Entreat the Angels


Create X 4/4 white Angel creature tokens with flying.

Miracle (You may cast this card for its miracle cost when you draw it if it's the first card you drew this turn.)

DreadKhan on my wife

10 months ago

Have you thought about an Aura or two in here to help your couple consistently survive combat? I like Unquestioned Authority more than a little in a deck like this, but I also like Holy Mantle, both are budget too fwiw.

I like Blighted Woodland in a deck like this, but there is also Krosan Verge, and Verge can actually find you two dual lands if they have the Plains/Forest typing, I checked and in your colours there are Arctic Treeline, Radiant Grove, and Scattered Groves that you could add. All should be cheap, and while none are as good as Temple Garden, I find a budget deck can run a few ETB tapped lands and not lose, especially if they are duals. Wood Elves is another relatively cheap ramp creature that can find either an untapped Forest if you need mana that turn, or a dual if you don't need the mana right away. There aren't a ton of cheap ways to fetch non-basic Forests, but they aren't bad. I think you might consider Crop Rotation to dig out one of these ramp lands, but if you added Temple of the False God to your list (I would add a 35th land for it if you add it) you can use Crop Rotation like a Sol Ring when you draw it later, either way it can help get your Commander out.

I am very confident that you should run Sylvan Offering, it even got a LotR reprint, so it's incredibly cheap right now. Another card that is usually pretty bad but is probably pretty good in here is Orochi Hatchery, each turn you can make a bunch of tokens for your couple to buff. Silverwing Squadron is pretty cool, it makes decent tokens and can be a large evasive attacker. It's probably not completely on flavor, but Nacatl War-Pride can make quite a few tokens, and you can stack the triggers from War-Pride and your Commander so that you first make the tokens and then give each a counter, it can be a better Ezuri's Predation. Not sure if you should run Predation or not, it's a heap of mana but Selesnya decks are often good at ramping, you should lose nearly nothing to Predation if you've been buffing your board, but you get a 4/4 for each weenie your opponent's have, and if you somehow haven't buffed your Commander they only have 3 power. I'm not sure if it's really a great card or not without cards that can put it on top of your deck for next turn, but Entreat the Angels can make quite a few Angels sometimes, which can make for fun/memorable games. It's pretty bad if you only get 1 Angel, but if you're getting 3 or more it's not a bad card.

It's a bit higher budget than you want at this point (it used to be really cheap for a long time, so I bought some and wondered why everyone else was sleeping), but Blossoming Bogbeast would be bonkers in here, if you swing with your power couple, Bogbeast and 3 other creatures each of them gets +6/+6 (and most get a +1/+/1 counter) and Trample, your creatures don't need to be very big for that to be very scary, if you've got 10 creatures attacking with Bogbeast you get +12/+12. It's less explosive than a Craterhoof Behemoth (an expensive staple), but it can be bigger and better (while coming down sooner), and it's not an ETB so you can use it again, so I think if you wanted to upgrade it'd be worth looking at.

Vessiliana on Giada, Font of Awesomeness

1 year ago

CrazyDanPsycho, thank you for your interest in my Giada deck. I thought I would take a look at yours and see if I had any suggestions.

Now, I totally understand the attachment to Avacyn. (I actually still have an Avacyn deck, too.) But the shift in commanders calls for a shift in the creature base. Avacyn does not really care about what type of creatures you are running. Giada does. She wants you to run angels. I don't know your budget is, so take whatever suggestions you think will fit with it.

Breathkeeper Seraph is good for recurring Giada (or any other special angel). Angelic Sleuth makes good use of your creatures with counters dying. Norn's Choirmaster proliferates your counters. Thraben Watcher gives a bonus and vigilance. Admonition Angel outdoes your Leonin Relic-Warder and is an angel. Angel of condemnation is another removal angel. And finally, a non-angel that helps you, even in a Giada deck, Bishop of Wings, which gives lifegain and tokens. For more token fun, and generally producing tokens at a better rate than Parhelion or Moonsilver Spear, we have Entreat the Angels, Finale of Glory, and Starnheim Unleashed. You are also missing the best life-gain Ajani. Ajani, Strength of the Pride.

If you want suggestions on what to cut, just let me know!

FolkOccult on Cathars of Innistrad

1 year ago

You're not wrong, though with cards like Hanweir Militia Captain  Flip blending in to the Cathar churches to recruit cultists, Eldritch Evolution depicting the horror of Emrakul's arrival, I kept Growth Spasm which is a Zendikar set card, only because of its eldrazi involvement, and that it looks eerily similar to Deathbonnet Sprout  Flip in the center of the artwork. I've made this deck entirely, foils, pre releases, alt arts; and found for the sake of functioning, with the necessity of ramp and draw for the table's I play at, I permitted Tarkir cards like Shamanic Revelation and Inspiring Call because they happened to be printed in the pre-con, but serve little to no use lore wise, sadly. I wish every set was treated like the warhammer commanders, with every card sporting a specific art to the theme of the plane.

I took out Entreat the Angels for Increasing Devotion in favor of humans; wanting the deck to very much be human focused, that being that rise and downfall of most of Innistrad. Cults within churches, Mikaeus, the Lunarch being one of the first humans to turn corrupt for the likes of evil.

