Epic Struggle


At the beginning of your upkeep, if you control twenty or more creatures, you win the game.

Gidgetimer on Upkeep triggers.

4 months ago

While the information that legendofa gave is true, it is also incomplete and leads to the wrong answer.

The triggers on both Test of Endurance and Epic Struggle contain intervening "if" clauses. Since you did not have 50 life or 20 creatures respectively at the beginning of the upkeep, the triggers will not trigger. If you did meet the trigger conditions at the beginning of the upkeep your opponents can even deal damage to you or remove a creature to prevent you winning the game, because the clauses are checked again upon resolution and the triggers will be removed and do nothing.

603.4. A triggered ability may read “When/Whenever/At [trigger event], if [condition], [effect].” When the trigger event occurs, the ability checks whether the stated condition is true. The ability triggers only if it is; otherwise it does nothing. If the ability triggers, it checks the stated condition again as it resolves. If the condition isn’t true at that time, the ability is removed from the stack and does nothing. Note that this mirrors the check for legal targets. This rule is referred to as the “intervening ‘if’ clause” rule. (The word “if” has only its normal English meaning anywhere else in the text of a card; this rule only applies to an “if” that immediately follows a trigger condition.)

proterran98 on Upkeep triggers.

4 months ago

I have 19 creatures in play. I have Court of Grace and Epic Struggle in play. It now becomes my turn, can I order the triggers so that I win with epic struggle?

If you have Oloro, Ageless Ascetic in the command zone and have Test of Endurance in play and 48 life can you win with test of endurance?

Calopaloca on Epic Insect Token Struggle

1 year ago

@Licecolony Thank you for your suggestions. I appreciate it.

In my experience with this deck. By the time I was able to attack I had so many tokens on the field that there wasn't a lot that my opponent was able to do to protect themselves anyway. Either that or I won through Epic Struggle. Trample isn't that helpful since most creatures will have a power of 1 anyway. Stampede may help with this problem but usually my opponents creatures had toughness 2 or higher.

However, Song of Freyalise sounds like a good addition, for the indestructible and vigilance.

Thanks again. :)

bushido_man96 on Spore Galore with Atraxa

1 year ago

Just put double brackets .... around the card names. That will link them, so long you spell the names right. I'm going to repost them here and give thoughts:

Epic Struggle - not bad, I guess, but if you have trouble flooding the board, not reliable.

Resourceful Defense - cute, but seem slow in a deck that you say already isn't fast. I like that you can move the counters off creatures that die; it would be good with sac outlets, if you are running any. Otherwise, it just becomes an insurance policy if your spores get nicked in battle or through spot removal. I probably wouldn't run it.

The Ozolith - this card always seems good, and might be better for this deck. It's cheap to cast (but expensive to buy), but again, probably not great in this deck unless you are running sac outlets, and sacrifice is a main theme of the deck.

Meren of Clan Nel Toth - Again, I don't think it's great here. Unless you are playing from the graveyard, she only offers spot recursion in a slot where more spores could be.

Lae'zel, Vlaakith's Champion - I do like this one. Low to the ground, and provides a useful bump for spore counters.

Deepglow Skate - not bad for a one-time doubling season. I think I used to run it, but traded it out to lower the mana curve. It's worth running, and seeing what kind of mileage you can get out of it. Thrummingbird is another consideration.

Adrix and Nev, Twincasters - I like this one, too. I'm going to consider it!

Vorinclex, Monstrous Raider - if you've got it, run it.

Inexorable Tide - this one looks worthwhile, too.

Nemata, Primeval Warden - I like it; on theme, draws cards.

Sporecrown Thallid - I could take it or leave it.

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician - seems too good not to run if you have a copy. Draws cards, proliferates, and can eventually remove problem creatures.

I'd love to see your decklist if you can post it. Maybe we can figure out that identity crisis and smooth things out. You should be able to get started before turn 13. It's not going to be a top level deck, but I do believe it can be fun and hang at a table.

TeyoSelflessProtector on I am the Lorax and I Speak for the Trees

2 years ago

I just love the idea of threatening board-wipe happy players with wiping their own lands. Great deck! Epic Struggle could be fun if you have a combination of 20 creatures between your CMDR, actual creatures, and lands. Though I'm not sure if you can make your lands creatures before your upkeep.

TeyoSelflessProtector on Xyris - Not the Snakes! (Backup)

2 years ago

I run a "group hug" Xyris deck and was looking for ideas for possible changes. I like Beastmaster Ascension in your deck, but I have a few friendly suggestions.

Opposition, Jace, Memory Adept, Epic Struggle

DemonDragonJ on Other 'Philes

2 years ago

The new Triskaidekaphile is a very awesome card, but I do not like how only blue has another alternate win condition, so I have decided to make a new 'phile for each of the other colors. The general rule that I followed was that each creature would have a static ability, an activated ability, and a win condition that would trigger at the beginning of the player’s upkeep that both the activated ability and static ability could facilitate.

Luxophile Show

The name of this card means "light lover" or "lover of light," and it is a combination of Alabaster Mage and Felidar Sovereign, but the win condition is stricter, since player begin at 40 life by default in EDH. To balance that, it can also increase the power and toughness of creatures, to make it easier to reach the require life total.

Necrophile Show

The name of this card means "death lover" or "lover of death," and it combines Onyx Mage and Mortal Combat, but I changed the conditions for the triggered ability; I made it count all graveyards and then increased the number of creature cards that were required to win the game. I also gave it a way to put creatures into graveyards, which the original enchantment cannot do.

Here is an alternate version of necrophile that I also made.

Necrophile Show

This is an alternate version of necrophile that functions as a sacrifice outlet, to fulfill its win condition even more easily, but it also breaks from the mold of the other creatures, so I am not certain which version I prefer.

Pyrophile Show

The name of this card means "fire lover" or "lover of fire," and it is modeled after Chance Encounter, whose main problem is that it does not provide a method for flipping coins, so I added such an ability to this creature. I also chose to use +1/+1 counters, rather than luck counters, because they have a better synergy with creatures, but I also increased the requires number of counters, because of how easy those counters are to exploit. My original version of the activated ability was ", : flip a coin, if you win the flip, pyrophile deals 3 damage to any target; if you lose the flip, pyrophile deals 2 damage to any target and 1 damage to you," but I changed it to be higher risk, higher reward, which is a central philosophy of red (that it also shares with black). Is 3 power too high for this creature? Should it instead be a 2/1?

Zoophile Show

The name of this creature means “animal lover” or “lover of animals,” and I am perfectly aware that both this creature and necrophile have highly suggestive names, but I feel that those names are appropriate for these creatures, given their abilities. This creature is a combination of Jade Mage and Epic Struggle, but I made the activated ability more color-intensive and also increased the number of creatures required to win, since it now compensates for the enchantment’s weakness of not being able to generate creatures on its own.

What does everyone else say about these creatures? Do you like them?

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