

At the beginning of your upkeep, for each artifact target player controls in excess of the number you control, choose an artifact he or she controls. Repeat this process for creatures and lands. The chosen permanents phase out.

SufferFromEDHD on Planeswalk like an Egyptian

1 year ago

S U P E R F R ! E N D S usually ends up as Atraxa or 5 color but I will be exploring mono colored deck building for the remainder of the year.

I started off by building my own Djeru list (thanks for the inspiration) Here were 5 cards I found in my collection that I felt belong in the mono white strategy:

Equipoise weird old card that doesn't see enough play. I utilize it in my 5 color build to great effect. Easy to abuse in a planeswalker strategy.

Honor-Worn Shaku planeswalker secret tech.

Luxior, Giada's Gift value.

Norn's Annex pretty sure this is the best/most efficient pillow fort.

Whenever I see a deck full of basic lands I always suggest Dust Bowl.

TitaniumTP on Judge Call

4 years ago

Shimmer, Teferi's Isle, Equipoise, Time and Tide, Scrambleverse, Confusion in the Ranks, Sylvan Library, Thieves' Auction, https://yt3.ggpht.com/a/AATXAJzbKIoU6uN0EYYcLId8_a2NLVlMN69LeDjeKA=s900-c-k-c0xffffffff-no-rj-mo

Crow_Umbra on Tuvasa Stax

4 years ago

Looks like you have a pretty solid start. A couple things I would recommend, since I've played Tuvasa quite a bit -

Enchanted Vibe Check This is my Tuvasa list if you want to check it out. I need to update it, since my playgroup is planning on banning Sol Ring and Cyclonic Rift.

Crow_Umbra on Tuvasa

4 years ago

Hi there, I saw your post on /r/edh, but figured I'd just give my feedback here.

I know you said that you would prefer not to remove Avacyn, Angel of Hope, but that would be my first suggestion, along with Omniscience. I used run Omniscience in my Tuvasa build, but I found that it was too slow (but I don't have Academy Rector). I actually subbed it out for Tamiyo, Field Researcher, which you already have. I personally try to stay away from cards that have more than 2 of the same color in the cost in tri-color decks, unless mana is incredibly balanced & consistent.

A few enchantments I've run in Tuvasa and liked:

  • Equipoise- Kinda controly, and can hose artifact heavy decks

  • Psychic Corrosion- If you're going to be run a lot of draw & value from the enchantresses, then you can also hit your opponents with what your deck wants to achieve.

  • Setessan Champion- I subbed her in over Eidolon of Blossoms, mostly cause she's easier to cast & can grow into a bigger threat.

My only other suggestions would be to maybe include a little bit more removal, recursion, and/or counter spells. I love enchantment based strategies, but they fold quickly if you don't have blanket protections or reactive counters & removal. That's dependent on your meta, so if you don't really need it for your meta, no worries.

Nice decklist! Here's mine if you want to check it out,Enchanted Vibe Check

Crow_Umbra on Grand Wizard Zur

4 years ago

Ah fuck. Looks good dude.

You have 2 Journey to Nowhere in your list.

Also you should check out Diplomatic Immunity and Archon of Sun's Grace. I switched Ajani's Chosen out of my Tuvasa list for the Archon.

If you want some more control/pillow enchantments, check out Equipoise and Kismet

If you really want to be a dick, you can mass land destruction with Enchanted Evening + Opalescence. I've considered it as a win-con in my Tuvasa list, but also wanted to avoid all the salt that could come with it. Enchanted Evening also goes infinite with Archon of Sun's Grace and/or Ajani's Chosen.

griffstick on Heliod's Sun Gun

4 years ago

I'd cut Equipoise that card isn't very good. It reads better then it actually plays. Crackdown would be a better choice. And it pairs well with Authority of the Consuls type cards.

Osbert on Saskia's Blitzkrieg

4 years ago

I have a Saskia best friends deck but the gameplan is still the same. Here are some cards that aren't often considered but are potent: Druids' Repository , Rhythm of the Wild , and Equipoise . Equipoise reads a bit weird but if your opponent's outnumber your creatures it lets you phase out whichever creatures you want, and then removes troublesome artifacts like crawlspace and if your opponent has an artifact creature you can actually order your targets so they are one creature down from your board state.

Osbert on

4 years ago

There are a lot of unfocused or suboptimal cards in this list like Phantom General and Famine that could easily be replaced by more suited cards that help your game plan of: Play dudes, protect face, beat down, draw an additional card at EoT.

Equipoise is a very old card but it let's you dictate combat more effectively by controlling what your opponent has to block with. If you have deathtouch tokens then maybe phase out their small utility creatures and make them decide between having their big creature die to a 1/1 deathtouch token or lose monarchy. If you want to be more effective in combat maybe phase out their big guys and let your valuable legends swing in with their keywords giving them the edge in combat. Similarly Duelist's Heritage can give ANY attacking creature an advantage in combat. You can use it as a political tool by offering to give an attacking creature an opponent controls doublestrike as long as it doesn't attack you which further incentivises your opponents to squable among themselves while you sit back and draw all the cards.

You don't have any way of protecting your face by non-vigilance creatures so maybe consider Ghostly Prison , Baird, Steward of Argive , and Windborn Muse to make attacking you more difficult. Michiko Konda, Truth Seeker is also a fantastic rattle snake because each intake of damage makes them lose a permanent.

Your deck also seems like it has very few ways to draw cards outside of the monarch mechanic. Skullclamp , Phyrexian Arena , and Tymna the Weaver can keep your hand full with plenty of answers and creatures.

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