Fervent Denial


Counter target spell.

Flashback [[symbol:5] (You may cast this card from your graveyard for its flashback cost. Then exile it.)

Lup3rcal on Undead Monarch

1 month ago

Suggested cuts: Waste Not - enemy discard is a secondary strategy, and viable, but this is a card that is only a payoff for a secondary strategy. I think it may be dead enough that it doesn't warrant a slot.

Logic Knot - would be sweet if it was {U} less. As is, it's a strictly inferior counterspell that uses a valuable resource to be effective

Fervent Denial - 5 mana is a lot to hold up, 7 will almost never happen in a board-presence focused deck.

Dark Deal - wheels are decent here, but this Mind Rots yourself. Have 4 cards, cast this, end up with 2. The other wheels can benefit from enemy high card counts. This does disrupt opponents, but that's gonna draw some ire and you just binned half your resources. If you can withstand the ire you should be winning anyway. Something like Frantic Search would be better IMO.

Zombie Infestation - two cards plus one upfront is a steep price. I don't know that you have enough reanimation to need to dump your hand at instant speed when you already have Varina available.

Dismantling Blow - a glorified Disenchant 90% of the time. A 6 mana spell the rest of the time.

Suggestions not many at this stage. Gleaming Overseer is a consideration if you find yourself heavy into tokens. I'm a big fan of a few cards in your maybe list: Obsessive Search, and Kindred Discovery. Though the latter is slow.

Matzalantli is cute but I'd be wary of labelling it as ramp when assessing your manabase given it needs 7 mana to activate, and won't be online until at LEAST turn 5. It's defs more a Gilded Lotus than Arcane Signet

DadHumanPraetor on Sevinne, the Chronoclasm Acid Flashback

3 years ago

Fervent Denial is a flashback card, but when are you copying this spell? Are you hoping your opponents will have placed 2 spells on the stack at the same time while you have 7 mana open and your commander in play? Seems unlikely to me.
I think more Thrill of Possibility Cathartic Reunion effects would be good since you can throw flashback cards into the bin for later and dig to find answers to early threats to stay alive long enough to utilize the commander's ability. Maybe lean into the Jump-start and Escape mechanics more, since they will also trigger your commander. Dreadhorde Arcanist can trigger him too. I would run a lot of wrath, probably more wrath than creatures. I would try to deny and remove opponents resources and then grind them out them in the later game using my bin as a toolbox and Sevinnes ability. I dont think the flashback mechanic is particularly good, but if you hybridize it with delve, jump-start, and escape you could probably build a synergistic and threatening deck. If you love this deck play it, I am only mentioning my thoughts, but I have built many decks that people were critical of at first glance which play very well, and a big part of that is piloting, so if my opinions are not correct than by all means just disregard them.

Coward_Token on Pattern Recognition #136 - Counters

4 years ago

Re: graveyard counterspell: Fervent Denial has flashback, while Disciple of the Ring can "graveyard spellshape" a taxing counter

hejtmane on Commander 2019...

4 years ago

multimedia I was looking at building Mizzix deck here (non lab man version) with the flash back theme leaked I figure I would wait and see and I already know the main commander is meh.

Then you start looking and bam Elsha of the Infinite and now I am torn do i build a deck around her instead of Mizzix because it looks like you can have some real fun with her.

Now I really like some of the cards in Mystic Intellect deck but the deck screams terrible.

Really your only counter spell is a 5 cost piece of hot garbage with a 7 cost buy back basically you have no real counter spells in a deck focused on spells that has blue. Really wizards you would have been better of putting old school counterspell which is a common and cheap and a classic commander card as the only counterspell instead you put one of the worse flashback cards ever designed in the deck Fervent Denial

smilkows on Sidisi Reanimator

6 years ago

Thank you very much! I am glad you like the list. It s a fun deck and can be powerful, but to be more competitive it needs some spells to counter the graveyard hate. Often you will encounter Bojuka Bog, Relic of Progenitus, Rest in Peace, Leyline of the Void, Scavenging Ooze, and Deathrite Shaman to name a few. Some cards to consider are:

