Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim

Legendary Creature — Phyrexian Kor Cleric


Whenever another creature enters the battlefield under your control, you gain 1 life.

Whenever another creature you control dies, each opponent loses 1 life. (Dying is being put into the graveyard from the battlefield. Tokens enter the graveyard before they cease to exist)

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Phyrexian Warhorse
Phyrexian Missionary
Tattered Apparition
Dog Umbra
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Indebted Spirit

Taida on Orzhov Tokens

1 month ago

The deck looks nice. You can make more use of the colors you chose, so adding something like Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim or Blood Artist, so you can both gain life when your tokens enter the battlefield and make them more annoying when they die. You could also include one or two copies of Blade Historian for closing the game. I would recommend changing Swords to Plowshares by Path to Exile, Get Lost or Fateful Absence, as it is not legal in Modern. You could also include more anthem effects, like Honor of the Pure, but I think the ones you have already included are very nice. Another plainswalker you could consider is Basri Ket, as you will be attacking with a lot of creatures, and you could create even more of them. Finally, I would recommend adding some copies of Isolated Chapel, but it comes to personal preference regarding la

griffstick on Restrictions to make commanders interesting?

3 months ago

I've been keeping up on magic online playing brawl and that's because I don't have time raising to kids under 2 yrs old to leave the house for several hours to play magic. So what do I suggest?

I'm a mono black player at heart. And playing brawl has really shown me a wide range of cmdrs and its easy to build with every card at your disposal.

Sheoldred  Flip was the most fun for a newer mono black cmdr but your opponents might find it to be very oppressive as it's focus is getting cards to the graveyard by making players discard and mill. Meanwhile kill spells to put more creatures in the graveyard. Plus killing Sheoldred  Flip only allows you to recast her allowing you to kill another creature on etb. So spells that bring her back immediately like Undying Evil do work here.

For mono black historic brawl I like Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet. Now I know how this isn't a card that you missed on your hiatus but maybe this is one worth looking into. Make a control shell and smash with kalitas. Have a few backup win cons.

Outside of mono black I like

That's what I got.

DemonDragonJ on Fires of Purgatory

4 months ago

I have replaced Cruel Celebrant with Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim, because Elas has deathtouch, which shall help to send creatures to my opponents' graveyards, so that I can then take them with Tariel. Unfortunately, Elas's ability does not trigger when she, herself dies, which is unfortunate, but that is only a minor inconvenience compared to the additional benefits that she has.

wallisface on

5 months ago

This seems pretty decent for a budget brew - so good work!

My thoughts on things to improve are:

Crow_Umbra on Burakos's Crew

7 months ago

Burakos, Party Leader is such a fun commander. I really enjoy the flexibility of having all the party creature types already in the command zone. I have a suggestions if you're interested:

  • If it's in your budget, I'd recommend adding Roaming Throne. It has some incredible flexibility in this deck, and will always work with Burakos.

  • There is an infinite combo option that can fit pretty seamlessly into this deck. It utilizes Leonin Relic-Warder + Animate Dead + an aristocrat like Zulaport Cutthroat/Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim. I like this combo because Relic-Warder and the reanimation pieces can all work as separate pieces, and don't really feel like dead draws outside of the combo.

  • Might be more of a meta dependent choice, but Assault Intercessor is one of my favorite Warrior options for the deck. Admittedly, I do encounter aristocrats strats in my meta often enough to play this.

  • Kutzil's Flanker is another newer option with Flash and graveyard hate as some enticing options. Another more meta dependent choice.

  • I'd recommend checking out Emergence Zone and Scout's Warning as means of playing creatures at instant speed. Most of the creatures in Burakos, Party Leader/Folk Hero decks tend to be fairly low to the ground. Helpful to get some additional cantrip-y draw on other players' turns.

I hope these suggestions are helpful. I'm down to chat through any others if you're open to it. Burakos/Folk Hero has a decent suite of creature options to fine-tune to different metas.

bensprout on

8 months ago

Nice list! We're doing pretty similar things, but I have Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim as my commander and Thalisse, Reverent Medium in the 99.

Darb_the_Bard on Buttercup: Princess Bride

8 months ago

I decided I like Elas il-Kor, Sadistic Pilgrim in the deck. However, I only like it for being a two-mana legendary creature whose colors are not red and green (i.e. able to be cast early and play alongside Jegantha to pump Buttercup's power to at least 6). I still don't find Elas il-Kor's abiltity to be that useful in this specific deck. For these reasons, I took it out and replaced it with Jirina, Dauntless General, which can be sacrificed to protect Buttercup and many of our other key cards since they happen to be humans: Westley, Inigo, Miracle Max, Vizzini, Odric, Jodah, Dynaheir, Reki, Jhoira, Shanid, Leinore, Kenrith, and Halana and Alena.

I also removed Ankle Shanker. While it's not bad, I don't feel it's great either as I would rather have another legendary that can come into play sooner. Its benefit was giving deathtouch to everything, but Odric does it so much better while also being tutorable. So, I decided I would rather add ways to protect Odric once we tutor for him. Jirina, named above, does this. I also added Linvala, Shield of Sea Gate since she has a very similar ability. She costs one more than Jarina but can protect all creatures (not just humans) and also provides flying for our keyword soup. Finally, I added Arwen, Mortal Queen since she can hand out an indestructible counters, which we can potentially proliferate to then hand out even more. Plus she synergizes with +1/+1 counters and can add lifelink to our keyword soup.

Of your latest suggestions, I think Anafenza, the Foremost has the most synergy due to its ability to give out +1/+1 counters, which I like alongside Miracle Max. I added that one to the maybeboard. The other cards can all do powerful things, but I would prefer them in lists that have more specific synergies with them.

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