Energy Field


Prevent all damage that would be dealt to you by sources you don't control.

When a card is put into your graveyard, sacrifice Energy Field.

scottbaker91 on Zur the Enchanter Stax

2 months ago

Some of my favorite Zur Combos are: Teferi, Hero of Dominaria + Stasis // Solitary Confinement + Necropotence // Rest in Peace + Energy Field // Stasis + Azor's Elocutors // Basalt Monolith + Power Artifact // Winter Orb + Mind Over Matter

Sunder, Armageddon, Death Cloud will send your opponents back to the stone age while you fish out more enchants and punch them to death with Zur

Mana Breach, Mana Vortex, Oppression, Overburden are must have stax cards for Zur. The enchantments / creatures that keep your opponents from drawing or casting more than 1 spell per turn are really solid for stax ex: Arcane Laboratory, Spirit of the Labyrinth. Notion Thief + wheels will leave your opponent with 0 cards

Spellskite, Vanishing, Diplomatic Immunity, Steel of the Godhead, Mind Over Matter are all S tier for Zur

Approach of the Second Sun for another easy win con

Have fun crushing your opponents soul

SufferFromEDHD on Overgrown Garden

8 months ago

Well that explains a lot about your approach to deck building.

I'm intrigued by your late 90s shell. Energy Field, Pendrell Mists, Karmic Justice, Null Chamber...

SufferFromEDHD on Angus says no.

9 months ago

Turbo fog! Neat old strategy that doesn't get utilized enough in EDH.

Peacekeeper is one of my favorite creatures. Very unique words in MTG. Sun Titan is an underutilized 2 card White combo. It would fit the theme of your deck well.

Fog effects have been power creeped. Blessed Respite, Comeuppance, Orim's Chant, Tangle would be useful upgrades.

You are running Blue so Lapse of Certainty and Mana Tithe although awesome cards are kind of lackluster. Run free/alternative cost counters or at the very least Dawn Charm for the fog.

Energy Field combos with Rest in Peace in an on theme way.

hootsnag on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

1 year ago

Glad you enjoy seeing the decks I make. I will answer your questions and give some insight into my decision making. First, I considered Expedition Map a long time ago and decided to go with more normal tutor cards such as Demonic Tutor etc. The map only grabs a land so it is limited in use. Mindslaver is one of those cards that can definitely cause all kinds of chaos but I chose to go for a faster win condition and less of cards like this. It takes too long to set up and get going. Lethal Vapors isn't a card I would run honestly. I would prefer a card like Spreading Plague or The Abyss instead. I chose exile as my main removal in this deck. Doing so counters graveyard strategies somewhat and indestructible. As for Static Orb and Winter Orb, these also interfere with my own win conditions. I'm trying to cast Approach of the Second Sun as fast as possible. This deck is very much control based and not really built to be a stax deck. Lastly, I've been asked before about why I don't run Yawgmoth's Will. I just don't think this particular deck is built to get value from it. It's an amazing card but I just didn't build this deck to support using such a card. Honestly, it would be more of a filler card for me.

Now, for the next set of questions. You are correct when you say that someone can still play one creature with Ward of Bones in play. The idea is to stop people from flooding the board with more than one. It is just a card to stall my opponents until I can draw or tutor my win conditions. This is the same reason why I use Portcullis. It keeps more than two creatures from being on the battlefield. Any creatures played on the battlefield beyond two get exiled until Portcullis leaves the battlefield. Again, I'm just slowing down and stalling my opponents so I can tutor or draw my win conditions. I feel that any creatureless deck should always run Portcullis. The value is just too insane. Energy Field is a card that I use to stall as well. It may last a couple of turns and that may be just enough to survive and tutor/cast my win condition. Null Brooch is such a fantastic card. A colorless artifact ability that just counters a non-creature spell is insane. It also combos crazy good with Ensnaring Bridge so that no creatures can attack because you have zero cards in hand. Witchbane Orb is just nice to have. It prevents a lot of bad things targeting you. It comes in handy more than you realize. You can't die to Grapeshot or other things with it in play. Norn's Annex forces people into a bad decision. They either pay white mana, lose life, or they can't attack you at all. Also, because of the Phyrexian Mana cost, you can play this fast to get value out of it quicker. Remember, if you make someone lose at least 8-10 life just to attack you, they are more vulnerable to other players killing them. The only other card I would put in place of this is No Mercy. Lastly, Mox Tantalite and Lotus Bloom are great for this deck. If I play them early enough, they allow me to cast Approach of the Second Sun very fast. Also, both suspend cards synergize with Tolaria West. Since the cards have a mana value of zero, you can use transmute from Tolaria West to search for them. I hope that shows you some of my reasoning and decision making. If you need to know anything further, feel free to ask.

Squee_Spirit_Guide on

1 year ago

I love this! It's very similar to the only Commander deck I've ever built, which was a lot of fun to play (for me, if not for my opponents). A couple of possible inclusions are Energy Field and Back to Basics to help buy time. And Polymorph and Chaos Warp are solid, chaotic removal if you find yourself in need of that.

DreadKhan on

1 year ago

I play Zur in cEDH, I used to use Web of Inertia with Rest in Peace to make me immune to attacks, handy vs stuff like Eldrazi (or Najeela) where even a single swing can be a disaster, even if I don't take damage. There is also Energy Field that works with Rest in Peace fwiw. At the moment I use Solitary Confinement to be immune to a lot of stuff, and I give it Shroud via Greater Auramancy. Confinement is a bit more onerous than Island Sanctuary, but it's also a much bigger effect.

I also like using Dovescape and Malevolent Hermit  Flip (well, Benevolent Geist) to turn off a lot of my opponent's spells while not affecting my own (other than giving me birds now), all of your 'tax on attack' effects make those birds feel very bad. Hermit by itself is a pretty handy card to have down, U to counter anything big, and it's an ability so it's hard to interact with. Dovescape is a really big deal if you can resolve it, even if you don't have Geist down. If you're worried about Zur getting blocked, there are some Unblockable auras you can run, or even Thassa, God of the Sea if you want to run something really weird.

I find the card War Tax is a surprisingly relevant effect to have around when a game is going badly for me, I can sink spare mana into it to make sure a player cannot swing, technically at anyone. You can use the card as a politics piece, taxing anyone who won't agree to attack who you choose, which is a very annoying ability to have. Duelist's Heritage and Michiko's Reign of Truth  Flip are nice ways to help close a game out with Zur.

Grasp of Fate is a really funny card Zur has access to, it feels like one of the 'they made this card for Zur players, didn't they' cards. The Restoration of Eiganjo  Flip is probably worth a look, at it's worst it's an enchantment that finds you a land drop, it's ability to recur anything small can be useful (and can be land ramp in white) as well, and the body it becomes is just big enough to matter.

DreadKhan on zur slide ( partially tuned )

1 year ago

Not sure if you want a wipe, but Slaughter the Strong is pretty synergistic with Zur, as would Retribution of the Meek, especially if you don't use Voltron.

Rest in Peace and Web of Inertia as well as Energy Field are pretty good protection, while Rest in Peace is just a great card for Zur to have in the toolbox IMHO, many players are big on graveyard stuff, Zur's fetch means you don't have to be as dependent.

If your meta has big scary creatures that take over the game by themselves, Dance of Many is pretty funny.

unwucht on Oloro White Blue Black Creatureless Control

2 years ago

Also, Energy Field seems so much better with Rest in Peace

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