Some reshuffle graveyard spells (Budget and more expensive):Elixir of Immortality, Perpetual Timepiece, Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre, Kozilek, Butcher of Truth

Counter Spells:Counterspell, Forbid, Voidslime, Disallow, Fervent Denial, Glen Elendra Archmage, Mystic Snake, Draining Whelk

Artifact/Enchantment Removal:Deglamer, Krosan Grip, Naturalize, Acidic Slime

Even Broader Removal:Abrupt Decay, Maelstrom Pulse, Beast Within, Song of the Dryads, Chain of Acid, Mold Shambler, Terastodon, Worldshaper, Vraska the Unseen, Duplicant

Next up are cards you can swap in that are not as expensive to acquire.

Out: Geth, Lord of the Vault, In: Gisa and Geralf;

Out: Fauna Shaman, In: Satyr Wayfinder;

Out: Grave Titan, In: Myr Battlesphere;

Out: Jace, Vryn's Prodigy  Flip, In: Archaeomancer;

Out: Liliana, Heretical Healer  Flip, In: Razaketh, the Foulblooded;

Out: Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, In: Nezahal, Primal Tide;

Out: Nissa, Vastwood Seer  Flip, In: Wood Elves;

Out: Mikaeus, the Unhallowed, In: Ishkanah, Grafwidow;

Out: Protean Hulk, In: Spider Spawning;

Out: The Scarab God, In: Bloodgift Demon;

Out: Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger, In: Avenger of Zendikar;

Out: Sheoldred, Whispering One, In: Ravenous Chupacabra;

To allow for the anti graveyard hate cards listed above, I would consider cutting for budgetary reasons: Yawgmoth's Will, Rise of the Dark Realms, Survival of the Fittest, Sylvan Scrying, Diabolic Servitude, Entomb, Coffin Queen.

You can change a lot of cards in the list aside from those mentioned here. Two cards I would not change and would pick up as they are very useful in the list are Volrath's Stronghold and Phyrexian Tower. You can sacrifice a creature to the tower gaining 2 black mana and use that mana to activate the stronghold to put the sacrificed creature back on top of your library. Volrath's Stronghold by itself is also a way to save at least one creature from your graveyard from getting exiled as mentioned in the graveyard hate you would face.

This should give a good sense of what type of cards to think about and try. I have used many of these cards on my way to getting to the list today. Another two good cards that are rarely bad are Wurmcoil Engine and Batterskull. Just good Value cards. Batterskull is not a creature to reanimate, but it is a creature when the artifact enters the battlefield. I hope this helps!

Arnaud on ChannelMagic - Multiplayers

7 years ago

Major issues detected if too many players (6 players during the playtest) :

Sunscorch Regent --> too powerful ?

Phyrexian Gargantua+Tempt with Reflections --> drawing 10+ cards leads to a 20 minutes turn for the player who has to make his choices.

Fervent Denial --> too much question about "priority" : it seems that instant cards with flashback are not a great idea here.

bensplanb on Gloomweaver

7 years ago

Surrak_and_Roll You make some interesting points for Grim Flowering vs. Sphinx of Lost Truths. When casting the Sphinx I rarely pay the kicker cost unless its very late in the game. The draw/discard is still incredibly powerful as it gets rid of Dredge creatures/graveyard enablers that are stuck in your hand and generally helps filter unwanted cards. It being a creature is an added bonus as it enables Sidisi triggers and is able to be recurred easily. I've been happy with it so far but I'll try swapping it out for Grim Flowering to see how it plays. Thanks for the thoughts!

As far as flex spots go, I mostly consider Fervent Denial, Gnaw to the Bone, Shriekmaw, and Oversold Cemetery to be non-essential role players than can be moved around a bit. That being said, every card is replaceable so long as you maintain approximately 8 mana accelerates, 2 Board clears, 3-4 instant speed disruption spells, 8-10 card draw spells/abilities, and 4 utility creatures/spells. Those are my general goals when building all my decks. With this specific deck I'd generally avoid going below 36 creatures in order to best utilize Sidisi triggers.

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