Extraplanar Lens


Imprint — When Extraplanar Lens enters the battlefield, you may remove target land you control from the game. (The removed card is imprinted on this artifact.)

Whenever a land with the same name as the imprinted card is tapped for mana, its controller adds one mana of any type that land produced.

fluffyeel on Urza Lord High Combomaster

3 weeks ago

Some small thoughts for fun things and stuff:

Serriten on Maleficent’s Hoard

4 weeks ago

Inferno wants lots of color ramp so you can slam it down and activate its ability to do a quick 20. Treasure generation, Caged Sun, Glittering Stockpile, Extraplanar Lens, Gauntlet of Power, even Chaos Moon

AstroAA on [EDH][Primer] Giada's Angel Harem

1 month ago

Anatak thank you for your comment! I'm glad you've been inspired to make your own Angel deck!

As for Traveler's Amulet, I like it as we can tutor for a basic and help to thin the deck. It isn't absolutely necessary, as you could probably get away with something like Extraplanar Lens if you really wanted to. Plus, it can be recurred with Serra Paragon so we can get more value out of it.

fluffyeel on Bruvac's Millibuster

1 month ago

Mill is fun. Mill was one of my first loves (and still is!) for any sort of MTG deck. However, I see some options to further Traumatize your opponents:

fluffyeel on You draw you lose

1 month ago

Some small recommendations I can think of:

BarfQuackers on How many Snow-Covered Basics for …

4 months ago

Thank you both for your responses, pretty much sums up my thoughts on the matter. After I posted I tried to look at some decks and most are split between the two options with no rhyme or reason. I can't think of a reason for it to matter besides the off chance an opponent is running Extraplanar Lens.

SteelSentry I specifically like this take but it's definitely got me over thinking this now lol. I guess it matters more when there's less colors and more basics, specifically in my mana base, 10 basics split 4/4/2, once I tutor out 3 or 4 basics there's really only a few left so that chance I draw a unique named one are pretty high so a 50/50 split wouldn't be damaging.

Thanks again for your insights!

Profet93 on This Deck Does Not Believe In Free Will

4 months ago

Westvale Abbey - Weakest land. You aren't a token deck, it costs a lot to activate and is hard to pull off only for a creature that is helpful, but not nearly powerful enough in EDH or relevant to your overall strategy

Phyrexian Tower - Black has other sac engines and you don't have any relevant death triggers that would warrant it's inclusion. The mana ramp is minimal

Maze of Ith - Meta call like against xenagos or voltron? It can have it's moments for sure but it doesn't produce mana unless you have urborg and unless the voltron strategy is prevalent in the meta, it can be swapped out

Lotus Vale - Scorched Ruins is strictly better and can combo with rings of brighthearth + deserted temple for infinite colorless or infinite black as long as you have a swamp. Not even saying to add them, because these lands are stripmine targets. If you were playing a lands deck, sure.

Lake of the Dead - The least likely card to cut from the list. This card I've never personally liked because it goes against my philosophy, short term gain for long term loss. Losing lands, similar to lotus in a deck that can't recur them just seems off to me. It's definitely a helpful ramp piece for sure. But that usually paints a target over your head and they remove whatever you cast (assuming it's a permanent, or can use a counterspell if non-permanent) and then you're just down one land. If this were a more cEDH build or lower to the ground I could understand it's inclusion.

Sceptre of Eternal Glory - With all the basics you will presumably add, this will be a cheaper version of Gilded Lotus at the cost of a Thran Dynamo.

Throne of Eldraine - Ramp or draw

Mana Vault - Turn 1 ramp

Extraplanar Lens - Works best with snow-covered swamps depending on the meta

Caged Sun - Expensive but does the job.

Not saying to add all of these, just some choices to see what works best with your deck/curve.

Let me know if you want some suggestions for non-land cuts as well.

TijuanaBachelorParty on Date Night with Phage

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestions capwner. Tutors are always helpful and of the two, Increasing Ambition could be a good fit since the 5 drop slot is slim and could be a great outlet for mana.

As for the omission of Gauntlet of Power, the idea is keeping mana doubling to my side of the battlefield and since going wide is not a part of the strategy, it is often more harmful than helpful. Extraplanar Lens on the other hand is closer to an include, though with as many non-swamp lands as the deck I have not given it a try yet.

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