Ebony Horse

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Oldschool 93/94 Legal
Pauper Legal
Pauper Duel Commander Legal
Pauper EDH Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Ebony Horse


, : Untap target attacking creature you control. Prevent all combat damage that would be dealt to and dealt by that creature this turn.

carpecanum on The Dragon's Hoard

1 year ago

Dragon Hatchling, Sword Coast Sailor

Ebony Horse and (more expensive) Maze of Ith because all you have to do is attack and then pull back something that was going to be smooshed by a blocker.

VoxLight on EDH Pauper Chakram

4 years ago

Ruffigan says... I don't know if you know about the Banishing Knack combo, but you can use that card or Retraction Helix on Chakram Retriever to > bounce an artifact or creature that costs 0 Mana to get infinite ETB triggers. Useful with cards like Impact Tremors to kill the table at once.

Honestly, I didn't know about that combo. It's crazy to see an infinite like that! One of the neat combos I do have in this deck is a psuedo-Cyclonic Rift in the form of Horseshoe Crab, Freed from the Real, and the all powerful Retraction Helix. But I think adding Banishing Knack along with some bounce spells might help this deck find the cards it needs. Freed from the Real is more of less the holy grail to equip to Chakram Slinger. I'm also still updating the decklist. I will probably remove Ebony Horse and some of the panoramas in favor of more basics and maybe a few haste cards just to help speed it up a bit. Both commanders take until turn 6 to get out without missing a land drop. So draw spells are critical and so is speedy ramp. Basically you don't want to be able to draw a card that doesn't help in this deck because of it's slow speed.

Zieo333 on The Chamberlain

5 years ago

Also, found some more cards that might interest you: Asphyxiate, Ebony Horse, possibly Magewright's Stone if combined with something else, Thornbite Staff and possibly Voltaic Construct

Hi_diddly_ho_neighbor on Emmara, Soul of the Accord

5 years ago

I am glad to see other Emmara decks start to pop up. I think far too many people are sleeping on her as a commander. Here are some suggestions:

Reconnaissance is one of the best untap spells out there. Maze of Ith is another good option to both protect yourself and untap/save a creature during combat. Jandor's Saddlebags or Ebony Horse are other options.

Divine Visitation is busted with Emmara as each of your 1/1's are now Serra Angels.

Stonybrook Schoolmaster gives you an second Emmara in case she becomes too difficult to cast.

I am a big fan of Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist in a list that can tap and untap her at will.

Chaining Secure the Wastes into March of the Multitudes could be pretty fun.

Heroic Intervention should be in just about every green deck now.

Gavony Township and Shalai, Voice of Plenty are both great late game mana sinks and Shalai protects your board.

+1 and good luck deck building!

carpecanum on Horsies Galor

5 years ago

Mesa Pegasus, Ebony Horse and Akroan Horse. Soul Foundry

Nightmare will probably be an expensive 2/2 most games unfortunately.

Would your friend think shapeshifters are cheating? Or creatures with Horsemanship? Or Flanking?

LostDragon01 on Siren of the Silent Discard - PDH

6 years ago

I like that you use interesting cards. Its look like you prepared for everything on the table.

Im busy to tapping my general in Disciple of Deceit - Combos PDH too. There is way much spells that can help you. Hidden Strings is my favorite. You can untap Siren three times in turn with it!
Also, notable cards is Ebony Horse and Mobile Garrison (that have exact 2 crew!).
And for sure, dont forget to add Survivors' Encampment and Holdout Settlement for extra tap each turn.

ElementalEd on

7 years ago

Hey, Thought I would comment back. Thanks for the upvote on budget list.

As for this deck, unfortunately I don't have to much time to really think about it, but I'll give you my preliminary thoughts:

Cards I would consider trading out.

Ebony Horse for Reconnaissance: Its the same effect you are looking for, Except all creatures gain the benefit.

You have a lot of untap effects for how little your things can tap. (Maybe I am missing something). If I am missing something. then I would Thousand-Year Elixir. If I am not. I would add tap effects that synergize with artifacts Arcum Dagsson, Master Transmuter, Muzzio, Visionary Architect) (I am sure you probably knew about them, but thought I would mention just in case)

If you want to stay glass cannon combo then my next suggestion will be meh. But Caltrops Is a great way to deter early game aggro. Especially if your meta catches on how combo heavy you are.

If you are fairly consistent at infinite mana. Whir of Invention & Memnarch are pretty good at closing out a game.

Lastly, tutors will obviously help with consistency. I know some people (myself included), don't like to include them if they can, so that may be the reason why they aren't there. Trinket Mage, Fabricate, Kuldotha Forgemaster are favorites of mine to close out a game. But I totally understand not including them.

I will have to play test the deck sometime. Sorry if i missed anything obvious, I kinda rushed this review.

Thanks again!

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