I find Cryptolith Rite a suitable spell as it shows what fear drove humans to do, due to Nahiri, the Harbinger and her personal grudge. The cards I really want to get rid of, if I had Innistrad arts and watermarks to just swap with that'd be even better, but due to lore-specific conflicts; Shamanic Revelation (shaman of Tarkir), Unbreakable Formation (Azorius Guildmates from Ravnica) , Inspiring Call (Khans of Tarkir), Worldly Tutor (Yisan of Shandalar, but as a wandering bard... he might have made it Innistrad, the centipede in his card looks the same as what's been printed in Innistrad for sure), Wild Beastmaster (depicting a Selesnya guild member), Growth Spasm feels more akin to this deck's lore and flavor, seeing as Nahiri brought Eldrazi to the plane, and it getting an Innistrad watermark makes it feel a bit more at home, but were I to intentionally make this a Sigardian (good) humans only deck, I'd switch Cryptolith with Fork in the Road, and Growth Spasm with Reclusive Taxidermist or Avacyn's Pilgrim, Descend upon the Sinful with Terminus, Mikaeus, the Lunarch with Hamlet Captain, Wild Beastmaster with Mentor of the Meek; and several other cards, but the power just isn't there. I had this deck kitted out similarly and against my table, without some leeway for proper play, it bricks if I don't hit any ramp.

Sorry if that sounded preachy, your suggestion is 1000% solid, though I'd slot it in with a different card for the CMC to not vary too much, then replace Cryptolith Rite with another ramp spell so that I'm not missing any slots that could otherwise be used, hell, it still bugs me that I have Moonsilver Key and Avacyn, Angel of Hope who is canonically dead and then some, in the same deck. If you look at my Halana and Alena, Totally Just Roommates and In memory of the Weatherlight. these conflicts in lore occur quite a bit, similarly with my Sacrificial Splicer deck, much to my chagrin; but due to these constraints I find myself having quite a lot of fun building around this challenge when conceptualizing the deck itself.

I just wish some cards that would otherwise be integral to certain strategies had artworks to compliment the commander's they're most often used for, Thornbite Staff & Atla Palani, Nest Tender is a big one for myself, if it had a reprint, it'd be fairly harmless with Sun Empire-specific artwork. Or Impact Tremors that actually has Krenko, Mob Boss's goblins on it. Ashnod's Altar given alternate art that changes its name and makes the art specific to certain lore would be a dream of mine. But that's why we have alts I suppose, and commissioning one isn't the worst, but the wait sure can be murder on your sanity.

TheOfficialCreator on Cathars of Innistrad

1 year ago

I feel like Cryptolith Rite may be counterintuitive to your lore since while it's on Innistrad it specifically involves the summoning of Emrakul, someone Innistrad is not on great terms with, in all honesty.

What about Entreat the Angels? It's an Innistrad angel card that would fit right in with your theme. :)

Lycheex on The Spanish Inquisition

2 years ago

@ArtPunch: Thanks! Glad to see someone with lot's of experience comment on the sideboard. Are there any cards you would recommend for going broad? I thought that a cheeky Dark Ritual into Rotting Regisaur might catch opponent's off guard, but that isn't exactly going wide... Perhaps Bitterblossom?

I don't, however, see what the value of Aeve, Progenitor Ooze would be in the sideboard? I might be overlooking something, but except for Flusterstorm I believe that most storm-hate cards would also stop Tendrils of Agony or Goblin Charbelcher. I agree that Aeve is a big nonbo with Summoner's Pact, but you never want to pact for it. I also agree that you want to maximise your T1 win rate. But for just 1 slot, Aeve basically guarantees a T2 win on a low storm count.

Consider a mulligan to 5 and you get the following hand: Dark Ritual, Infernal Tutor, Cabal Ritual, Bayou and Lion's Eye Diamond. This is a good hand. The play would be:

  • Play Bayou
  • Cast LED (storm 1)
  • Cast Dark Ritual (BBB) (storm 2)
  • Cast Cabal Ritual (BBBB) (storm 3)
  • Cast Infernal Tutor holding priority and sacrificing the LED for green (BBGGG) (storm 4)
  • Get and cast Aeve with the Infernal Tutor for storm 5

The line above is a win on T2, short of an Entreat the Angels of the top of the deck, or an opponent that turbo's out Ensnaring Bridge on T1/2. It's (nearly always) a T2 win. I find this preferable to grabbing a Draw 4 spell, hoping to continue building the storm count. You might get there, but might also not. In this regard, I view Aeve to be similar to Wild Cantor. You don't often cast the cards, but they're in the deck for the few times you need them.

Having said all this, I don't use Aeve that often to win (I usually have a high enough storm count for Tendrills). So, you could argue Aeve doesn't merit it's spot based on the frequency you cast it. Despite this, I still want to have an Aeve in my mainboard.

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Cyb3rguerrill0 I have a lovely FTV Foil Entreat the Angels and it was in my original draft of the deck, but I cut it before the final list for space. It would be better if I had some topdeck manipulation and could feasibly cast it for the miracle cost often. I judged Starnheim Unleashed the better card, but I'd prefer to play both. I'll probably try it out soon though. I do think the upside of these cards is as finishers, even if they can just be used on the low end as a over-costed angel "creature" cards. I do suppose the upside of white never being a card draw monster could be that casting it for the miracle cost would be more normal. In this case such would be an especially good play with Crashing Drawbridge out.

Cyb3rguerrill0 on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Hi Guerric you already have a lot of suggestions, but maybe you would like to also add Court of Grace and Entreat the Angels to your maybeboard?

Guerric on [Primer] Helming the Host of Heaven *Update*

2 years ago

Wow! I didn't know about Harsh Mercy, and I love one-sided board wipes. I'll definitely find some place to put that one. I also had planned to put Vanquisher's Banner in only to forget it again, so thanks for reminding me! Serra the Benevolent is one I thought about too since this is the natural commander deck to put her in, but it also slipped my mind. And Finale of Glory could be good. I was originally going to run Entreat the Angels and Starnheim Unleashed, and this is a third effect for those though we only get the angels at twelve mana, which is a lot. Thanks foe some great suggestions!

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