Entreat the Dead


Return X target creature cards from your graveyard to the battlefield.

Miracle XBB (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you draw this turn.)

Ravenrose on Full House of Vampires

1 year ago

Vampire goodstuff! The Court of Markov looks really good. I only suggest some recursion, though - perhaps an Entreat the Dead or Living Death

Ravenrose on An Old-School Nightmare

1 year ago

Ooooo the deck gives me chills! Have you thought about putting in Entreat the Dead, Read the Bones and Sign in Blood?

Finalzesture on

3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback Chasedrk1! If I was to use your advice; I'd use Approach of the Second Sun over Entreat the Dead since they both are good at ending drawn out games but Approach requires a lot less setup compared to Entreat the dead. Solitude also looks like a splendid choice but if people are on a budget, I'd Recommend Cavalier of Dawn Instead. It's a reusable Generous Gift over Swords to Plowshares so it hits more targets but it's a bit harder to cast. I'd reccomend adding a Mystic Gate over an Island if you chose to go the Cavalier route.

Kaya, Ghost Assassin can be replaced but I'd prefer replacing it with another card that can provide card advantage. For maximum compression; I would reccomend Jace, Wielder of Mysteries as it can draw more cards than Kaya, and be a more synergistic with cards like Oath of Teferi and Spark Double

If you want to min-max; I reccomend replacing Palace Jailer with Solitude and Court of Ambition with Phyrexian Arena and maybe find room for Smothering Tithe And/or Archaeomancer's Map that said, I think effects that "discard" from your opponents hand are either valued as too weak or too mean in commander. I for one like it as an "underdog effect" and I think discarding cards is fine if you get value in some other way like if you're running shrines or Kaya. Discarding cards can be just as effective as a counterspell if done right. Your opponents can't cast spells if they don't have any (with sufficient graveyard hate)

Xephon_ on Zaxara, the Exemplary: Hydra Infestation

4 years ago

Mudbutt, similarly to the Green Sun's Zenith conversation in the archives, since most of the creatures are X costed and are at base 0/0, they would die as they enter the battlefield from Entreat the Dead. Also, most of the creatures that will be dying anyways are the hydra tokens created by Zaxara, the Exemplary which cannot be brought back from the graveyard. Tokens cease to exist as soon as they hit the graveyard. This was a good idea, but probably not the best.

Mudbutt on Zaxara, the Exemplary: Hydra Infestation

4 years ago

I wonder if Entreat the Dead would be a nice addition to this deck. It maintains the X factor the deck is built upon and returns creatures from the graveyard. So should Black Sun's Zenith be used as a board wipe, you can recover.

Jackrow on Living Death

4 years ago


Here's some change I do on my deck:

  • Skullclamp -> Seal of the Guildpact : Seal of the Guildpact have too much high CMC for the value that I can gain with it, so I change with something that will make me draw a lot more cards (mostly because of Teysa's doubling trigger).
  • Scheming Symmetry -> Tome of the Guildpact: Tome of the Guildpact has too much high CMC to draw a card sometimes and tap for one mana, so I prefer to use a tutor that can give me an opportunity to do some politic with someone.
  • Leonin Relic-Warder -> Solemn Simulacrum: I have a lot of card that make me draw a card of make me more mana, do I decide to put an infinite combo piece in this deck.
  • Animate Dead -> Ethereal Absolution: Ethereal Absolution has a high CMC only to buff a little bit my creature (and so to ruin skullclamp potential) nd to make a 1/1 spirit. I choose to put an infitie combo piece that will help me sometimes.
  • Swords to Plowshares > Unmake : It's more effective!
  • Generous Gift > Mortify : I can choose a permanent, so I'm not restrict to choose a creature or an enchantment.
  • Idyllic Tutor > Altar's Reap : I highly prefer tutoring than drawing cards. Plus, Idyllic Tutor is not so expensive and I can choose an enchantment that will make me win easier!
  • Living Death > Entreat the Dead: I will try Living Death (hey, that's my deck name!), seeing if this card will help me a lot. If it's not the case, I will change it with Entreat the Dead.
  • Astral Cornucopia -> Orzhov Signet : I want to have an artifact that will make me a lot of mana, and Astral Cornucopia is something that I really want to try!
  • Crypt Ghast -> Dutiful Attendant: Crypt Ghast will help me ramping my deck if I need some manas, but I keep in mind Dutiful Attendant in case I see a place for him.

A big thanks to multimedia for the tips!

Weebo71 on Slimefoot, the Pun-gus

4 years ago

some recursion can be good to a golgari deck. Reanimate, Beacon of Unrest, Entreat the Dead or Thrilling Encore after a boardwipe.

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