
Legendary Creature — Fox Cleric

: Target permanent you control gains protection from white until end of turn. ((Remember the acronym debt.) That permanent can't be damaged, enchanted, equipped, blocked or targeted by anything white. Anything white attached to it immediately falls off.)

: Target spell or permanent becomes white until end of turn.

Recommendations View more recommendations

Aven Soulgazer
Kitsune Riftwalker
Kitsune Bonesetter
Glare of Heresy
Aurora Griffin

TheForsakenOne on You Shall Not Pass

3 weeks ago

What I'd cut:

Pilgrim's Eye: Not a very good rate, and it doesn't even ramp

Eldrazi Displacer: You don't have enough colorless mana producers to make this consistent, and there are better flicker effects you have acess to

Eight-and-a-Half-Tails: Clunky protection when it isn't really needed

Avacyn, Angel of Hope: Sadly just a win-more card in this case. If it sticks around sure you're probably going to win but you'll be enemy #1 and you're likely not going to survive that

Sword of Feast and Famine: Probably the most overpriced of the swords, and the most likely to draw hate. It looks good on paper but without a way to capitalize on it you're going to bite off more than you can chew.

The Wanderer: Not worth the 4 mana. There are just better cards that could be run.

Ephemeral Shields is kind of a weird addition. Its just not very good.

2-3 Plains: 38 is just a bit high for a deck that peaks at 3 cmc cards. Maybe add more ramp instead

Suggestions to add

The MDFC's are just great to have due to their flexibility: https://scryfall.com/search?as=gridℴ=name&q=type%3Aland+commander%3AW+%28game%3Apaper%29+is%3Amdfc

You don't have that many ways to sacrifice artifacts despite having several triggers off of. The standards are Trading Post, Arcbound Ravager and for this deck Oswald Fiddlebender is great because it tutors out another artifact for free. Kuldotha Forgemaster is a must because it can turn some of your dud artifacts into a portal or blighsteel, and at instant speed too.

Metalwork Colossus is just fun, plus with all your expendable artifacts it can be quite persistent

Wurmcoil Engine is just great, and doubling that death trigger is fantastic. Can't play its new little brother, because he's black, but the original is still a classic

Threefold Thunderhulk has two ETB's that can be copied, and he's a sacrifice outlet. I would also recommend Hangarback Walker since you can double the death trigger

If you put in enough Artifact sacrifices cards like Scrap Trawler, Myr Retriever, and Loran, Disciple of History to recur them back to your hand. Also consider Syr Ginger, the Meal Ender for payoffs to all that sacrificing.

Its a dead horse, but Swords to Plowshares and Path to Exile are never bad choices.

Tsesarevich on Cummander Dihada

1 year ago

Incoming cards:

I’d recommend adding these cards as soon as your other haul comes in. These are just recommendations for now.

frostbite182 on voltron protection

1 year ago

Tips for Eight-and-a-Half-Tails anything is appreciated.

Worx on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

MstrCpr Thanks mate. It's been in the works a VERY long time and has won many many tournaments.

The Paradox Engine ban was at first a disaster, but now, I can still win turn 5-6 virtually all the time, and IF I get a good draw, then I can still win turn 4! ;)

I haven't made any notes for a long time and I really should update...

But to answer your questions regarding Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, Ashaya, Soul of the Wild, Ugin, the Spirit Dragon, and Eight-and-a-Half-Tails;

Let's just say that I am constantly tossing up whether to include Akroma's Memorial or not due to it's mana cost and the introduction of Crashing Drawbridge. I deliberately stay away from mana costs of non-creatures of higher than 4 so Gaddock Teeg is not an issue. So having a planeswalker of Vivien, with a cost of 5 with no real instant win - I just can't see it's value. Same with Ugin - just an overkill and horrendous cost of 8.

Ashaya is just to expensive for what it does. I mean I used to ALWAYS run the combo Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite and Kamahl, Fist of Krosa for win in removing opponents lands. But I also have a lot of wincons now so I just want to keep the mana costs down.

Eight Tails was a card I used to run, but I found I rarely needed it in Tournaments and if you are doing it only for removing opponents lands, then the above said Elesh Norn/Kamahl wins hands down.

The latest iteration and what I am working on is to ensure I can get the 'haste' out easily, ie Oswald Fiddlebender with artifact tutor so I can get Thousand-Year Elixir out, and then I can again remove Akroma's Memorial, and put back in Masako the Humorless

The deck has undergone a LOT of changes over the years, but still kicks butt and is VERY reliable. (I did sell some cards - mainly lands and foils - kicking myself over selling my foils of Selvala, Heart of the Wilds) So hat's why the lands don't seem 'stable'.

Thanks for commenting and the appreciation.

MstrCpr on Competitive Captain Sisay (Proven)

2 years ago

Hello, wanted to say love this iteration of the deck, I think Captain Sisay is a real cool commander and I've been working on trying to figure out what I want to do with my non-cedh Cpt Sisay deck, and I like your list a lot. Something I was curious on, besides you most recent updates, are what do you think of lines involving Vivien, Monsters' Advocate, or Ashaya, Soul of the Wild? I think both are pretty solid win con options. The more fun based line I've been looking at is using Ugin, the Spirit Dragon along with Eight-and-a-Half-Tails to remove my opponents lands (fun for me that is).

CptAzzi on 8.5 Tails: Equipment with protection?

2 years ago

I have a Situation that bugged me for a while now: I know that a creature with protection from white can't be equipped by white equipment (E.g. Godsend) But what happens if i have my Eight-and-a-Half-Tails equipped with a colorless equipment (E.g. Sword of Hearth and Home ), my opponent casts Disenchant on the sword and I give the sword protection from white? It will be protected from the Removalspell, but will it fall of my creature? When i looked up the rules,I only found the following:

702.16d A permanent with protection can’t be equipped by Equipment that have the stated quality or fortified by Fortifications that have the stated quality. Such Equipment or Fortifications become unattached from that permanent as a state-based action, but remain on the battlefield. (See rule 704, “State-Based Actions.”)

Thanks in Advance :)

reddeath68 on Everything Has a Price

2 years ago

DBCooper Thanks I always loved the idea of truly unique decks that have potential power. Now I just need a modern playable version of Earnest Fellowship so I can build my Eight-and-a-Half-Tails deck as currently Earnest Fellowship is like the only real enabler and it is legacy or older legality.

FounderX on What does the Fox Say?

2 years ago

Nice! Eight-and-a-Half-Tails however, I'm not sure what your plan is with this card, but be aware that all attached auras will fall off if you target Light-Paws, since all auras are white. Mask of Law and Grace & Shield of Duty and Reason can be useful for protection, or a mid to late game Spectra Ward once Light-Paws is up to strength and has a double strike effect from Battle Mastery / Duelist's Heritage, Spectra Ward shuts the door for new auras to attach, but the already attached auras remain on Light-Paws. Mantle of the Ancients is good recursion and also boosts Light-Paws.

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