Dual Nature


Whenever a nontoken creature enters the battlefield, its controller puts a token into play as a copy of that creature.

Whenever a nontoken creature leaves the battlefield, remove all tokens with the same name as that creature from the game.

When Dual Nature leaves the battlefield, remove all tokens put into play with Dual Nature from the game.

lcarl3035 on ETB EDH IDK

1 year ago

UncleLucky Thanks for the sugestions! Definitely putting in Dual Nature, Bramble Sovereign, Replication Technique, and Precursor Golem in.

Not sure about Thousand-Faced Shadow, though, because usually in other decks it has just died as a chump blocker early game as I have never achieved a good enough board state for it to be useful.

Scute Swarm was overlooked because I thought Yarok, the Desecrated said "creature or artifact," rather than permanent. That makes Avenger of Zendikar even easier to win with and opens up landfall possibilities.

Rite of Replication I don't like because it says "creature," rather than permanent, which means I can't copy lands for ramp or Panharmonicon.

Necroduality would only be good with Maskwood Nexus, which is hard to set up.

UncleLucky on ETB EDH IDK

1 year ago

Absolutely love the Wizard tribal subtheme here. Kudos. You could lean into clone tokens to really get some huge ETB triggers:

  • Dual Nature would make the game wild, giving two copies of every creature played, including your opponents. With your general, Naban, or Panharmonicon, each ETB trigger would effectively happen SIX times.
  • Minion Reflector and Bramble Sovereign are a little safer than Dual Nature, but require a little extra mana for each trigger. But getting more than one of these effects on the field will quickly overwhelm your opponents.
  • Necroduality is another copier once Maskwood Nexus is up. Unsure if it'd be worth it otherwise though.
  • Elvish Hydromancer and Thousand-Faced Shadow give ETB cloning tokens for some fun chain reactions.
  • Replication Technique can copy your ETB creatures but also make copies of Panharmonicon or other enablers.
  • Rite of Replication is just nuts if you kick it on a Priest of Gix or anything else really.
  • Precursor Golem can generate a ton of bodies and be a great target for your own buffs or shenanigans if you add stuff above.
  • Scute Swarm will quickly get out of control once you start making copies of itself. Each land effectively triples your total number of Scute Swarm after 6 lands.

BishopAtavist on "Don't send a spell to do a creature's job" Meren

1 year ago

As long as we're talking about Faceless Butcher if you have Dual Nature on the board when you cast him, and you stack the triggers right, you can pretty much exile all your opponents creatures and/or blink all of your creatures that have ETB effects. Putting that into a Glissa, the Traitor deck I'm working on :)

bushido_man96 on Who wants some keyword soup?

2 years ago

Oriq Loremage is a tutor you should consider. Very good here, and very budget. Skirge Familiar is a good creature for dumping creatures into your graveyard and ramping for it.

It does appear that you could use some more card draw. I'd cut Selective Adaptation for something like Rishkar's Expertise. Minion Reflector seems ok, but I don't think it's what you want to do here. But, if it's an effect you'd like more of, Dual Nature might fit the bill.

FalconForce on Staring Contest: A List of Blink-Effect Cards

2 years ago

Nightmare Shepherd is one of the best as it adds a lot of functionality with no upfront cost and allows you to exploit sacrifice mechanics like evoke. Creating token clones with etb/ltb can easily become overpowered, especially when combined with populate. In fact I built a great ETB Roon EDH deck around it using cards like Yosei, the Morning Star, Protean Hulk and Wayfaring Temples that clone themselves. Token clone generation is amazing because it's essentially ETB blinking as a side effect. You have some cards that do it already listed under abuse but I think the mechanic is good enough and has enough viable cards that it might be worth making a new category for it.

