Dwarven Ruins

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Format Legality
1v1 Commander Legal
Archenemy Legal
Canadian Highlander Legal
Casual Legal
Commander / EDH Legal
Commander: Rule 0 Legal
Custom Legal
Duel Commander Legal
Highlander Legal
Legacy Legal
Leviathan Legal
Limited Legal
Oathbreaker Legal
Planechase Legal
Premodern Legal
Quest Magic Legal
Tiny Leaders Legal
Vanguard Legal
Vintage Legal

Dwarven Ruins


Dwarven Ruins enters the battlefield tapped.

: Add to your mana pool.

, Sacrifice Dwarven Ruins: Add to your mana pool.

halanvaina on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

1 week ago

All right I updated the deck more over the past while.

Added Feldon's Cane to try to keep a grip on the late game. Took out Book Burning since it seemed to have too little impact on the game, at least compared to other things in the list. Took out Mogg Bombers for Lavaborn Muse for repeatable damage. Still going to keep the two beaters in the deck, but Took out Butcher Orgg for Kamahl, Pit Fighter. The fact he can tap to do a lighting bolt is better than the former. Another addition is Devastating Dreams as the finisher. Cards like Jayemdae Tome and (hopefully) Browbeat will draw me enough cards, and might even luck out & shuffle my graveyard into my libary afterward.

While I do agree with opponents choosing two different options a terrible idea most of the time, the thing is with damage and fairly low cmc means that eventually your opponent will just have to do what I want. It's not like Library of Lat-Nam, where its too expensive to play too much, and it's always going to be the far worse option. Least the way I see it. Also I'm going to replace Dwarven Ruins with Balduvian Trading Post when i can. Thing that sucks is I already ordered the cards before these recent revisions. So I guess I'll live with it until I see one. Same goes for the most of the other replacements.

wallisface on Mono Red Control/Mill (Premodern)

1 month ago

Again, i’m not familiar with premodern, but to reply to your comment:

  • I did look through the deck and check the mana-costs. 6 one-mana cards is on the low side and means a decent chunk of time (46%) you’ll have nothing to do turn 1, meaning you’re effectively starting a full turn behind your opponent. Having 12 cards above 3 mana seems like a LOT - that’s 20% of your deck! In both the formats i’m familiar with (pioneer and modern) I wouldn’t dare run even half this number of high-costing cards.

  • yes Dwarven Ruins and Sandstone Needle add a little more mana, but at a pretty high cost of not sticking around. You need whatever they cast to be extremely high-impact, or you’ll end up losing the grind. Personally, having 8 of your 23 lands being extremely temporary makes me skeptical the deck could survive any game that goes long.

  • Avatar of Fury’s cost reduction might as well not exist. How often will an opponent have 7 lands? Assuming an average deck runs around 22, it’s not until sometime after turn 11… I don’t know any format that goes that long.

  • i’m not sure how letting your opponents choose modes on cards is anything other than them controlling you… you have no say in how your cards resolve and they have all the power. That feels like the opposite of control.

I get you’re trying to make something new. I am only offering an unbiased opinion - which is something you can take-and-build-on, or ignore (or something in-between). I will say, as someone who does a lot of brewing myself, that any brew typically has to go through a LOT of iterations, playtesting, and feedback, before it’ll be in a state where it can reliably compete with the meta. Good luck on your journey!

duchessCretina on Red Dragons

2 years ago

Hi, I mean this in the most constructive way:

i think that I know of some lands that may help you ramp in case you want to:

These can serve as ramp in a pinch (except for sandstone, which dies in 2 usages).

Do you really need Crucible of Fire? It seems that dragons are already powerful on their own and that these slots could be used for something else.

There is also a land that I think may help you more, which is Ghitu Encampment. The first strike 2/1 can be more versatile. The utility lands you chose seem to be more dedicated to offense, but that's not always going to be the case.

Tears of Valakut can also only target flying threats... wouldnt it be better to have something that kills a wider range of creatures? Like Dead / Gone, maybe? Or Fire Prophecy, which may allow you to "cycle" an unwanted card.

And in case you are in a pinch, maybe use a card like Pyroclasm or Sweltering Suns (and I just noticed it may help activate the Dragon Eggs).

Idk about the price, but the "spell lands" also seem a bit helpful: Spikefield Hazard  Flip, Valakut Awakening  Flip.

