Ethereal Haze

Instant — Arcane

Prevent all damage that would be dealt by creatures this turn.

legendofa on Ways to STOP T0 GRIEF/FURY …

7 months ago

Veil of Summer is a decent candidate for an anti-Grief. There are several MV 1 ways to prevent Fury damage; Surge of Salvation is probably the best, but Ethereal Haze is another option.

I'm pulling from my turbo fog days for inspiration, so these suggestions are definitely reactive, rather than proactive.

mattiethepooh on Slurms Makenzie

1 year ago

Ethereal Haze is another fog type spell that stops all creature damage for the turn. I also can't believe you didn't include Pause for Reflection.

Icbrgr on Filibuster

2 years ago

Oh as soon as I saw the title I knew EXACTLY what this deck was about lol +1

I ran this wincon in a Turbfog shell... Holy Day, Dawn Charm, Ethereal Haze, Kami of False Hope, Batwing Brume, Pariah.... good times

Polaris on Can I answer Ethereal Haze …

2 years ago

Yes. The abilities can be activated at instant speed, and as long as Ethereal Haze hasn't resolved yet, it won't help.

They could stop your Jagged-Scar Archers temporarily by casting Haze first, but it's not a good situation to be in.

legendofa on Bringing Turbo Fog to the …

2 years ago

TL;DR: I want to make Turbo Fog better, but I'm not sure how.

I like the philosophy of Turbo Fog, and I've had some success with it in FNMs and casual tournaments. I'm trying to push it up into at least low-tier competitive, but I think it's gotten left pretty far behind. It hasn't really gotten any new toys recently to get it above casual tables.

Basically, Turbo Fog is a control deck that tries to avoid taking any damage by neutralizing the opponent's attacking creatures and avoiding or removing harmful spells. It's a similar line of thought to Lantern Control or prison decks.

Starting with the Fog part, there are a few ways to go. Spore Frog and Kami of False Hope are cheap creatures that are easily searched and recycled, but there aren't many other creature options. The old-school method is instants like Darkness and Ethereal Haze, but while they have more options, they don't have as many ways to search or recur them, with Isochron Scepter and Snapcaster Mage probably being the best. Finally, there are the enchantments and artifacts. Leyline of Sanctity takes care of a lot of the non-damaging effects, Ghostly Prison is good but offers a workaround, and Ensnaring Bridge needs a little too much dedicated support, in my experience. Turbo Fog isn't big on emptying its hand.

Next up is the Turbo. The traditional draw engines are Howling Mine and Phyrexian Arena, and Stormfist Crusader is a mixture of those two. The Royal Scions and Jace Beleren provide some Planeswalker support. Teferi, Hero of Dominaria does pretty much everything a Turbo Fog deck wants.

For removal, I generally look at all-purpose stuff, like Abrupt Decay, Assassin's Trophy, and Counterspell. The Fog effects provide pseudo-removal against attackers, so it's the utility creatures and other effects that pose problems. All the same, a good Supreme Verdict is always welcome. Engineered Explosives and Nevinyrral's Disk are other mass removal options.

Finally, and most importantly, the win condition. The three main approaches I've seen and/or tried are draw damage, semi-passive mill, and simply attacking with a big creature. For the draw damage, there's cards like Fevered Visions, Runeflare Trap, Fate Unraveler, basically anything that might see use in a Wheels EDH deck. Semi-passive mill comes from symmetrical drawing, while recycling cards through Blessed Respite or Elixir of Immortality. For big creatures, my headliners are Kefnet the Mindful and Sigarda, Host of Herons--5 power, evasive, and hard to kill. Honorable mention goes to Nexus of Fate, just to completely lock out the opponent.

I've poked through a lot of cards and tried a lot of variations, but I'm still not sure I'm not overlooking something. It's very color-heavy, but every color offers a unique option that's hard to replace in at least one category. I'm currently leaning toward or . Of course, it may just be unable to compete at a higher level with the tools it has now. What does Turbo Fog need to get into the competitive boards?

legendofa on No Damage Troll Deck - Budget as well

2 years ago

Hub suggestions: Drop Chaos, add Turbo Fog

Card suggestions: Ethereal Haze prevents noncombat damage from creatures, if you see Grim Lavamancer or whatever. Elixir of Immortality can replace Blessed Respite , since you have a lot of Fog effects already. I would switch the Pure Intentions with two Leyline of Sanctity in the sideboard.

Solitary Confinement is most useful with Squee, Goblin Nabob , but you don't have any way to assemble that without drawing into it. Similarly, I'm not sure Peace of Mind is doing much for you here.

Ravenrose on O-Kagachi, Patron Saint of Weebs

3 years ago

Dance of Shadows could be fun. Ethereal Haze suits this deck. Heed the Mists could work. Ribbons of the Reikai might also be worthy to consider.

Oloro_Magic on [Primer] - Ad Nauseam Combo [[Procellam Legit]]

3 years ago


In practice there is no real difference between Ethereal Haze, Holy Day, and Darkness. Technically speaking Ethereal Haze does a little more in it's ability to turn off proactive activations of abilities some creatures have, i.e. Walking Ballista and others, but this isn't really something that ever comes up.

As for the mana argument, on average you are more likely to have access to white mana earlier and quicker (most players have the one Swamp be a second Plains to better illustrate this) but even then the difference isn't that profound and really my decision has come down to art in this case, I was more inclined to Ethereal Haze right now as I have played the others.

I will say though that sometimes having it be a white card is advantageous. Just by virtue of Ad Nauseam costing means that our combo is more intensive in that respect. Perhaps there could be a scenario where we have to fog and win that turn (I can't brainstorm what that would look like, perhaps our opponent is gaining a lot of life and we have no Thassa's Oracle left in the deck, ergo, we have to win with Lightning Storm in response to them gaining the life; more likely perhaps our opponent has Heliod, Sun-Crowned + Walking Ballista or Vizier of Remedies + Murderous Redcap + sac outlet about to be online, in this case we would have to win that turn in response anyway but Ethereal Haze shuts off some trickery I suppose), in this very specific circumstance we would want the fog that doesn't use the more intensive color necessary for our combo. Again though this is a wild hypothetical and very unlikely, really this is a matter of mana and art.



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