Eternal Taskmaster

Creature — Zombie

Eternal Taskmaster enters the battlefield.

Whenever Eternal Taskmaster attacks, you may pay . If you do, return target creature card from your graveyard to your hand.

multimedia on Varina

3 years ago

Hey, have more confidence in your deck building because this is a fine start on a low budget if it's your second deck.

You already have Wonder which is good since it's the card I suggest the most that players add with Varina. My advice is focus more on Zombies and cards that can support Zombie tribal. More Zombies, less nonZombie creatures.

Budget cards all less than $1 each to consider adding:

Amass is an effect that creates a Zombie token.

Consider more cards that require you use life because Varina is a life gaining engine with Zombies.

Next step is to add 35 more lands to have a manabase to playtest. Get a temporary manabase in place with basic lands to see how many spots you have left to fill with nonland cards or how many nonland cards to cut. Make sure that basic Swamps are the most lands because you need black mana the most with Zombies.

Some budget lands $1-$2 or less each to consider adding:

Good luck with your deck.

Thessali on Ayli/Lurrus Companion

4 years ago

Oh snap. Thanks for your ideas!! You're right about Animate Dead. I thought that was in here. That's fixed. And I like Nezumi Graverobber-it's a mana sink and the flip would work pretty well in my meta. (The graveyard shenanigans are intense). I love Emeria, The Sky Ruin but I've played it in a bunch of decks and never been able to hit that Plains sweet spot so I ended up taking it out. After play testing I'll probably fool around with the mana base again.

For recurring Lurrus there's Apprentice Necromancer, Eternal Taskmaster the Nezumi Graverobber (if he's flipped and thank you! he's doing double duty already), Phyrexian Reclamation and then I added in Omen of the Dead and Unburial Rites. I like those over some of the other reanimate spells because Omen of the Dead is recurrable and Unburial Rites you can cast twice. But I do have an Unearth floating around I can work in after some play testing.

RileyJP300 on Sacraficial religion (Advice would be nice)

4 years ago

It would be good to remove Temple of the False God , thats not a very good card for your opening hand, its pretty much only good once you already have plenty of mana, and in an Orzhov sacrifice deck you'll want cheap creatures that may or may not even use colorless mana to summon. Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are similarly not good for much, you dont have a very big mana fixing issue to put up with in a two color deck so I'd replace those with some basics or some two color lands if your budget allows for some of the better ones. Field of Ruin , Ghost Quarter , and Tectonic Edge are also some cards to consider to help you deal with problem lands. The lack of a need to fix your mana would also lead me to replace Armillary Sphere , Journeyer's Kite , and Wayfarer's Bauble with some actual artifact ramp. Fellwar Stone , Mind Stone , and Commander's Sphere would be great for you. Now that mana is out of the way, Lets talk sacrificing; How are you going to do it and why? As for how, Right now your only way to sac creatures is your commander. that will make it hard to do if your commander gets taken, killed, or otherwise stuck in the command zone. you also want a little more variety as to the effects you get from sacrificing critters. Bloodsoaked Altar just came out with 2020 and it can very quickly make an army of demons out of low cost creatures or even spirit tokens. Ashnod's Altar and Phyrexian Altar also just fill up your mana pool for sacrificing creatures, which will help you cast even more spells. Of course, Yahenni, Undying Partisan can sacrifice creatures like there's no tomorrow and make for a very effective blocker. As for why you would want to sac a creature, you hit that pretty well with Grave Pact and Butcher of Malakir , you can force death triggers to proc for doing something that was already benefiting you. Pawn of Ulamog is a really nice death trigger and so is Black Market , and both of those will net you some serious mana if you let them. The best way I've found is to find cards with "when a creature dies" in the rules text, and there's too many of them for me to list here so I'll direct you to to find more. Victimize is just one of many ways for sacrificing creatures to help your cause because it lets you get creatures back from the graveyard, and graveyard recursion is something I'd put a lot of thought into here. Eternal Taskmaster is pretty okay with it, and any effect that puts the card into your hand rather than onto the battlefield will dodge Graveyard hate like Ashes of the Abhorrent and Rest in Peace . Phyrexian Delver , Phyrexian Reclamation , Exhume , Animate Dead , and Reanimate are all very good ways to "recycle" your creatures. And of course, as long as you're putting graveyard recursion into your deck, cards like Final Parting , Entomb and Buried Alive are all much better tutors than they otherwise would be. On the whole, if you need to swap cards for new ones, start by cutting the cards in your deck that are CMC 4 or more. Cheap creatures hurt a lot less to sacrifice, and they make Heartless Summoning a much better card. any creatures with Enter the Battlefield effects would be my go to cards to sac and recur.

SideBae on Varina Zombie Tribal EDH

4 years ago

With regard to cuts: If you want to run Zombie Master and Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth , you don't need Zombie Trailblazer anymore. Library of Leng is an interesting card, but I'm not sure it's good enough to merit an include; I'm assuming that it's meant to interact with Varina, Lich Queen 's looting ability. I just think there're better things you can do with the slot -- same goes for Desecrated Tomb . Their impact is marginal most of the time, and inserting more card draw or artifact ramp seems likely to be better.

I'm guessing Call to the Netherworld is meant to buy back cards while interacting with Varina's ability. I think running a to battlefield reanimation spell, like Reanimate or Animate Dead , would be simply better. Gravedigger and Eternal Taskmaster are similar cards I'd cut.

Ertai, the Corrupted is a card I think many people overrate. Five-mana is a very high cost, and cards like Daring Apprentice and Ertai, the Corrupted are worse than regular Counterspell s because your opponents know to play around the counter effect.

If you're running Phyrexian Altar , I'm not sure Ashnod's Altar is necessary. Including tutors like Demonic Tutor makes redundancy less important; similarly, including tutors would allow you to run just one Merciless Eviction or Austere Command effect rather than both.

Other cards to consider I didn't think of earlier: Undead Augur , Midnight Reaper , Fallen Shinobi , Rot Hulk , Forgotten Creation , God-Eternal Oketra , and Eternal Skylord .

LadyZ on

5 years ago

I think I would cut Eternal Taskmaster . Maybe try and do a Big Mana thing, cheat and ramp into your powerhouses?

ShutUpMokuba on War of the Spark: Spoilers …

5 years ago

Is it me or the flavour texts are getting dumber? first Jace being Cap. Obvious on Eternal Taskmaster , now Ajani in Storm the Citadel..

ShutUpMokuba on War of the Spark: Spoilers …

5 years ago

DemonDragonJ ahah you don't have to worry abou that, unless you and your girlfriend are made of ice and fire..

Talking about flavor text, are we ignoring Jace being a Captain Obvious on Eternal Taskmaster ? I mean, he's had hard time lately but he's losing his edge apparently...

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