Sarkhan, Fireblood, Sarkhan, the Dragonspeaker and Sarkhan, Dragonsoul also seem interesting... Sarkhan's Triumph too.

There are too many Dragon-related cards to choose from @_@

also, maybe try cutting the deck down to 60, it'll make it more consistent (22 lands for 70 cards isn't enough)...

If you could manage to use only odd-cost cards, could even use Obosh, the Preypiercer as a companion

DemMeowsephs on We Lit the Fire and it's Burning Bright

3 years ago

Hey there! Some ramp you may want to consider are Commander's Sphere, Dockside Extortionist, Extraplanar Lens, Geosurge, Irencrag Feat, (If you can afford it maybe a Jeweled Lotus for Chandra?) Lotus Petal, Mana Flare, Mind Stone, Seething Song, Simian Spirit Guide, and especially Treasonous Ogre. I also find that including a Crystal Vein/Dwarven Ruins can be super beneficial, as would a Strip Mine/Wasteland!! Ramp is super important, and even if some of these don't work for you, I think some of them could definitely be switched in for some stuff you have now! Hope this helps, and have a great day!!

DemMeowsephs on Lathliss, Ramp Queen

3 years ago

Ah yes, ramp in mono-red! In one of my primers (also mono-red) I also found many ramp cards in red, and here I might have a few that could improve the deck while staying in budget! I'm afraid there aren't that many, but I would certainly think about including Commander's Sphere, and DEFINITELY Treasonous Ogre for within budget, and maybe Seething Song, and Simian Spirit Guide for slightly out of budget! Also, you might find that Crystal Vein and Dwarven Ruins works pretty well instead of some basics! Also nice idea with Irencrag Feat to be honest I didn't even know it existed, and it will definitely be entering my deck stated previously! Hope this helps, seems like a cool solid deck, and good luck on it! Have a nice evening!

DemMeowsephs on Rograhk, Friend of Jeska - BUDGET

3 years ago

Hey there! I might have a few suggestions on ways to improve the ramp section whilst staying within budget. First off, I don't think you would consider this ramp, but as it will help get rid of some costs I figured you might like it: Brass Squire. You run 16+ equipment spells and if they are a big part of the deck, brass might do well. Hammer of Nazahn might be a bit out of your budget, but if you are willing to spend it, just like brass squire it could work quite well indeed. Treasonous Ogre is also super cheap but allows you to get at least ten red mana if you wanted to if not more, allowing you to possibly get everything you need out before winning! Simian Spirit Guide isn't as powerful, but can act as a sort of cheaper Lotus Petal in mono-red, thus it could be pretty good. Geosurge is like seething song, and I think it could work much better than Rite of Flame. Rite of flame literally costs one and gives you to, meaning its giving you one mana. But you could have had that one mana from just tapping a land. So I would definitely cut it since you can only have one copy. As for lands, I would certainly recommend a Dwarven Ruins and a Crystal Vein! Hope this helps, good luck on your deck, and have a wonderful day! Happy tapping!

TriusMalarky on Márton Stromgald | EDH [Primer]

3 years ago

I'd definitely cut Temple, this deck seems too aggressive for it to be worthwhile. If you really want double-mana lands, try

Ancient Tomb if you have cash

Dwarven Ruins

Balduvian Trading Post(although it's really not a double mana land....)

Sandstone Needle

Other than that, maybe try going heavier into the Goblin theme. There are a lot of goblin token generators, and Goblin synergy is often better than straight token synergy.

Consider cutting Emrakul's Hatcher, Hanweir Garrison, Scampering Scorcher for things like Goblin Rabblemaster, Goblin Piledriver, and Goblin Trashmaster.

Additionally, lots of goblin synergy turns Shared Animosity into a win con. With Animosity or Marton, Breath of Fury becomes a straight win condition with enough tokens. Just slap it on your tokens and they'll get bigger with each swing.

PlutoniumWedding on Perv”R”Us, the Fat Sling (EDH)

3 years ago

If you're happy with Dwarven Ruins and Crystal Vein you might be interested in Sandstone Needle. It doesn't have the option not to sac, but it's a faster Purphy.

I'd also consider Miren, the Moaning Well since you have a lot of fatties that are going to die anyway, but the usefulness of the life gain obviously depends on your meta.

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