Emberwilde Augur

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Block Constructed Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Modern Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Emberwilde Augur

Creature — Goblin Shaman

Sacrifice Emberwilde Augur: Emberwilde Augur deals 3 damage to target player. Activate this ability only during your upkeep.

Barbarian_Sun_Pope on Goblins Excited By Things They're Holding

3 years ago

Sweet! (+1), would Akki Blizzard-Herder count here? I know he's probably trying to cast a spell (type = shaman), but out of context it just screams "I FOUND THE STICK!" Dockside Extortionist can be pretty nifty against artifacts and he also looks pretty pleased with his haul of coin.

Also, on an unrelated note, is it just me or does Emberwilde Augur//Goblin Dynamo and Embermage Goblin (Hadoken!) look like a before and after shot or part of a "How it was/How it's going" meme =P.

eyes2sky on Gattison

5 years ago

2x Dangerous Wager, 1x Emberwilde Augur, 1 or 2x Goblin Fireslinger if you have please? Thanks!

ellie-is on Krenko's Kamikaze Posse

5 years ago

I love it! Really makes me wanna build something similar.

Though I'm not a huge fan of Emberwilde Augur, since it can't die to other sac effects in order to deal damage.

Also, have you tried Skirk Prospector? Being able to sacrifice things to pay for the mana cost of a Grenade when you're tapped out seems like it would come in handy pretty often.

lagotripha on Insult to Injury to Death

5 years ago

I'm not a fan of mindcrank without Bloodchief Ascension. It almost never pays off, and so many decks want cards in their graveyard you can get punished pretty hard. Jamming Rakdos Charm maindeck can offset some of that, but giving your opponent card advantage is a real risk. Burning inquiry carries similar problems, and without you running lots of cards that want to be in your graveyard, will likely help your opponent more than you.

I'm guessing this started as a delayed damage Emberwilde Augur Insult Rift Bolt list, possibly including Flame of Keld, which then morphed into a Waste Not variant. Its a fun idea- I've never made it work without it becoming a different deck.

First things first, if you want a damage/discard hybrid deck, you need to decide- how important is the discard? Is the this the rack, or is it a burn deck with blightnings?

If your meta has aggro decks that typically only have 1 card in hand turn four, a lot of discard is wasted. If its all control, then you'll want to be jamming as much as you possibly can just to keep from being locked out of the game. The big thing is that with fifteen cards sideboard, you can pack in 11 copies of duress variants and 4 shrieking afflictions. The sideboard is there to adapt you to your meta- whether that be by jamming silver bullet answers or completely changing your strategy in response. Just by swapping Lightning Bolt alikes for Duress you completely change the pace and playstyle of your deck.

Initial changes? -4 mindcrank, +4 Rakdos Charm. -3 necrogen spellbomb +3 Raven's Crime,-3 Elder Mastery, + Rotting Rats/Sedraxis Specter -3 burning inquiry, +3 Lightning Bolt. It should run smoother.

I have a big list of mono black cards I use for brews here Mono black deckbuilder's toolbox, in particular Sign in Blood and Night's Whisper- both net you more cards in a way that red struggles with, and in a pinch can finish off someone on five life with lighting bolt.

Jamming Call the Bloodline to turn spare lands into lifelinkers can help, and lets you run Asylum Visitor- which can help if you don't feel like Raven's Crime is all that.

Elixir of immortality is cute. Personally, I prefer Sun Droplet or the new Fountain of Renewal, and sometimes Golden Urn. Shuffling the graveyard back in is usually a disadvantage outside of 'draw your deck' combos.

Finally, remember to build something that is fun to play. Its all well and good knowing the 'best' option, but if it ain't fun, it ain't worth it. So always keep that in mind when choosing cards.

(edit- also just maindeck angrath. He locks a player out of the game like lilana and doesn't break the bank)

lagotripha on Cecchino Pezzent

6 years ago

The curve feels too high, and some of your card choices are fairly low-impact. Cunning Sparkmage and Vulshok Sorcerer are best in combo lists ( Banishing Knack/Intruder Alarm/Cowardice/Fractured Loyalty/Power of Fire ) where they are a win condition rather than anything playing more linear, because 1 damage/turn for three mana is weak on its own.

They can work in more casual Deep-Slumber Titan lists. With Goblin Fireslinger existing though, (used for the bloodthirst mechanic) they almost never see play. Gorgon's head synergy just isn't reliable enough to see play outside Brigid, Hero of Kinsbaile commander, and is best non-budget for Basilisk Collar.

Looking for that kind of synergy is exactly the right mindset for effective budget deckbuilding, you just need to get used to all the options so you can find the good stuff.

