Engulfing Eruption


Engulfing Eruption deals 5 damage to target creature.

Miwa0609 on Love and Hate

4 years ago

Cards I would change for others that just seems better IMO.

Hypersonic Dragon (You should replace it by Vedalken Orrery or Leyline of Anticipation ... or even both)

Act of Treason (Put Insurrection instead, cost a lot, but can win you a game)

By Force ( Vandalblast is way better imo)

Reckless Air Strike (again, put something like Shattering Spree )

Courier's Capsule ( Witching Well )

Turn Aside (I understand it only cost one.. but something like Arcane Denial can counter anything and make you draw, which is excellent with any Niv)

Oppressive Will (Again, Mystic Confluence or Dream Fracture is insane)

Cards you can just cut out for others I have proposed

Adaptive Automaton

Loch Dragon

Quicksilver Dragon

Tandem Lookout

Engulfing Eruption

Reminisce (you already have Elixir of Immortality , and with Laboratory Maniac , I don't think you really need a second one)

Trepanation Blade

Pyromancer's Goggles but it's up to you honestly.. just have no good experience with this card personally

Panharmonicon (not sure why you play it tho..)

Izzet Keyrune

If you want to, you can drop the "dragon" part of the deck.. it's original, funny, but I think you don't need that to win.. So cards like Crucible of Fire , Dragon Tempest , Dragon's Hoard , can be replace.

Countryegg2 on Chandras Fury

4 years ago

This is a pretty good start!

The biggest thing to fix here is how many different cards you have and how often they are included in the deck. Your deck should be focused on how to win, and possible counters to other deck styles, like burn spells, and removal.

Let's start with creatures: Get rid of Fearless Halberdier , Fire Elemental , Goblin Assailant , and Hellkite Whelp . Those cards, especially the first three, can be replaced with others that cost the same and do more, such as Goblin Chainwhirler , Charging Monstrosaur , Marauding Raptor , and Verix Bladewing respectively. Try to focus on how you want to win, and what creatures will get you there, if they don't, throw them out. Use full playsets (4 of a card) as much as possible. It seems like you're going for a quick kill haste kinda vibe, which is good, but make sure then that your creatures all have haste, or can be good answers to threats.

Spells: You can't have a deck called Chandra's Fury without using a lot of burn spells. Glad to see you're running 4 Shock s. If you include 4 Verix Bladewing s, you should also have 4 Spit Flame . 4 counts of Banefire should also be included. Additionally, add one or two more Chandra's Flame Wave (to get Chandra more often) and remove Sure Strike and Engulfing Eruption . Replace Act of Treason with Hijack , because it allows you to gain control of an artifact or a creature for the same cost.

Enchantments and Artifacts: Add 3 of Chandra's Regulator great when running a Chandra. I would also throw in a Sarkhan's Unsealing or two.

Throw in an extra Chandra, Flame's Fury and only use 20 mountains.

Try to keep your deck to 60 cards, that way you get the best cards most often, and your deck isn't drowned out by useless cards. Glad to help, let me know if you have any more questions!