Token clone makers

Stolen Identity Blade of Selves Mirror Mockery Zndrsplt's Judgment Repudiate / Replicate Hour of Eternity Supplant Form Dance of Many Minion Reflector Bramble Sovereign Progenitor Mimic Anointed Procession Quasiduplicate Rhys the Redeemed Back from the Brink Dual Nature Mimic Vat Rite of Replication Song of the Worldsoul Helm of the Host Doubling Season Parallel Lives Battle for Bretagard Mechanized Production Orvar, the All-Form Prototype Portal Saheeli, the Gifted Saheeli's Artistry Seance Second Harvest Soul Foundry Spitting Image Splinter Twin Replication Technique Saheeli Rai Mirror March Mirrorworks Molten Echoes Mythos of Illuna Sublime Epiphany Flamerush Rider Felhide Spiritbinder Littjara Mirrorlake God-Pharaoh's Gift Hofri Ghostforge Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker Followed Footsteps Nightmare Shepherd Osgir, the Reconstructor Echo Storm Cackling Counterpart Esika's Chariot Feldon of the Third Path Flameshadow Conjuring Trickster's Talisman & of course anything with populate.

Also some other blink type cards:

Blink-Yorion, Sky Nomad Conditional bounce- Cunning Evasion ETB clone- Wall of Stolen Identity Graveyard blink- Cauldron of Souls, Twilight Shepherd, Adarkar Valkyrie ETB Abuse- Jalira, Master Polymorphist, Proteus Staff, Master Transmuter. Listing the ones that specifically clone or blink artifacts in their own group might be helpful too.

KIRK77 on Atla, Mother of all Big Shit.

3 years ago

Looks pretty sweet! It looks like you've got a fair amount of populate in the deck and if you're winning most of your games with this deck I'd imagine atla gets targeted for removal quite a bit. A couple other things besides eggs that would be cool to populate might be Dual Nature (all your opponents get this too but I think you'll probably have the bigger creatures), Ancient Stone Idol, Godsire, or Quartzwood Crasher.

Another spicy include might be Mirror Entity, if the board is about to be wiped and you don't have avacyn you can pay 1 mana into it to make everything an egg and be miles ahead of everyone else with a brand new loaded board. I'd also always recommend 2 board wipes in almost any deck

I don't know if you feel that card draw is an issue but if you do then Rishkar's Expertise seems perfect for this deck

KIRK77 on Naya

4 years ago

Looks like a sweet deck! I really like all the changes you made to it, I think they're totally worth it. A couple cards to look at might be Dual Nature, Minion Reflector, or Flameshadow Conjuring. I think you have some great creatures in here that would be great to have a token copy of, and even if you can't populate it right then you at least get to keep the 5/5 token from stuff like Armada Wurm

I don't know if you've seen the new Quartzwood Crasher from the new set but i feel like it was made for this deck

I also think that Song of the Worldsoul is a really good card and maybe it's worth adding it back in. I've never played with it so if it wasn't preforming well for you then don't

If you want more card suggestions or any hot takes on cards just let me know, I've got a lot of free time with everything going on ;)

KIRK77 on Roon of the Hidden Realm EDH Deck

4 years ago

Well it's easy to tell it's not your first deck ever though. You've got a few cool synergies and it looks like you know all the necessities to have a fully functioning deck. Since roon can only flicker one thing at a time and your deck is full of etb creatures I think it would be beneficial to get multiple triggers at once like Ghostway, Lumbering Battlement... (I see you have a couple other ways to flicker but I think it's probably gonna be something you want every game) You also might want to look at some more support style cards to get more value off of flickering something like Cream of the Crop, Dual Nature, Bramble Sovereign... Some other creatures you might want to consider would be God-Eternal Rhonas, Apex Altisaur, Seedborn Muse And lastly your creatures are very expensive to cast so you might want ot explore ways to cheat them out like Scroll of Fate. If you flicker the face down creature it will enter face up ;)

If you want any suggestions on what I would look at cutting feel free to let me know, I usually don't suggest any since people tend to get mad

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