Its best to go hard on exactly what you want to do with a deck, especially as a budget list. Expensive cards are usually the most versatile cards (or cards with no alternatives). So to play budget effectively, you need a strategy that keeps cropping up in MTG and go all-in. A direct damage burst with Quest is a good choice, and so is the incredible efficiency of Shrapnel Blast, so lets build around those. You want to spend a single turn taking somone from 14-15 to 0 with artifacts on the field.

Go to gatherer, advanced search. Search for red enchantments that might sit alongside quest to help hit that 'eight copy reliable' stage. Anything that catches your eye, add it to the maybeboard, so you can see how much each card costs. We can also do a search for 'double damage' and 'whenever a source damage' to pick up other likely options.

Don't grab cards costing 6 or more mana, because unless you build your entire deck to cast them, you'll never cast them. Assault Strobe, Temur Battle Rage, Dictate of the Twin Gods ( Fire Servant ), ( Curse of Bloodletting )Insult,Overblaze, The Flame of Keld all stand out to me.

But with them all sitting in or around the 5 mana slot, or being creatures pump spells, suddenly we have some deckbuilding restrictions. We need either a bunch of damage on the field which we abruptly double and win, or to spend five mana getting one to the battlefield then cast a bunch of spells.

So lets look at the tools mono-red has to do that. For the former, there are agressive creatures like Keldon Marauders, Mogg Fanatic, Mortarpod, , Seal of Fire Zektar Shrine Expedition, Emberwilde Augur etc, for the latter Fling Spark Elemental etc.

Getting a big list of all the options then picking the best, looking at both price and effect is a good habit to get into with deckbuilding- Learning to trim the fat and spot strong options helps immensely with draft formats, and can help massively streamline your lists. If you are having trouble finding options, look into the archived standard deckbuilding discussions for an archetype that might have useful tools, and steal those.

Just remember, redundant copies of any spell makes it good, and casting spells on turns 1-2-3 is very good.

unos on Rakdos Discard Madness Punishment

7 years ago

To cast Rakdos, Lord of Riots you need to be 100% sure of dealing combat damage at turn 4. It really depends on what kind of opponent you're facing. If your little damagers are blocked or removed, no Rakdos, Lord of Riots for you.

You can also design other ways to do free damage at turn 4. Examples are countless:

The other route is "not casting it":

  • Fleshwrither's unique put-into-play-from-library ability that works because both rakdos and this horrific guy cost 4 mana total (not doable on turn 4)

  • using things that let you put it into play from your hand like Through the Breach or Quicksilver Amulet

  • putting Rakdos into the graveyard and reanimating it directly into play. This is the way Reanimator decks cheat powerful creatures (Griselbrand) into play. You have to: (1) find your Rakdos from your library and (2) put him into your graveyard, (3) reanimate it, (4) in some cases find a way to dodge the reanimation spell drawbacks. It's tricky, see that a deck that does this needs the whole deck built around this single combo (http://www.channelfireball.com/articles/grishoalbrand-deck-tech-and-guide/)

I recommend the two following articles:

  • how to handle Rakdos Lord of Riots (http://www.gatheringmagic.com/andrew-wilson-rakdos-return-to-ravnica-keyword-121112-paincast/)

  • suggestions for a Rakdos Commander list (http://legitmtg.com/casual/their-agony-and-the-ecstasy/) that has a huge number of synergic card suggestions (not always modern-legal eh!)

(sorry but external links weren't appearing. you will have to copypaste)

PlaneswalkerBoss on Modern mono red Sligh *need help*

8 years ago

Thanks mate but I want this deck to be fast as possible and +/- not about luck + double color is more expensive (money) ill need some fetch lands... So i dedided to run mono red... Im sorry to say but Blood Moon is too expensive only one of theese cost like this whole deck... (60 dollars)

I want to hear you opinion about Emberwilde Augur for Zurgo Bellstrikerand about running just 18 lands (or run 2x Crack the Earth in MB

You feel like Lava Spike for Rift Bolt is good idea? Because I dont think so... :) Here is what I think about rift bolt:

I want spells in face only versus creatureless deck and if im vs creatureless deck Ive win already. I found that its only good if Im finishing him (in most of times i can cast it for 3 mana when im finishing) - Rift Bolt isnt worse by very much in that area... I find Rift Bolt good because I put it there on suspend and opponent dont want to play anything because he know it will be destroyed. So he dont play a creature for a turn and thats what i need + he have -3 to face or to his creature thats already on board. + i can cast it first turn, go face and 2nd turn play Stormblood Berserker

Thanks a lot for helping me with deck, I hope Ill start some discusion about Lava Spike for Rift Bolt... :)

PS: Your white/red heroic deck looks good i have similar blue/white heroic.. :)

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