Ethereal Ambush


Manifest the top two cards of your library. (To manifest a card, put it onto the battlefield face down as a 2/2 creature. Turn it face up at any time for its mana cost if it's a creature card.)

legendofa on Enygma, Deceiver of Truths

1 month ago

TypicalTimmy I'm assuming you've already checked out the rulings, so this is for anyone else with questions.

You can look at face-down cards you control on the battlefield whenever you want to. You can only look at face-down exiled cards if the effect allows you to look at them. Connecting the Dots has this in the reminder text, while Jester's Scepter has the "You may look at those cards" phrase.

From Ethereal Ambush: At any time, you can look at a face-down permanent you control. You can’t look at face-down permanents you don’t control unless an effect allows you to or instructs you to.

From Asmodeus the Archfiend: If a card is exiled face-down and no player has been given permission to look at it, no player is allowed to look at it as long as it remains exiled face-down.

legendofa on Can I flip face-down land?

3 months ago

If a card is face down because of manifest or cloak, it can only be turned face up if it's a creature card. Hide in Plain Sight and Ethereal Ambush have this note in their reminder texts.

If a card specifically has an ability that lets it turn face up, like morph, megamorph, or disguise, you can turn it face up by paying that cost regardless of what card type it is. Branch of Vitu-Ghazi and Gift of Doom are examples of noncreature cards with face-down abilities.

lagotripha on Pauper Topdeck Manipulation

2 years ago

If you were in white or blue Soul Summons or Ethereal Ambush would do a lot with the landcyclers. Teach by Example would offer a way to copy thunder which is cool.

Regular cycling would offer wrath at instant speed, but I'm not sure that's great. Burning Prophet is interesting, as it both likes the recycling and bolt/wrath. A single Spore Frog in the side will make some opponents quit as you become fog tribal. You can achieve a similar effect with Stone Rain and friends against decks that need lands.

Warped Landscape and Ash Barrens give access to shuffle despite being lands and not forcing a shuffle if you can manage the colourless mana.

Boza on If I steal a manifested …

4 years ago

Ixidron does not manifest creatures. It just simply turns them face down. if the creature was not manifested or has the morph/megamorph ability, you will not be able to turn it face up.

So, instead, lets say you steal with Yasova Dragonclaw a facedown creature put on the battlefield with the effect of Ethereal Ambush. In that case, you will get to keep the creature until the end of turn - it is the same permanent, so the same duration of the control-changing effect applies to it.

bushido_man96 on

4 years ago

Dragon's Eye Savants - I really don't think this is a good card. Yeah, it morphs...for cheap...but it sucks.

I do like Obscuring AEther , and it should probably go main-deck. I don't think you need to worry about including Helm of Awakening . I almost always like to include Zendikar Resurgent in a deck if it can run it. You should consider doing so here.

As I've mentioned before, I'd consider cutting the tutors unless there is just absolutely something in your deck that must tutor up each game.

I think Ethereal Ambush is expendable. I'd rather run another removal spell, or one of the other suggestions above.

I'm not quite sure how Guardian Project will work in this deck. Does a morph share the same name as the next morph that enters play? And when you turn the morph card face up, it doesn't re-enter the battlefield, so you wouldn't draw a card in that instance, either. Better to run Zendikar Resurgent .

Delay seems like a rather temporary solution to a problem. Perhaps a better counterspell would be warranted there?

BMHKain on Help wanted for Kadena Morph/Manifest... …

4 years ago

Apologies for the previous dupli-comment. The server was a bit off at the time...

Well, as an update to the deck: at least we can say Volrath, the Shapestealer is out, & Ezuri 2.0 will be staying for a very long while...

Also, being able to BOUNCE Mantfests to your hand w/ Temur Sabertooth , Words of Wind , even Scroll of Fate allows you a choice for Manifestation. While killing the ones you DON'T own via Thieving Amalgam is like a perfect vengeance; even cards like Qarsi Deceiver , Temur War Shaman , Whisperwood Elemental , even Ghastly Conscription , Ethereal Ambush , & even Write into Being .

Also adding Cloudform , We have an amount of 115 cards in so far; or 114 if nobody wants me adding such a card. From there, we have 2 things left; the 3rd Question about what helps Creatures; Morphs/Megamorphs/Manifest all apply to these Bylaws. & since all start as Faceless 2/2 Colorless Face-Down Token Creatures, the question now is: In Colors, what would be good for both , cards, & those w/ eith 2 Power and/or 2 Toughness, or lower even?

From there it's the first, & last question: What to Cut?!

I'll proceed in removing some of these things; they've been established anyway. :)

So, what cards that can support basically any Morphs/Megamorphs/Manifests (Colorless 2/2 Face Down Tokens.) can help big here?

I'm done for now; I'll just remove some things as they're accomplished...

Game_of_Cones on Bant Morph

7 years ago

You beat me to the punch in creating a Morph deck! Im still almost ready to put mine on TappedOut, itll probably be a non-Commander deck and will have some other, different creatures w/ and w/o morph ability. You probably are aware of these, but I dont see any of them on your list: Backslide, Revealing Wind, Soul Summons, Write into Being, Ethereal Ambush, might consider a couple of those to go in here, and Witness of the Ages & Proteus Machine for a couple of artifact creatures w/ morph.

Aven Farseer is a great addition to any morph deck!

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