Enduring Ideal


Search your library for an enchantment card and put it into play. Then shuffle your library.

Epic (For the rest of the game, you can't play spells. At the beginning of each of your upkeeps, copy this spell except for its epic ability.)

capwner on Oath of the Birdwatch

5 months ago

Gaea's Cradle / Growing Rites of Itlimoc  Flip?

Also I want more birds. Keeper of the Nine Gales, Augury Owl, Commander Eesha, Thieving Magpie, Ledger Shredder, Emeria Angel, Wingmate Roc, Suntail Hawk, Thrummingbird, Soulcatchers' Aerie, Airborne Aid just some ideas

Enduring Ideal with Dovescape is a classic

Spitting Image is a cool card I forgot about that one.

Overall cool list, lots of interesting cards. Like I said I'd like to see more bird stuff since the deck seems to be more about flavor than being super competitive, plus low cost flyers synergize well with Derevi!

MTGBurgeoning on Gods, Shrines & Weatherlight Sisay

2 years ago

Thank you very much for your feedback! I really appreciate the acknowledgement! The deck runs smoothly and is very formidable. If my opponents do not interact with Sisay, Weatherlight Captain early, or if she is well-protected, then the game ends very soon. I have not cast Enduring Ideal yet, so I can't comment on its effectiveness. However, as predicted during the UP & UP installment and subsequent deck tech, rarely do opponents pack enchantment-specific removal, and never any Tranquility-like effects. Removal is slanted more to creatures and artifacts. Win for Sisay! Admittedly, I fear Merciless Eviction or Farewell. I am unsure how the deck recovers, but we shall see through game-play experience. I have perused through the deck that you shared:

1) Your mana base is solid. For me, I would worry a little bit about only two basic lands. I never want to miss the opportunity for a free basic land off of a Path to Exile, Field of Ruin or Veteran Explorer effect.

2) Does your removal seem a little light...? I see Meathook Massacre as the only mass removal spell and Assassin's Trophy as the only spot-removal spell...? How has this worked for you? I'd guess that a lot of your removal comes from Shrines...?

3) Lithoform Engine is a great addition to the 99! Should be game-ending when paired with Weaver of Harmony!

4) Tell me about Starfield of Nyx. That card worries me. One of the benefits of playing enchantment-heavy decks is dodging removal. Has Starfield of Nyx been beneficial? It seems so risky to me. I have Dance of the Manse in the 99 of my Sisay, Weatherlight Captain enchantments-matter deck, and never pay more than 5 for X for fear of creature removal/exile. Tell me your experiences with this card!

5) LOVE the flavor of the deck! This is an enchantment-matters build that enchantment-fans would love!

Great deck! Love it. It seems like an absolute blast to play!!

Polaris on can I tutor The Prismatic …

2 years ago

No, modal double-faced cards (MDFCs) have some specific search rules to keep them from being too broken. Specifically, when an MDFC is considered to only have the characteristics of its front face except when it's being cast, it's on the stack, or it's in play (when it will be the face you chose to play).

When an effect allows you to play/cast spells or lands of a certain type, you can play any side of an MDFC that matches the requirement (for example, casting the back of Torrent Sculptor  Flip from the top of your library with Melek, Izzet Paragon).

However, when an effect instructs you to search for a card, move a card somewhere, or put a card into play, it can only find the front face of an MDFC. Enduring Ideal can't find the back of Esika, God of the Tree  Flip because of this.

Ungodlyfreak on What to Do with Yavimaya, …

3 years ago

Humility + Life and Limb shenanigans.

It's another option for Enduring Ideal decks.

Kelvin-escesare on Claw Curse **Primer**

3 years ago

Red_X, oops just saw this

The Solemnity + Nine Lives / Phyrexian Unlife combo is not particularly good in a deck with only 1 Enduring Ideal . Tutoring with Wishclaw Talisman doesn't work because then opponent just tutors a removal.

This deck needs tutor targets that are devastating and the opponent can't recover from, since they get a free tutor with Wishclaw. That's why Blood Moon is excellent (it's actually responsible for winning the game 20% of the time despite being only 1 of). Between our 12 mana producing enchantments, we are almost always immune to Blood Moon ourselves, while there are a lots of games where the opponent just loses on the spot. The beauty of having Moon as a tutor target (instead of just playing 4) is that you only tutor it when your mana is good and it will cripple your opponent. If not, you just don't tutor it.

RyProv on Priestess Sisay

3 years ago

Sigh... your enchantment only theme is hard to add suggestions for.. You do have lands which could allow a Hall of Heliod's Generosity for a method to bring some things back. Wild Research is a tutor of sort for when you don't have Sisay.

If you were to have one spell... you should get Enduring Ideal . Think of the lols.

SirHipHopHippo on "At the beginning of your upkeep" Tribal

3 years ago


Oh Johnsonsonsonsonson, let me tell you about the Enduring Ideal Gambit.

So when I cast enduring ideal, the first thing I grab is Paradox Haze of course. Now unless my opponents destroy paradox haze, I can now trigger Enduring Ideal twice on my turn. So, I typically grab Assemble the Legion with the first trigger and Copy Enchantment with the second trigger and have Copy Enchantment copy Paradox Haze, I now have three upkeeps on my turns which means I can now search for 3 enchantments.

So next I will usually grab Sanctum of All for trigger one, then I will grab Honden of Infinite Rage for the second upkeep trigger (plus Sanctum of all will now trigger twice this turn). For the final trigger I will grab Estrid's Invocation copying Paradox Haze, I now get 4 upkeeps a turn.

Here we go, now on the next turn you can most likely get every single shrine into play with a bunch of upkeeps, and additionally grab tons of other options like Debtors' Knell for creatures or Solitary Confinement for protection. There's also one more enchantment you can tutor to copy paradox haze and that is Mirrormade.

Man, Enduring Ideal is so so broken.

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