont really stop attackers but they are deterrents.

Sigil of Valor for when you do attack alone.
Maybe Blade of Selves, that would work around cards like Dueling Grounds but it wouldn't synergize with your commander or any exalted effects.

Also, if you really want to break the game, look for any cards with the "Banding" mechanic.

Noble Hierarch might be worth looking at if you start to feel like dropping knights tribe and going for human tribe. (although I know knight synergy is really fun).

Raging_Squiggle on God's Beloved Daughter

8 years ago

Worship + Delaying Shield + Phyrexian Unlife = Impossible to be killed.

Defensive Formation because defense?

Fight or Flight because the less creatures that can attack the better. Plus not too mean to make you a target.

Island Sanctuary because Pegasus. Reason enough. But actually, great card if you don't want to be attacked for a turn or two.

Sacred Mesa because more pegasus' at instant speed is awesome.

Solitary Confinement because it's one of the most effective "defense" cards out there. As long as you have an alternate way to draw, you're golden.

Second Sunrise and Faith's Reward because in case your stuff gets blown up or sacrificed.

clayperce on gwr fun fun

8 years ago

It's always awesome to see a new Rith deck on the site! +1 for running Rith old school (I love brown-border artifacts) and with a bunch of cards I've never seen before!

How do Fight or Flight and Orcish Oriflamme work for you? They look cool. And possibly on the other side, how about Garruk Relentless  Flip (maybe slow?), Reya Dawnbringer (maybe hard to cast for the benefit) and Wreath of Geists (maybe inconsistent)?

You have a very different Rith than mine, but if you get a chance sometime, I'd really appreciate your fresh perspective on my deck: Smashface Gardening w/ Rith.

Draw well!