Ebony Owl Netsuke


At the beginning of each opponent's upkeep, if that player has seven or more cards in hand, Ebony Owl Netsuke deals 4 damage to him or her.

keizerbuns on You want more cards? You can’t handle more cards!

5 months ago

Thanks for the suggestion to_regatha_and_beyond! I have already considered using Spiteful Visions as an additional way to deal damage, but the problem I have with it is that it costs slightly too much mana and I don't like that the damage hits me too.

Theoretically it would be a great card to use since I should be out damaging my opponent since I would also be running Ebony Owl Netsuke and Runeflare Trap alongside it, but I feel like having a card that hurts everyone equally with each card draw wouldn't put me ahead of my opponents as much as I would like, and in some circumstances that could cost me the game. I'll try playtesting it though to see if it's better than I think it is.

Thanks again for the suggestion!

legendofa on Help me torture

1 year ago

Hand = hurting: Black Vise, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Iron Maiden, Misers' Cage, Sword of War and Peace

Bounce: Blood Clock, Crystal Shard, Surgical Skullbomb, Umbilicus

Standard stax/tax effects: Smokestack, Tangle Wire, Winter Orb, Thorn of Amethyst, God-Pharaoh's Statue, Damping Sphere, Trinisphere, Sphere of Resistance, Cursed Totem, Static Orb, Meekstone, Norn's Annex, Mindlock Orb

Artifact creatures with these effects: Viseling, Neurok Replica, Esper Sentinel

Pulled mostly from EDHrec, and I only hit the highlights. https://edhrec.com/themes/stax

K4nkato on You draw you lose

1 year ago

Very silly deck. Weird to see Howling Mine without Ebony Owl Netsuke but it works here.

xstaticx on Lover of Shiny Things [A Primer]

2 years ago

Played a game at an LGS on Sunday. First time playing the deck. Only 4 players there and one had to leave early. Can't say the game was high quality. Faced a Yurlok and a Niv Mizzet. Niv player was new to EDH and pretty much net-decked and and then had a lot of difficulty tracking his triggers with Veyran, Voice of Duality and Harmonic Prodigy on the field. The deck had insane ways to control the board if I wanted to, but didn't want to ruin his experience as he's new. Still, was able to make some observations.

I knew the land count was low so I bumped that up to a more reasonable 36. Will have to observe how well that works since we have such high average CMC. Spawnbroker was a a dud. I have low power creatures in this list and couldn't swap for anything useful. Moderation seemed decent, but once you're over that hurdle of the first few turns, you really start to feel sluggish with its limitations. Planar Guide costs too much and is telegraphed. Ebony Owl Netsuke was cute against the Niv player and knocked him out, but was pretty lackluster. Iron Maiden fills this slot nicely.

Perplexing Chimera was game-warping. This card singlehandedly caused mayhem until people coordinated to get rid of it. Great card.

Additions: A land Djinn of Infinite Deceits Juxtapose Phantom Steed Order of Succession

Cuts: - Archaeomancer - Ebony Owl Netsuke - Paradoxical Outcome - Planar Guide - Spawnbroker

DBCooper on Let the Feast Begin

2 years ago

Bloodgift Demon, Ebony Owl Netsuke, and Teferi's Puzzle Box may be fun suggestions worth considering. Great deck!

KBK7101 on Kami Sama

2 years ago

It's just for opponents but it fits with the Kami himself, Ebony Owl Netsuke, Font of Mythos, Howling Mine and others to just force feed your opponents to death. It's a double edged sword, true, but you might be able to mill them out before milling yourself out sometimes.

NicodaPico on Kwain, wanna see real speed?

3 years ago

you should add Ebony Owl Netsuke , Psychosis Crawler , Viseling , Black Vise , Iron Maiden , Uba Mask to stop them from using the counterspells they drew, Psychic Possession , Archmage Ascension is pretty cool too.

really punish your opponents for drawing tons of cards. make them really regret drawing kwains cards.

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