Fertile Thicket

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Arena Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Gladiator Legal
Highlander Legal
Historic Legal
Historic Brawl Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Pioneer Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Fertile Thicket


Fertile Thicket enters the battlefield tapped.

When Fertile Thicket enters the battlefield, you may look at the top five cards of your library. If you do, reveal up to one basic land card from among them, then put that card on top of your library and the rest on the bottom in any order.

: Add to your mana pool.

KBK7101 on Need help for a green …

1 year ago


I did a lot of research on precon decks while building my Urza/Mishra partner deck. This is definitely above that, which is fine, but one of the more interesting things I saw in said research was that it isn't always best to include tutors because new players don't even know the cards in the deck, much less what to search for. Land ones are fine, obviously, because they tell you what to find. Cards like Chord of Calling is great as an upgrade, but it may cause an unintentional feeling of being overwhelmed with options. Cutting it would also save $6-7.

Bala Ged Recovery  Flip is another card that I'd cut just because it may be slightly confusing for newer players. It's also $4? When did that happen?!

Triumph of the Hordes is another cut I'd make with the same reasoning as above. Trying to explain the difference between combat damage and commander damage is probably enough for now. Again, great upgradefor later. This would cut about $12.

Cutting these three would shave off another $20-25.


Growth Spiral is close enough to Bala Ged Recovery  Flip but without the added confusion of it also possibly being a land.

Speaking of lands, I think adding in two more would help smooth out any potential mana-screws, which are a horrible feeling as a seasoned player... and even worse than that as a newer player. Whether they be two more forests or something like Khalni Garden, Fertile Thicket or Tranquil Thicket, I think two more lands would help smooth things out.

I would also mention that while Freyalise, Llanowar's Fury is the deck's commander, Ezuri, Renegade Leader, Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen and Marwyn, the Nurturer could also be the deck's commander. She's not necessarily locked in to just Freyalise.

The last thing I'll mention is that none of us here know the person you're making the deck for. If you see any of this advice and think "eh, I think she'd get it" or "She'll understand this pretty easily", then go for it! Build whatever you think they'd like the best.

PrismMTG on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Alright @TheoryCrafter, I'm gonna do my best to break this down.

Artifact/Enchantment hate is definitely something I'm lacking, the main problem I have is that I don't know what to cut. Of the two, I think I'm more likely to play Broken Bond due to the land synergies and that I don't often need anything more than spot removal.

Walking Atlas was something I considered, but Skyshroud Ranger is just strictly better imo and as I kept refining the deck, I started cutting out some of those types of ramp effects for more draw effects.

I am not doubting that Angel of Jubilation is a very strong card, but I'm failing to see how it effects my main game plan. Yes, it messes with effects like Greater Good, but it doesn't do anything to stop the landfall/land recursion elements of my deck, which are the main strategy.

Of the 3 lands you suggested, I'm only truly considering Fertile Thicket. All 3 enter tapped, but only Fertile Thicket has an effect that benefits me enough to offset that cost. While yes, it does give me the etb trigger, it takes one less basic out of my pool and I already run less than 50% basics, removing many more would start to severely hamper my fetches. All 3 of them are also much harder to bring back from the GY than a basic forest, which either slows down the land recursion engine, or makes it more complicated to put into motion. Field of the Dead is a super powerful card, but I'm worried that in order to consistently activate it, it is doing too much damage to all the fetch lands I run.

Thanks for the suggestions, I hope the logic behind my replies makes sense

TheoryCrafter on The Island Awakened [[Primer]]

1 year ago

Your deck is looking pretty good. However, I find it lacking in Artifact/Enchantment hate.

You may want to consider Pest Infestation. With how quickly you'll be emptying out your library it's not outside the realm of possibility you can draw this soon enough to be relevant. It doesn't create you big creatures, but the number of pests it will produce(especially with the help of Paralell Lives) could have a staggering effect.

Another to consider would be Broken Bond, as it fits into additional land plays.

Speaking of addional land plays have you considered Walking Atlas?

Another weakness to your deck is Angel of Jubilation. While I find it unlikely you'll have to face it in the near future, it may be an idea to add something like Ram Through to directly kill it or use something like Primal Bellow(which you can then target your Commander with) to force it to block.

Also, have you considered Fertile Thicket, Khalni Garden and Llanowar Reborn? The former two would have a least some benefit from extra land triggers, the third for consistent buffing of an important creature and they'd be a much easier option to sacrifice since they come into the battlefield tapped. This would also give you more fuel for Field of the Dead if you wish to reconsider it at a later date.

That's all I got for ya. Thank you for reading me out. I hope it helps. Happy Hunting!

griffstick on Card creation challenge

2 years ago

What if green got a mechanic that's like scry, but in greens way. Well it would look like Fertile Thicket. I'm gonna call it "Harvest" and Fertile Thicket would be "Harvest 5"

Harvest Sentinel

Artifact Creature - Thopter (common)


When Harvest Sentinel attacks or blocks you Harvest 4


This mechanic would play well with cards that let you play extra lands per turn, and cards that let you play them from the top of you library. Create an uncommon card that uses the Harvest mechanic. If you like this idea, keep it going.

