Dual Shot


Dual Shot deals 1 damage to each of up to two target creatures.

Macaronigrill5150 on Heroic Test Build

10 months ago

Balaam__ I had no idea that you had a heroic deck, I will definitely take a look at it and see if there is any cool ideas that you had and maybe I will add a few, but we will see. And yeah it definitely needed more creature cards than what I had before, and looks a lot better, I think the card you were thinking of was Dual Shot, it kind of worked but not really. Regardless thanks for the upvote and comment I always appreciate it!

Apollo_Paladin on Rakdos Menace (MTG Arena Build)

1 year ago

@ enraged

Hey, glad you liked the build. It's quite a fun one to play.

On your suggestions, I've already looked over every single 1-mana burn spell legal in the format and End the Festivities, Blazing Volley, and Dual Shot are unquestionably the best options to pair with Pestilent Spirit (In that order, too). If I need Instant speed, I don't see a value in Spikefield Hazard when I could just as easily Dual Shot. Mana isn't even close to a struggle in this build as it's all quite low cost, and I already have 4x Goldhound in there just in case things get really dire, so I don't ever see the Land side being used either.

The Neonate isn't bad at all, but I don't know what I'd drop to put her in honestly. My other 1-drop Menace creatures all have pretty well-definited versatility within the build (Goldhounds for mana, Valentin for converting destruction to exile), compared to Card Draw - which while nice - is nowhere near as predictable a benefit overall.

Lastly, I toyed with Rampaging Ferocidon for a while when I first built the deck, but anymore he's just not anywhere near as threatening as other 3-drop creatures. I ended up with Pestilent Spirit as my 3-drop, but I used to run Sonorous Howlbonder, who for all intents and purposes makes large chunks of my deck simply unblockable. So, that's the standard I'm comparing against currently for 3-drops. Figure in the fact that the Ferocidon punishes Creature spells (and I run mostly Creatures myself) and this feels like it'd just be working against my own Lifelink most of the time. I can fill the same overall function with Knight of Dusk's Shadow now; for less mana, and no downsides to me.

I do appreciate the interest and suggestions though, and I'd be happy to hear if you have some additional thoughts that maybe I've overlooked.

Either way, Cheers!

Apollo_Paladin on Rakdos Menace (MTG Arena Build)

2 years ago

Hey, awesome suggestion Gingervitis! I'm definitely going to give Pestilent Spirit a try in here. Maybe I'll just kick End the Festivities up to a x4 count instead of x2, since that and Blazing Volley seem like they'd be the best cards in the format to pair with him.

If I need direct damage to creatures at Instant speed, I think I'd probably go with Dual Shot over Spikefield Hazard but I'm going to give it a shot as-is before I start making tons of swaps.

Good looking out!

TheVectornaut on Red Green Dinos

3 years ago

It's worth noting that when transitioning from standard to modern, a lot of cards that seem like powerful contributors to a tribe end up being worse than non-tribal counterparts. For instance, Thunderherd Migration is probably better than the standard alternative Beneath the Sands , but it's probably worse than Rampant Growth , Cultivate , or maybe Sylvan Scrying with the right nonbasic to fetch. Drover of the Mighty is another that seems strong as a 3/3, but if you're tapping it for mana most of the time anyway, something like Birds of Paradise , Arbor Elf , Joraga Treespeaker , Incubation Druid , Whisperer of the Wilds , or Ilysian Caryatid might be more efficient. The only other suggestion I have is to consider adding ways to recurrently trigger enrage. Forerunner of the Empire is a pretty common option, but I can also see Pyrohemia , Harbinger of the Hunt , Raging Regisaur , Spikeshot Elder , or Power of Fire being used with varying pros and cons. Some enrage lists I see also make use of damage trigger shenanigans on cards like Arcbond and Rite of Passage . A possible cut could be Shifting Ceratops since it's generally more of a sideboard card. Otherwise, I'd cut any enrage trigger that isn't either repeatable or very cheap. Reckless Rage is great, but Tilonalli's Crown could just as easily be Dual Shot or something to that effect. A final note I'd make is that you may be able to take advantage of some of the bigger enrage dinos like Snapping Sailback and Silverclad Ferocidons . I wouldn't normally recommend them, however, Etali and a lot of ramp go a long way toward making them viable.

melly on Dinosaurs Enrage (Rivals of Ixalan)

4 years ago

Dual Shot for Enrage trigger?

Yesterday on Why does Cone of Flame …

4 years ago

So this came up just recently in another thread that I didn't want to derail. Dual Shot deals one instance of damage to either one creature or two different creatures. Fireball deals one instance of damage regardless of the number of targets. Cone of Flame deals three instances of damage to three different creatures, despite the fact that the text explaining the effects of the card aren't separated across different sentences or by the word 'then'.

I understand this, and when it came up it made logical sense to me, but I found that I couldn't explain it to my imaginary friend in actual words. Is there a specific ruling somebody could share with me that explains it? Is it just also the case that things happen in sequencial order when separated with commas?

yeewary on Feather, Honorary Storm Crow

5 years ago

Hey Is really Dual Shot that usefull? What are the best uses for it ?

McToters on Feather, Jank Redeemed

5 years ago

ZendikariWol Hey thanks for all that! WOW, so to start off thanks for the spellcheck. I did that part in a rush and haven’t been able to put all my attention into setting this deck up here yet. They’re fixed now!

Now for the suggestions: I don’t see how Cathar's Companion is strictly worse than Seeker of the Way only because they’re doing different things off of casting the non-creature spell. With the companion I like the idea of making it indestructible to add extra protection against board wipes. Though I will agree to see that it isn’t very game-changing. It’s just a measly 3/1 for 3. I’m not stuck to keeping it, but maybe you can convince me to take it out! This deck is mostly jank anyway.

Flamewright and Assemble the Legion are in mainly to interact with the Path to Exile combo where I can target my own creatures while Feather is out and ramp every turn. Or use Swords to Plowshares to gain 1 life a turn lol. That one is a weak trade-off but Path is excellent, especially for ramp in Boros. If you have better synergistic ideas for me to utilize Path I’m all ears!

I will definitely be taking out Radiate for Zada, Hedron Grinder though. That is a fantastic point. As well as I expect to replace Dual Shot , Lithomancer's Focus , and Kindled Fury once I come across better cards. Same with Onward / Victory and Orim's Touch .

Oh and unless I’m reading it wrong Shower of Coals is 6 damage for 5, or with threshold, 12 damage for 5–which probably still isnt the best but I’ll see how it runs for a while.

I’m going to check out your deck now to see what I should be running in place of some of the weaker jank I’m playing. I’m always down to hear more suggestions if you have them!

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