Sorry LunchBox1211, I was on the last page and didn't see that post.

Do LunchBox1211's challenge

Gidgetimer on Fertile Thicket

3 years ago

You can link cards by enclosing them in double brackets.

Fertile Thicket

If you do not find a basic land to reveal you will put all five cards on the bottom in any order

awatts30 on Rainy Day Mushroom Mayhem!

4 years ago

I was actually just designing a deck much like this a few days ago, although I was looking at GW because I considered Pallid Mycoderm to be superior to Deathspore Thallid (-1/-1 one of their creatures vs. +1/+1 all of mine). White also gives you access to Selesnya Evangel , although Night Soil may be better in many situations.

If you do stay with black, I would consider adding Fungal Infection as a cheap chump blocker removal that also gains you a Saproling, vs. Deathspore which costs you one. I would also consider Tukatongue Thallid as an early two-for-one.

As far as lands, dual lands should help make your mana base more reliable. I’d recommend Jungle Hollow or Golgari Rot Farm . If you’re looking for ETB effects, you could try Khalni Garden , Turntimber Grove , Fertile Thicket , Gingerbread Cabin , Bojuka Bog , Mortuary Mire , and Witch's Cottage .

SubduedRhombus on GW Proliferate

5 years ago

hullos and kamarupa, I love the suggestions.

This is the first deck I ever built dating back to the 2015 prerelease. It's evolved a ton since then, clearly, with all the cards from later sets in it. That's kinda why the cards are so seemingly random. I haven't purchased cards for this deck yet. Everything I have was either pulled or traded for.

There's currently 69 cards because to be honest, I really struggle with deciding what to remove to meet 60 cards. I feel like they are all pretty good and serve a distinct purpose in the deck.

I definitely want those lands. I don't really like Fertile Thicket either. Probably remove the Selesnya Guildgate s because they're too slow too, huh? I like Oran-Rief, the Vastwood , Sunpetal Grove , and Temple of Plenty . I love the combo of Canopy Vista + Windswept Heath , but that seems like a lot of money for land, although I might justify it if I could see it's worth. What are the most important things I'm looking for when choosing land?

The Wanderer , Suspension Field , Wanderer's Strike , Hunt the Weak , and Prison Realm all help with protecting from creatures that I otherwise wouldn't be able to deal with, and Dragonscale Boon and Stony Strength surprise my opponent when they're attacking or try to mess with tapped creatures. What I really need are a couple cards that exile permanents rather than creatures, though. I have a couple of Generous Gift s in another deck that I could pull out and put into here.

I could see cutting The Wanderer , Retreat to Kazandu , New Horizons , and a lot of the kind of piddly creatures that are just there to get beefed or beef others.

If I cut The Wanderer , all instants, sorceries, and enchantments and dropped down to 24 creatures, I could have space for 8 cards if I kept 23 lands. What do you think the best would be the best 8 cards to have? Right now I'm thinking: 2x Generous Gift , Bow of Nylea , Nissa, Voice of Zendikar , 2x Blessed Alliance , Oblivion Ring , maybe Hardened Scales (how bad is it really if you play it first turn, considering all I would have to play other than that would be a hexdrinker, and it benefits massively from it if I can beef him before he gets protection from everything?) or Harvest Season ? (but that wouldn't that only be good with some landfall stuff or Vinelasher Kudzu , like you had said?)

Would that provide me with enough board removal to be consistently successful?

Oda-Jimbob on Mayael and Other-wordly Allies

5 years ago

Deck Edit 2:

Avatar of Slaughter out -> Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger in. I decided that the Avatar of Slaughter could backfire against me as much as help me as it gives ALL creatures double strike (including my opponents). As Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger very much benefits me, it seemed like an automatic replacement.

Skyshroud Elf out -> Conduit of Ruin in. Both of these cards are a form of ramp. Yes, the Elf can help me early on, but I felt the Eldrazi search capability of the Conduit of Ruin as well as making first creature spells I cast 2 cheaper was too good to ignore. In addition to this Conduit of Ruin is searchable by Mayael.

Vagrant Plowbeasts out -> Avenger of Zendikar in. Although the Vagrant Plowbeasts served a very good role in the deck, and one that I am not yet 100% sure that I want to loose, the effects of dropping an Avenger of Zendikar seemed too good to miss.

Worn Powerstone out -> Mirari's Wake in. In the few games that I have had with this deck, the card draw is great - the only thing that can hold it back is access to mana. With the addition of Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger and Mirari's Wake I hope to both drop creatures onto the battlefield with Mayael, as well as hard-cast should the need arise. In addition to the mana access, the +1/+1 will also help to boost the presence of the Plant tokens put onto the battlefield with Avenger of Zendikar .

Finally, to smooth out the mana a little bit more, I did the following changes (there seemed to be too much red, and sometimes not enough white).

Fertile Thicket out -> Rith's Grove in.

Inspiring Vantage out -> Naya Panorama in.

Vivid Crag out -> Jungle Shrine in.

Vivid Meadow out -> Tinder Farm in.

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